Prior to his Home Run Derby victory last night, Red Sox designated hitter David Ortiz implied he wants a multiyear deal. Talking to ESPN's Gordon Edes, Ortiz said:
"I don't want one year. Why should I return for one year and go through the same [stuff] I'm going through now, just because it's my last year? No. I like to be left alone when I'm playing baseball. I know how to clean my [stuff] up."
Even with Ortiz's strong production since May, it's difficult to envision the Red Sox offering two guaranteed years. The first order of business will be his $12.5MM option for 2011, which will almost surely be declined. I don't think he'll reach a $10MM base salary again. It's well-known Ortiz wants to remain in Boston, so perhaps he'll be amenable to a lower salary and a second-year option similar to that given to Jason Varitek before the '09 season. The Red Sox might prefer flexibility with their DH spot for 2012, however.
I agree 100% Tim on this.
Still love how Boston fans think this guy is going to take a pay cut when Theo doesn’t pick up the option and won’t give him 10 million.
I’m telling you, he’ll be playing in Toronto, Baltimore or Oakland next season.
The Red Sox would be morons to pick up that option, let alone consider a multi-year deal with this guy.
If you haven’t realized he received a fresh supply of Dominican milkshakes then you’re clueless.
I’m still waiting for his personal investigation to end into why he tested positive for PED’s in 2003. It seems like he and OJ have the same investigation skills.
I think it’s more likely he plays for the BoSox for free than sign with any of those teams. If there’s anything we know about Ortiz, it’s that he loves to be in the lime light. He won’t get the same attention he gets in Boston in any of those 3 cities. Also, what makes you so certain he won’t take a pay cut? I wouldn’t be surprised if he walks for more money, but I also wouldn’t be surprised to see a 2 year deal worth less than 10m signed. The fact is no one but Ortiz knows what he will do. He never talks about his intentions, nor does he hint at anything through his actions or demeanor. I think you have him pegged as the typical egotistical, money hungry has-been without any evidence to back it up. If anything, the only assumption you could make is that he feels like he owes Boston for his failures last year. He was his toughest critic when the entire city of Boston was calling for his head.
Also, while you haven’t come out and said it, I’m willing to guess you’re a Yankee fan? The hatred for the Sox is spewing throughout your post. If this is the case, or even if it’s not, why are you still harping on his apparent ‘roid use? I think it’s about time you realize that the majority used ‘roids at some point in their career. Ortiz is no exception and every players accomplishments should be held with the same level of scrutiny as the next.
Many people, not all Yankee fans, hate Ortiz and for valid reasons. He lied right in the face of a positive test (even A-Rod didn’t do that) and his whole press conference inspired hate in many, including me. I’m not a Yankee fan.
I agree, he should have come clean just like ARod and the rest of the scapegoats. But I don’t think it’s fair to vilify anyone for simply playing baseball during the steroids era. I honestly wish MLB did a better job of eliminating steroids in baseball quietly. It was, and still may be, too prevelant to single out players just because they happened to be in their prime during the era.
But to get back to the topic of Ortiz and his extension hopes…what player on the back 9 of their career wouldn’t want a multi-year contract?
I understand Ortiz’s desires for a multi-year, especially with the criticism he receives, but I just don’t see it happening. Did we even see one signing of a DH for longer than 1 year last offseason?
No, but then again every FA DH was either returning from injury or had questionable injuries last year. I wouldn’t be surprised either way. While it’s tough to compare the two, I wouldn’t be surprised to see a “Jeter-esque” contract. In other words, a 2 or 3 year deal that doesn’t really make sense, baseball wise, but keeps a franchise icon in the city through their retirement. Part of me wants it to happen, but the other part of me wants the BoSox to rid themselves of one of their seemingly ongoing headaches and gain some stability in the DH spot.
Papi brings no other skill set (except merchandising revenue) other than HR’s and doubles. If he isnt hitting he is just a spot on the 25 man roster. I doubt we see Ortiz back in Boston . I think the Red Sox DH position is going to be rotating door due to a need for flexibility. Boston has 1 (if not 2) new 1B/3B/DH type persons in their future.
If Papi is resigned by BOS it’ll be for CHEAP money so if he slumps early they can trade/DFA without too much of a hit to the wallet.
It only takes a few signings to begin a trend. For example, Ryan Howard got a 5 year 125 million dollar deal. Now Pujols, Fielder, Gonzalez, and company whose agents think their player is better than Howard are going to begin commanding over 25 mil a year and more than 5 years. This offseason of signing DHs will give leverage to the teams, not the players, since they’re going to base their deals off the ones Matsui and Vlad got, regardless if they were hurt (Nick Johnson wasn’t btw)
I agree. And this is likely why a salary cap will have to be implemented in the new collective bargaining agreement. Revenue sharing has become a joke and almost a mini-crime ring among cheap owners.
I agree. And this is likely why a salary cap will have to be implemented in the new collective bargaining agreement. Revenue sharing has become a joke and almost a mini-crime ring among cheap owners.
The thing is that nobody knows what he tested positive for – even Ortiz. It could have been an absolutely legal supplement sold over the counter at GNC and wasn’t yet banned by MLB. Sure, it could have been steroids too but whatever happened to being innocent until proven guilty?
You really believe Ortiz doesn’t know what he took? Come on. The guy had a mock press conference in which he said nothing and that he’s searching for answers and he’ll get back to us.
He’s just waiting the fans and the media out, and it looks like he’s winning. ARod’s stuff comes out, and the media blasts him and demands he gives every possible detail. Reporters go to his home to get answers, fly down to DR to find his cousin, fly down to DR to try to buy some ‘boli’, etc.
Ortiz’s stuff comes out, and he goes “I’ll get back to you” and the media goes “ok”.
ARod and Ortiz are completely different though. While I do find it almost humorous how much the media can sway public opinion, ARod was, and still may be, the best player in the game. Ortiz was never at the top of the game. The significance of his supposed steroid use was far less. If anything, I think people almost quietly expected it from Ortiz. It was a complete shock when ARod came got caught/came clean.
Really ?!?!?!………hmmm A-rod goes from scrawny kid to a built-up machine and Papi went from tall and fat to tall and fat……….A-ROD on steriods WAS OBVIOUS
Go look at a pictures of 18 year old kids drafted 5 years ago, and then get an updated picture of them. Guarantee 99% of them will no longer be 6’3 160lbs.
As much as I’d like him to be, A-Rod is definitely no longer the best player in the game.
Well, we know for sure he ain’t on steriods now, cuz he’s passed his random testing consistently for years, and he’s still hitting around 30 HR’s per season. So the evidence that we can objectively see tends to disprove the theory that David was hyped up on Roids. I do genuinely believe that David does not know what supplements he took. I could be wrong. But he seems sincere and the numbers are fairly consistent.
He’s sincere because he’s Ortiz, and he smiles and says “Come on, I’m Papi, you know me.” No other reason.
If ARod said, “I dont know what I took guys, let me do some research and I’ll back to you” and then NEVER got back to you- would he seem sincere?
A-Rod does not have a clean track record, though.
Neither does Ortiz.I’d bet my life on the fact he’s hopped up on HGH right now. The guy’s head is the size of a boulder. He wasn’t going to heal from the wrist injuries at his age without the help of some HGH. Physically, he is not the same player he was in the early part of the season. It’s not out of the realm of possiblity that after the random spring training tests, he got on something that has given him his mojo back. You want to pretend he’s some ambassador of the game, go right ahead. But anyone without red colored glasses can see that he was cheating his way to baseball legend. And his whole, “I’ll get to the bottom of this” nonsense after getting caught was an insult to all of us. Arod’s no saint and I’m sure he lied about the extent of what he used, but at least he didn’t pull that lame trick.
Dicky, you might wanna stay very close to a hospital then. Betting your life on that is a loser. MLB tests for HGH, and Ortiz has passed every random test given to him in the last 5 years. I’m not trying to say he’s an angel, but you definitely shouldn’t bet your life on your guess based on the size of his head.
MLB does NOT currently test for HGH, because according to MLB/Players Union there is no reliable urine test for the drug. The players union will/has not agreed to blood testing for HGH or any drug.
I believe you and Dicky are incorrect. Paragraph 1, Part D, Section 2B of the MLB Joint Drug Agreement classifies HGH as a anabolic steroid (see item 45) which is further defined as a banned and tested-for substance. When the parties transferred all urine collection responsibilities to World Anti-Doping Agency facilities in May of 2004, all doubts about urine collection techniques, testing techniques and security were removed.
HGH is infact a banned substance but I can almost guarantee you that they do not currently test for in the big leagues. This article from February of this year speaks about MLB’s desire to implement an HGH testing program in the minors and then HOPES to get a similar program greenlight from the players union in the future.…
This is hoping to implement BLOOD testing in the minors and expand it to
MLB later; not urine
testing for HGH, which is already in place, albeit not in the most specific
form – using 2001
In a message dated 7/13/2010 4:54:17 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,
Scroll down in the article it states,
“A second baseball official confirmed to The Times on Tuesday that Selig will likely move to get the union’s approval to test for HGH on the Major League level.”
As a matter of fact i just contacted Will Carrol of Baseball Prospectus and he told me that NO professional sports league in america tests for HGH right now
Additionally, there has been a urine test available since 2001 for HGH. The complaint has been that it only measures the last 48 hours of exposure and that it cannot differentiate between artificial and natural sources of HGH, but the somatotropin test can and does reliably report when an excess of metabolite of HGH is present. An excess of HGH present would be grounds for additional testing under the Joint Drug Agreement. And since 2008, urine tests for HGH (developed in Italy) have been able to distinguish between artificial and natural HGH. A new test released this month can now cover up to 14 days of exposure.
MLB does not test for HGH. Ortiz and all of the Yankees, Red Sox & MLB could be on it as we speak.
See my reply to CosaOne in the same thread.
This is pure spectulation coming from a Yankees’ Fan. It couldn’t be that he actually healed and got in shape in the offseason. The slow start couldn’t possibly be because he is getting older and takes longer to get going?
Arod signed the largest contract in baseball history and then chose to go on national tv where he lied about the use of ped’s when questioned. You can bet it took a little bit more than a nudge from his employer on setting the record straight after what he took them for.
Arod signed the largest contract in baseball history and then chose to go on national tv where he lied about the use of ped’s when questioned. You can bet it took a little bit more than a nudge from his employer on setting the record straight after what he took them for.
No, as I said, the numbers imply he doesn’t do steroids, and his body-type sure looks like he doesn’t do steroids. So there are two completely objective reasons to think he’s being truthful, entirely divorced from the concept of just accepting his word and PR charm. If A-Rod weren’t such a punk and was a bit less lean and muscular, I might believe him too.
The difference Zack, and I apologize to those who read this earlier is Ortiz isn’t an arrogant self-centered egomaniac. You wont see Ortiz run right in front of the mound. You wont see him yell at a player whos about to catch a ball. You wont see him being hated by even his own teammates the way A-Rod was until last season.
Sorry but A-Rods a D-Bag. I don’t doubt his natural God-Given talent nor his work ethic. But he thinks hes better then everyone. So does Manny Ramirez. So does Carlos Zambrano. I’m not hating solely on A-Rod. I just hate that attitude, and I don’t think I’m alone.
Must admit, I always loved Mannywood and still do… Its so hard to hate him!
The difference Zack, and I apologize to those who read this earlier is Ortiz isn’t an arrogant self-centered egomaniac. You wont see Ortiz run right in front of the mound. You wont see him yell at a player whos about to catch a ball. You wont see him being hated by even his own teammates the way A-Rod was until last season.
Sorry but A-Rods a D-Bag. I don’t doubt his natural God-Given talent nor his work ethic. But he thinks hes better then everyone. So does Manny Ramirez. So does Carlos Zambrano. I’m not hating solely on A-Rod. I just hate that attitude, and I don’t think I’m alone.
Must admit, I always loved Mannywood and still do… Its so hard to hate him!
my sentiments exactly. Papis such a great face for the sport. People are just looking to point fingers and any star who’s name came up will deal with the scrutiny regardless of whether they are guilty or not.
my sentiments exactly. Papis such a great face for the sport. People are just looking to point fingers and any star who’s name came up will deal with the scrutiny regardless of whether they are guilty or not.
You cannot EVER compare the two. First of all, A-Rod was part of a big underground chain of steroid use in the Major Leagues and reality says (having played HS ball myself) that he’s been juicing since high school. Most stars do in HS, its nothing new. You can get away with it most places.
Ortiz likely did it every offseason in the dominican republic for a cycle or two until 2003. That wouldn’t surprise me at all. But theres a big difference between doin a cycle or two in the offseason, and being part of the underground steroid ring that was running rampant through baseball. Before making judgments like this, perhaps you should read Canseco’s books. He explains the difference.
You cannot EVER compare the two. First of all, A-Rod was part of a big underground chain of steroid use in the Major Leagues and reality says (having played HS ball myself) that he’s been juicing since high school. Most stars do in HS, its nothing new. You can get away with it most places.
Ortiz likely did it every offseason in the dominican republic for a cycle or two until 2003. That wouldn’t surprise me at all. But theres a big difference between doin a cycle or two in the offseason, and being part of the underground steroid ring that was running rampant through baseball. Before making judgments like this, perhaps you should read Canseco’s books. He explains the difference.
And second of all, Ortiz doesn’t act like he’s better then baseball and parade in front of pitchers mounds, yell at infielders trying to catch a ball, and A-Rod lied on 60 minutes to the entire world. Ortiz said he didn’t know. He didn’t say he didn’t do it. He’s also an advocate for suspending cheaters.
Also if you know much about foreign ballplayers who go back to their country, they trust their doctor fully. They really don’t ask many questions. So if a doc gave him a steroid to heal in the offseason, boom. Not saying thats the case, but I’m saying save your hate for those players who should be hated. Who are not a great face for baseball and who have not helped bring baseball back to prominence both on and off the field.
Where are you getting this underground steroid chain info? Naturally a Red Sox fan would say these things. As far as I’m concerned both juiced and both are probably still juicing. Unless you can convince me that A-Rod was part of this so called “chain” the the situations are very similar, except *allegedly* A-Rod juiced to begin his baseball career while Ortiz juiced when he realized he wasn’t going to be good enough without doing it. I also won’t believe a word that hack Canseco has to say.
I acknowledge that A-Rod is a douche but your next statement further proves my point. Both lied. A-Rod said he didn’t do it. Ortiz said he didn’t do it. Both did it. The advocation of suspending cheaters is a great cover up that many roiders have used already.
As for trusting their doctor, that just makes him an ignorant fool. He should know what’s going into his body, so he’s still to blame if the doctor put something in there without telling him.
Did you read vindicated? That’s where. Its got nothing to do w what team
either plays for. I could be a cincinatti fan and id feel the same
Figured you got it from there. I’m sorry about not being able to trust Canseco, but he’s just not a…decent person at all.
I kinda doubt that it doesn’t matter at all. We all have a good amount of bias towards our teams, some more than others, but we all at least have some.
Name 1 thing the mans said that wasn’t true. I agree he’s a complete peice
of S. But so far everything he has said has been true. Read the books. They
are worth a read not only because of the stars that were called out and
exactly what they did, but in his first book, he discusses how each steroid
enhances performance. They are both rly good.
Maybe I’ll have to take a look, but there’s definitely people he’s accused that haven’t done them. We just don’t know because they can’t be proven innocent. Maybe that douche knows a bunch we don’t though. I might just take a look.
It seems like I can believe you at this pretty objectively now. It’s still remarkable on the surface that someone with and inborn hate of A-Rod could be objective, but you seem to be trustworthy there. If what Canseco said about A-Rod is true, then it’s a different case from Ortiz
And I’m not saying I’m not biased. I love my sox. But I can look in from the
outside perspective to see what u see, and I’m sorry, I just don’t see the
same situation.
And believe me when I say I don’t put guys like pettite in that grp either.
He’s not a jerk. He was honest (once caught). Its not a yanks/sox thing at
all. It just sucks I’m a sox fan, so u find it hard to believe that.
And second of all, Ortiz doesn’t act like he’s better then baseball and parade in front of pitchers mounds, yell at infielders trying to catch a ball, and A-Rod lied on 60 minutes to the entire world. Ortiz said he didn’t know. He didn’t say he didn’t do it. He’s also an advocate for suspending cheaters.
Also if you know much about foreign ballplayers who go back to their country, they trust their doctor fully. They really don’t ask many questions. So if a doc gave him a steroid to heal in the offseason, boom. Not saying thats the case, but I’m saying save your hate for those players who should be hated. Who are not a great face for baseball and who have not helped bring baseball back to prominence both on and off the field.
A lot of tests can show positive results if you are taking the wrong supplements or even cold medicine. Dont write everyone off, because those tests, like many other tests, are not 100 percent reliable or valid.
That’s true, but when I watched Ortiz’ press conference I found no way to believe he was innocent.
Dude, he used to be a .280-.300 hitter. Steroids increase your strength, sure, but to do that and hit that many homers it’s all about your bat speed, battling eye, and patience. Plus, Papi’s a big guy. It’s really not unbelievable that he has enough power to hit 40 homers.
And don’t call me biased. I’m a Braves fan.
Ortiz had a .461 SLG with the Twins. He has a .577 in his time in Boston.
His last season with the Twins it was .500, first season with Boston it was .592, then over .600 for the next four seasons.
Yeah, that had nothing to do with teaming up with Manny.
Zack, are you familiar with the concept of player growth and development? Ortiz wasn’t even an everyday player in Minnesota. In his 6 years with Minnesota, he only broke 90 games played twice. He was a power hitting prospect with a big whole in his swing. The Twins gave up on him, and the BoSox gave him a chance. Furthermore, the fact that his slugging percentage was that high with the Twins makes me believe there really is a chance he didn’t take (or at least start taking) steroids with the Sox. He showed consistent improvement each year, both with the Sox and the Twins, but the area he improved the most was his OBP. Do steroids helps you draw walks too?
I am aware of natural progression. Natural progression doesn’t count for a 92 point increase in SLG in 1 offseason.”Do steroids helps you draw walks too?”They can contribute. If you suddenly SLG .600, pitchers are going to throw you more pitches out of the zone. His BB% was roughly 11.5% during his time with the Twins, it was around the same area his first 2 years with the Sox, then jumped up to 14, 17, 16, 14. He got challenged the first 2 years to have him ‘prove’ his bat was legit, then after that pitchers feared him and threw less hittable pitches.
Hanley Ramirez’s SLG % went from .480 to .562 in one off season. Until this season, it hasn’t been below .500 again. I am willing to bet that natural progression, not steroids, accounted for his astounding SLG% increase.
He started to draw walks when he closed up the hole in his swing. If you look at his at bats with the Twins, pitchers knew how to pitch to him. He had an enormous strike zone because of it. Once he came to the Sox and worked with the BoSox hitting coach, he started to hit. Pitchers were now forced to either pitch to him or pitch around him. It’s not like he was a small guy with warning track power before. He’s always been a power hitter, he just shrunk his strike zone. As far as I know, you can’t do that with steroids. While I admit he probably did take steroids, as most did, he still made the adjustments necessary to become an elite hitter.
He will take a paycut to stay in Boston IF they are willing to guarantee him a player option for 2012 at a reasonable rate. Is he going to accept a 2 year $10MM deal… No, probably not and if thats all the Sox are willing, Ortiz will be forced to move on with no hard feelings from Boston fans.
With his resurgence, if its to continue in the second half, the Sox will be very inclined to offer Ortiz perhaps something along the lines of a $6-7MM flat contract for 2011 and a $7MM team option and a $5MM player option for 2012, then Ortiz would probably take that, as if he has a monster 2011, he will still get his $7MM or so, which is as much if not more then he’d make elsewhere. And if he falters or has an average year, he can stay for $5MM for 2012 at which point i’d imagine the then 36-37 year old Ortiz would consider retirement if no milestones are in immediate reach. Or he’d act like Pettite with the Yanks, and go year to year till he’s ready to call it quits.
I don’t know what part of this seems far fetched to you. Ortiz isn’t stupid. He will learn from the likes of Bobby A, Hideki, Vladdy, ect. Or how about Tek? lol. If the Sox want Ortiz back at all, he will be back. If not, its my thinking that it will be on the Sox front office just not even making him any kind of reasonable offer, just like Matsui with the Yanks.
again, this is all pending that the Sox don’t just want to let him go and have the flexibility at DH. But Ortiz is the Jeter of the Sox. He’s just opened a new restaurant in Boston. He’s not leaving.
again, this is all pending that the Sox don’t just want to let him go and have the flexibility at DH. But Ortiz is the Jeter of the Sox. He’s just opened a new restaurant in Boston. He’s not leaving.
He will take a paycut to stay in Boston IF they are willing to guarantee him a player option for 2012 at a reasonable rate. Is he going to accept a 2 year $10MM deal… No, probably not and if thats all the Sox are willing, Ortiz will be forced to move on with no hard feelings from Boston fans.
With his resurgence, if its to continue in the second half, the Sox will be very inclined to offer Ortiz perhaps something along the lines of a $6-7MM flat contract for 2011 and a $7MM team option and a $5MM player option for 2012, then Ortiz would probably take that, as if he has a monster 2011, he will still get his $7MM or so, which is as much if not more then he’d make elsewhere. And if he falters or has an average year, he can stay for $5MM for 2012 at which point i’d imagine the then 36-37 year old Ortiz would consider retirement if no milestones are in immediate reach. Or he’d act like Pettite with the Yanks, and go year to year till he’s ready to call it quits.
I don’t know what part of this seems far fetched to you. Ortiz isn’t stupid. He will learn from the likes of Bobby A, Hideki, Vladdy, ect. Or how about Tek? lol. If the Sox want Ortiz back at all, he will be back. If not, its my thinking that it will be on the Sox front office just not even making him any kind of reasonable offer, just like Matsui with the Yanks.
“I know how to clean my [stuff] up.”
Did you ever clean up that steroid issue David?
Or will the media continue to give you a pass while you ‘search’ for the real answers?
this is crazy talk, Boston will not pickup the option and will not spring for a multi year deal
I see him certainly wearing a different uniform next year
Could see the White Sox or Twins jump at this after Thome leaves (Twins) and since their DH situation in Chi hasn’t been all that great.
Much as Boston fans would like to see Ortiz stick around for another couple of years, I think Theo learned his lesson on aging sentimental favorites with Mike Lowell. His goals seem to be maximizing position flexibility, pitching, defense, and walking, singling, doubling the opposition to death.
Ortiz doesn’t fit that mold.
Definitely see us going in a different direction for 2011 and thereafter. I think David would benefit from being in a less baseball-intense market. We have constant pressure to compete that does not kindly absorb his ebbs and flows.
I offer my heartfelt condolences to the Steinbrenner family and the entire Yankee family. Though we have been and probably always will remain heated rivals, one has to respect and even revere the love and dedication George gave to baseball, as well as to the organization. I would have deeply loved such an owner of the Red Sox, and I can only imagine how much this hurts all of you today. I will fly my banners at half-staff today, in his and your honors.
If I could “like” your comment twice, I would.
Let Papi dream. There’s no way he gets a long-term commitment from anyone.
He might have a couple good years left in the tank but there’s no way he’s going to take a 2 year deal at the type of price DH-types are taking. The Sox would be much better off going after Carlos Pena or Adam Dunn or Lance Berkman (assuming his option is declined) in the offseason who can play in the field too while re-signing Victor Martinez and letting him DH when he’s not catching.
Ok a few things annoyed me reading the typical Red Sox bashers comments in here. Dicky LaRue, you are a literally only comment to bash the Red Sox, get a life, you add nothing here. As far as A-Rod “coming clean”, that is a complete joke. A-Rod lied in interviews for years, played up his clean image, and only admitted his usage after he was caught red handed. Then he only admitted to usage with the Rangers, which I still don’t buy. It’s just like how you credit Pettitte with “coming clean”, saying he only used it once or twice and threw his father under the bus. For as big of a dropoff as Ortiz has had, that is pretty much in line with his injuries and age. A-Rod has had a bigger dropoff in numbers than Ortiz since their steroid revelations, but of course you won’t mention that. Idk, we all know 99% Ortiz used PED’s, we just think it’s a joke that you bring it up in a discussion about his impending free agency and compare him unfavorably to A-Rod. Did Tiger Woods come clean because he told the truth after he was caught like A-Rod?
I add more here than some lame Ortiz apologist.
The guy all of a sudden thinks he’s the best hitter in the game again. He was breath away from being released earlier this season.
Theo Epstein will not pick up his option, nor will he sign him to a long term deal.
He’ll make a small 1 year offer that is a pay cut and Ortiz will balk and think he can negotiate more and then Theo will quickly sign the guy he really wants to sign be rid of “papi” once and for all and tell Red Sox fans, “well, we tried”.
And the second Ortiz is no longer a Red Sox player watch the negative stories come out like wildfire just like they do for every Boston player who leaves the Sawx.
As for the Yankees you mentioned and their confessions, they may not have told the whole truth, but at least when they were caught they admitted it and didn’t pretend they had to go on some easter egg hunt to find the one armed man like Ortiz did.
Still waiting for the results of his investigation.
I would think if I was wrongly accused, I would be a little more proactive in my search.
Only way Sox give Papi two guaranteed years is if the total contract is no more than 12 million I think..and even then, 2 guaranteed is a stretch.
A multiyear contract for Ortiz? Theo would have to be on drugs to do that. I wouldn’t even go 1 year. Someone needs to explain to me how Ortiz went from “couldn’t hit water if he fell out of the boat,” to hitting everything but the kitchen sink. Has he been tested lately?
Angels make some sense. Need for an impact bat, losing Matsui next year, good relationship with Torii Hunter. We will see
Not that it will make any difference to the haters, but just to set the record straight …
When Ortiz said he was going to find out what drug he failed for and then “get back to you”, his intention was to find that out from MLB. However, MLB refused to tell him, so … end of search. No one else knows.
I can easily believe that some supplement that he was taking contained something illegal. I can just as easily believe he doesn’t know which one it was, or what it contained.
Ortiz should have just enjoyed the moment. There was no need to bring up his contract and it’s doubtful the Sox will pick up his option.
So he should have refused to answer the reporter’s question?
He didn’t bring it up.
Ortiz should have just enjoyed the moment. There was no need to bring up his contract and it’s doubtful the Sox will pick up his option.
Ugh c’mon guys, enough about steroids at this point. Cheating is, was, and always will be part of this game. If the steroid generation guys should be excluded from the hall of fame, then they should also take those World Series titles away from the NY Giants in the early part of the 20th century because their grounds crew used to hose down the infield when good hitting ballclubs came to town. How about an asterisk for Walter Johnson? He scuffed up the ball with razor blades and spat tobacco on it so it was harder to see. George Brett corked bats and well, WHO KNOWS HOW MANYLOL~! home runs he hit with them…
I’m so tired of this stuff. It was only natural that players would mess with their bodies. God knows they’ve tried to mess with the fields, the balls, the bats, gloves, fingers, crowds, and everything else. Doesn’t make it right. MLB adjusted and now it’s illegal just like that other stuff, but good lord, can we just drop it? I’m sorry that baseball players using steroids ruined some people’s sexual infatuations with baseball mystic and mythology. But let it go.
As for Ortiz, I’ll bet he gets offered $8 million with a team option for a second year at around the same price.