TUESDAY: ESPN's Buster Olney spoke to multiple GMs who are scared of Fielder's body type. Throw in the potential for Adrian Gonzalez and Albert Pujols to join him on the free agent market, and Fielder may struggle to approach Teixeira's deal. Olney says Scott Boras "made it clear [to the Brewers] that he expects to get more for Fielder than the seven years and $169 million owed to Ryan Howard at the outset of this season."
MONDAY: Just in case any doubt remained, agent Scott Boras made it clear that Prince Fielder won’t be giving the Brewers a hometown discount. Boras told Tom Haudricourt of the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel that Prince is a “rare, rare commodity” and suggested that the first baseman could be headed for a Hall of Fame career. Most ominous of all for Brewers fans was the player to whom Boras compared Fielder.
“When you have a player that performs like Mark Teixeira, you have to look at Prince Fielder’s performance in comparison,” Boras said. “You want to know the value of a player? Take a look at it.”
One glance at Teixeira’s eight-year $180MM suggests that Fielder won’t come cheap when he hits free agency after the 2011 season. Haudricourt hears from rival agents that the Brewers offered a five-year deal worth just over $100MM. That’s a substantial offer for the mid-market Brewers, but Boras suggests $180MM isn’t as expensive as it sounds.
“If you look at Mark Teixeira’s contract, he made the Yankees money,” Boras said. “How many teams would take on Mark Teixeira’s contract? I would say 20. The reason is it’s good business to do that. Those players are invaluable.”
Fielder, 26, has 20 homers and a league-leading 61 walks. He has posted a .265/.401/.494 line this year, just short of his career .927 OPS. There’s no question that Fielder will command a substantial contract, and Boras suggests he could surpass Teixeira's deal.
“Prince is a home-run hitter,” Boras said. “He’s 70 home runs ahead of Teixeira at that point [of his career]. Prince has much more power. This is how you [measure] performance and age and production. You have to ask in the marketplace how many players can do this?”
As Boras knows, there aren’t many players who can match Prince’s production. That means other clubs will have interest in Fielder and at this point, the Brewers are reportedly willing to listen to offers as they mull the pros and cons of an expensive extension.
No surprise. This is a guy who had a whole binder comparing Oliver Perez to Randy Johnson and Sandy Koufax.
Oh god, is that really how he convinced the Mets to pay that much?
Hey, Boras is just doing his job. It’s the GMs that believe him that fans should have an issue with.
I mean, Boras has to be great if he convinced anyone Ollie deserved as much as he got. Sometimes I wonder if he’s using jedi mind tricks…
If Boras is a Jedi, is Fielder Joba The Hutt?
boras to baseball is like…..cancer.
““How many teams would take on Mark Teixeira’s contract? I would say 20.”
Yankees, Red Sox, White Sox, Tigers, Angels, Mariners, Mets, Cubs, Giants.
Who other 11 teams would take the contract?
the famous and proven mystery teams i guess.
I’d imagine you could eliminate the Angels (didn’t need him when they let him go), Tigers (Miguel Cabrera anyone?), Cubs (financial issues without a contract like that), and Mutts (can’t take on money at all) from that list.
That leaves you with five. As is the norm, about 25% of Borass’ numbers are legit.
I would take the whitesox out of that for one big reason. scott boras..kenny and boras do not get along at all…look at joe crede and his contract issues while with the white sox….The sox could and would take on his contract and offer him a good extension but the second boras comes back with an absurd counter-deal kenny would say something like “ok scott you got a great deal, a fair market deal from us andyou dont want it, good bye we will talk when you want to take our deal”
I think he was more speaking about who could take on that much money.
I think he was more speaking about who could take on that much money.
The Orioles could take that contract.
I’d sign that fat man to a contract…with a weight clause…
I’d sign that fat man to a contract…with a weight clause…
The Orioles could take that contract.
I dont think the mariners could take on that contract, that would give them 3 players at 18 mil plus in 2012 and there is no way they dont resign Ichiro unless he decides he doesnt want to play in Seattle anymore. Under the current construction the Mariners simply cant afford another 18+ guy, they would have to expand their payroll to 2008 levels to be able to take on that contract
I dont think the mariners could take on that contract, that would give them 3 players at 18 mil plus in 2012 and there is no way they dont resign Ichiro unless he decides he doesnt want to play in Seattle anymore. Under the current construction the Mariners simply cant afford another 18+ guy, they would have to expand their payroll to 2008 levels to be able to take on that contract
the japanese teams?
Yea a few years ago Ryan Madson was the next Mariano Rivera………..
Too bad for Prince, and Boras, there will be a couple other 1B Free Agents that are better that will be available (maybe) at the same time…and the Mets, Angels, Giants, Yankees, and White Sox should be pretty happy with their first basemen….even the BoSox if you consider Youk to stay there…
What team is going to break the bank for him when they could have Albert or AGonz? Also, I think you can eliminate any NL team to sign him for long term based soley on his weight…that has to catch up him sooner or later right?
“What team is going to break the bank for him when they could have Albert or AGonz?”
Whichever team doesn’t get those two that are in need of a very good hitter.
Agreed that he either loses some weight or moves to DH, though.
In one way, sure, Boras does have a point.
But, Tex and Fielder are not in the same league as say…….Pujols. Granted, just like in the recent L. James debacle with the Cavs……….Cleveland might lose somewhere in the neighborhood of 50 million (or more) with him gone.
But, even though I think people will come to see Fielder play, he has been with a small market team for his whole career, and doesn’t quite have the notoriety. The talent?
Maybe. But, this is just Boras selling high like he always does.
This is standard operating procedure for him no matter who the player is.
I think if teams are smart, they will wait things out, and drive the prices down, because there are going to be a LOT of good free agent first basemen on the market next year. And, when power hitting outfielders start losing outfield speed, they become first basemen as well.
I think teams would be smart not to overpay on a first basemen. (not named Pujols) I think history will show that the Yankees did, but we shall see.
Where is Borass’ point? He loves to create comparisons – he picked the wrong player here. Tex is a switch-hitting, Gold Glove 1B. Prince hits a lot of HRs and will be without a position earlier in his career than Papi was.
there are going to be 2 firstbasemen out there, who might not even be freee agents when this happens, but albert and adrian…those are probably the only two that you can justify over paying because they both hit a ton of homeruns, adrian is still very young, and both play gold glove caliber defense…
I can’t think of any team in the market for a hard-hitting 1B. Morales is under contract with Anaheim. Yankees have Teixeira. Mets have Ike Davis. Maybe the Giants. I don’t know what team is out there that has both the need for Fielder and the money to sign him.
One more thing on this.
I do think Prince is a great player. But, look at the numbers his dad put up. Eerily similar. Then, look at the tail off.
Obviously, they are two different people, but a similar situation would be a horror for a team throwing up 20 mil over 8 or so years.
I think comparing him to his dad is a legitimate comparison. Unless he changes his ways & gets into shape he’ll be finished as a regular player by 31 or 32 years old and in now way worth 20 million plus per year after he’s 27 or 28 years old.
I totally agree. I think Prince will end up with his career cut short unless he does something about his weight problem.
There is no way Fielder gets anything near a Teixeira contract. First of all Teixeira is a gold glove 1B man, Fielder’s defense is average ( and I’m exaggerating). Second, Teixeira is a switch hitter while Fielder isn’t. Third Tex is an athletic dude who is bound to be durable and reliable for years to come while Prince although young is overweight and is bound to age badly. Forth, $180 million is Yankee money, Yankees always overpay for players (even in Tex’s case). There are few teams left out there to shell out a $180 million + contract unless someone brakes the bank for one player. Don’t get me wrong I think Fielder is one of the best home-run hitters in the bigs but that’s all he is. He a one dimensional player who deserves an according contract. I think 6/$90-$100 million seems really fair. Also if Prince signs with an AL team its smartest to DH him.
agreed, the only way he gets a tex type deal is if its an AL team, they can play him at 1st for a few years, assuming they dont have a defensive lock there, and then move him to DH towards the end of his deal. He wont get tex money but he might get tex years
You’d think Ryan Howard would have been a better comparison, but I guess since he isn’t one of Borasses clients he reached for Tex!
You’d think Ryan Howard would have been a better comparison, but I guess since he isn’t one of Borasses clients he reached for Tex!
I can’t see a team giving Fielder a Texiera type contract. Maybe something like 7yr/140 mil which is pretty good imo. I guess it would depend on how many teams have interest in him.
Assuming they don’t keep Beltre long-term, I can see them keeping Youkalis at 3B permanently and keeping Fielder at 1B or keeping Youkalis and his defense at 1B and Fielder can be younger and better Ortiz replacement.
im pretty sure there are only 2 1st basemen out there that compare to tex, albert pujols(tex actually compares to him, in other words pujols is obviously better) and adrian gonzoles compares to tex…
yes power wise prince compares to tex, but then so does, dunn, carlos pena, miggy caberera, and right now paul konerko…but batting average wise and defensivly prince does not at all compare to tex…tex has a gold glove(or two?) and will win more, prince simply wont..
sorry scott i know you want as much money for your self(first and fore most) and your player( secondly) but dont put your eggs into on basket like you did with holliday….yes prince is awesome and every single team but 2 would love him(the phillies and cards simply cant play him anywhere) but he is no tex…tex is better defensively and a switch hitter thus making him a bit better
I think Cabrera is better than Texiera but yes I see your point. Tex brings other things to the table that Fielder does not which is why he is suited for AL. He can play 1B for a few more years and then eventually start DH’ing.
I think Cabrera is better than Texiera but yes I see your point. Tex brings other things to the table that Fielder does not which is why he is suited for AL. He can play 1B for a few more years and then eventually start DH’ing.
Prince does compare to Tex as far as batting average goes this year. Prince has a superior slash line (as of the all-star break) in all 3 categories.
I cant imagine a team giving 300lb Prince Fielder an 8 year contract, even though hes a masher and been healthy so far. His father, who was very similar as has been noted, retired at 34. A young person can deal with being out of shape but once they hit their late 20s/early 30s its a different story.
You (as most people do) overestimated Prince’s weight. He only weighs 268 pounds, and he is a vegetarian. He takes very good care of his body.
Do you seriously believe Fielder’s listed weight? Teams regularly fudge those numbers intentionally. Prince Fielder does not weigh 268lbs.
Even if he actually weighs 268, he is still 70+lbs overweight for somebody who isnt even 6′. His weight will absolutely be an issue with both this up coming contract and with his future health.
Yes, because a pro athlete should meet the criteria of that stupid “overwieght chart” that we all know and love.
You do realize that the chart says that a LARGE FRAME 5’11” person should weigh between 161 and 184 lbs. that weight chart is absolutely ridiculous. and you’re saying that he’s still over 70+lbs overweight? hahaha.
I have a brother in law who is 5’10 and weighs 160. This guy is an absolute bean pole and therefore is a “small framed person. He’s got no muscle, no fat and based on this stupid weight chart that you’re referring to is overweight as well.
Prince Fielder is a pro athlete, a guy who is strong as all hell and is jacked. He’s got a little extra meat on the bone but to compare his so called “problem” to that of his father’s later years is astoundingly ridiculous. He’s a bigger dude, he’s got a large frame and he’s not a pure bread athlete like Lebron or pujols but the guy isn’t a fat A** like CC or David Wells either.
Nobody else cracked up at “pure bread”?
Is this post a joke? At 6’1 it’s healthy to be around 185/190 lbs. This guy is probably pushing 300 at less than 6′. Now I can only imagine by your exasperated inflection that you probably fit the 30-50 lbs overweight category, living in denial.
It’s not healthy to be overweight. I don’t care that he’s a vegetarian. He’s way overweight and he WILL pay the price very very soon. Knees don’t last long like that. Also, Fielder is just about as overweight as CC is. Don’t act like he’s some “special case” because he can swing a bat fast with all that extra weight. The guy needs a huge lifestyle change or he WILL die early from obesity health complications.
Fielder is a 300-pound fat ass. He switched to vegan and didn’t lose a pound, despite what the media guide says. He wears a yatch sail for a uniform and will NOT age well. I wouldn’t give that slob ten cents.
That is absolutely insane…. just because you’re a vegetarian doesn’t mean you take care of your body, it’s obvious Fielder doesn’t. Ever heard of carbs? Ever notice that you don’t see many obese seniors? Am I also the only one that notices how Fielder coughs all the time?
You (as most people do) overestimated Prince’s weight. He only weighs 268 pounds, and he is a vegetarian. He takes very good care of his body.
How about the Nationals?
No way he gets a Tex sized contract simply because of health. Fielder is out of shape and will not be able to have a long continuously healthy career at his current weight. Even David Ortiz is smaller than him.
He will need to lose some weight and retain his strength. Otherwise you’re looking at him becoming a DH in the AL for the rest of his career. With that said the Red Sox and Angels are about the only teams i can imagine signing him at DH but it would certainly not be at that ridiculous amount.
I guess defense doesn’t count in Boras’ world, kinda like Gold Glove voting.
It only counts when it helps his case.
It only counts when it helps his case.
I guess defense doesn’t count in Boras’ world, kinda like Gold Glove voting.
Sorry, Fielder is a solid player, but he is no where near the complete player Teixeira is. Myabe Howard is a better comparison, but I truthfully think the Phils overpaid a little.
As other commenters alluded to, not many places that Fielder can go in theory. Getting his stock bid up will not be as easy as it was for Tex. Sure, comparisons help, but Prince works well for the Brewers. There is only 1 team and 1 team only that immediately comes to mind and that is the Braves. I am not even sure if they have any 1st base prospects to fill their void there long term. 5 years $100mm for this guy is too much, but that’s the minimum of what he’ll probably get. He is destined to be a future AL DH. He’ll be 31/32 following that. No team is going to commit to more than that.
Freddy Freeman?
Freddy Freeman?
Everyone with half a mind doesn’t think the Phils overpaid Howard.
They KNOW the Phils overpaid Howard. =).
The Braves have Freeman, dude.
Got it, man. Takes the Braves off the short list then. I can’t even think of anyone else at this point.
As of right now, he is absolutely praying the following happen:
1) Pujols gets an extension/contract from the Cardinals.
2) A-Gonz gets an extension from San Diego.
I don’t see number 2 happening. But, if both do, he’s set.
Got it, man. Takes the Braves off the short list then. I can’t even think of anyone else at this point.
Everyone with half a mind doesn’t think the Phils overpaid Howard.
They KNOW the Phils overpaid Howard. =).
The Braves have Freeman, dude.
Sorry, Fielder is a solid player, but he is no where near the complete player Teixeira is. Myabe Howard is a better comparison, but I truthfully think the Phils overpaid a little.
As other commenters alluded to, not many places that Fielder can go in theory. Getting his stock bid up will not be as easy as it was for Tex. Sure, comparisons help, but Prince works well for the Brewers. There is only 1 team and 1 team only that immediately comes to mind and that is the Braves. I am not even sure if they have any 1st base prospects to fill their void there long term. 5 years $100mm for this guy is too much, but that’s the minimum of what he’ll probably get. He is destined to be a future AL DH. He’ll be 31/32 following that. No team is going to commit to more than that.
I cringe at saying this but Fielder on the Braves would make that team unbelievable. Lets hope it never happens 🙂
I cringe at saying this but Fielder on the Braves would make that team unbelievable. Lets hope it never happens 🙂
I cringe thinking about Fielder on the Braves. He is a good hitter now, but in 4 years some GM is going to be thinking up creative ways to move his massive, unproductive salary elsewhere….probably Jim Hendry, or whoever replaces him when he gets fired.
I cringe thinking about Fielder on the Braves. He is a good hitter now, but in 4 years some GM is going to be thinking up creative ways to move his massive, unproductive salary elsewhere….probably Jim Hendry, or whoever replaces him when he gets fired.
and yeah, Prince Fielder is not HOF bound. Sorry. Neither is Tex or Howard. HOF ballets are becoming to loosely discussed and these days there is talk of this guy in or that guy out. Whatever happened to accomplishing some amazing feat to stand out from the pack. Pettitte 18 Post season wins, most ever. Arod potential for 800 Homers. Jeter 3000 Yankee Hits. Mo giving up less than 1 run in a 15 year post season career. I’m most familiar with Yank players so I’ll reference them. Tex is a good ball player, but not breaking any records of real value. The same for Howard and Fielder. Hope Boras doesn’t p.o the home team because he’s going to need to go back to the Brewers eventually.
So in order to be HoF worthy, a player must break a record? Why not just call it “The Past/Current Records Holders Club” then?
howard broke a “record” ….. Most Ridiculous Contract Extension
I don’t think records need to be broken to make the hall of fame, but I do agree that hall of fame standards have become wishy-washy of late.
In my opinion, you were either good (great) enough to make the HOF or your weren’t. None of this “well he DID do this and this very well… blah blah blah”. No. Your either an all-time great player or you’re not.
Maybe White Sox now that I think of it…No to Giants. My money is on them signing Jason Werth.
i hope they don’t sign werth. he’s good and i really like to see a former dodger do good. but if you look at his stats, most of his offensive stats are at home, which is not the biggest stadium. a lot of his home runs go the opposite way. you know how many opposite field home runs have been hit in SF since at&t park opened 10 years ago? 52.
The Splash Hit Counter is not counting the number of opposite field home runs hit at AT&T Park. It counts the number of home runs hit into the water on the fly. There is a lot of space a home run can land between the fence and the water. Also, it only counts those hit by Giants players, not the opposition.
there have been 52 splash hits. mostly by barry bonds, and if i remember he’s left handed. i’m telling you that there has been 52 opposite field home runs at AT&T park by a right handed batter. none of which have hit the water.
I just find it extremely coincidental that those two numbers are the same. At what site did you find that info?
they were actually talking about it during a game about a week ago.
Maybe White Sox now that I think of it…No to Giants. My money is on them signing Jason Werth.
Tex makes the Yankees money? I would love to see the proof of that statement. How many Yankee fans come out just to see Tex? I bet about as many as who come to say A-Rod.
The Yanks have plenty of people to attract fans (Jeter, Posada, Pettitte, Rivera, Cano, etc). I don’t think the mercenaries ever receive the same kind of love that the home grown talent does.
As for Fielder … no way he sniffs as Tex’s contract. The Yanks overpaid. No one is going to make the same mistake. Fielder is a stud but I would try to work in a higher annual rate for a shorter duration. I think the guy is a relatively safe bet for 4 to 5 years. He has been incredibly durable to date. How about a 4/$90m deal with vesting options based on PA’s. If Fielder stays healthy and productive he can make $22-23m/year. If his weight becomes a factor and he gets injured or his performance suffers, the team is only on the hook for those first 4 years.
You’re right about the home grown talent part… but while people outside of NY may feel different, Yankees fans do go to games to see the likes of A-Rod. It’s harder for a position player to draw crowds, and it’s harder to measure, but I genuinely feel a lot of people do go to games to watch number 13.
Coming from someone that frequents games, I will agree. I like Tex and all, but I much more enjoy watching the people you listed do their stuff. Add Hughes to that list.
Boras better hope Mark Cuban buys the Rangers.
Boras better hope Mark Cuban buys the Rangers.
Am I the only one left wondering exactly when 5/100M….20M per….became peanuts? Boras is a slime who has no interest in what the player wants. all he does is make sure he gets paid. Quality of life and quality of team take a backseat to the almighty dollar.
Man….I shouldn’t be so irked about this, but those numbers are insane. The Brewers offered 20M per….for only 5 years? He gets 100M, guaranteed, and still gets the opportunity to cash in again at age 31/32.
Assuming that since 31/32 is still considered your prime, and Fielder would probably still be productive, is it out of this world to think that at that time he couldn’t get another 5/100M or so deal? And if he did, it would put his career big league earnings at around 230M!!
When is enough enough?
Please Melvin, do all of us Brewer fans a favor and trade him. Don’t do business with Boras. Don’t bother drafting his clients. Just wash the scum off of your hands.
Man….I shouldn’t be so irked about this, but those numbers are insane. The Brewers offered 20M per….for only 5 years? He gets 100M, guaranteed, and still gets the opportunity to cash in again at age 31/32.
Assuming that since 31/32 is still considered your prime, and Fielder would probably still be productive, is it out of this world to think that at that time he couldn’t get another 5/100M or so deal? And if he did, it would put his career big league earnings at around 230M!!
When is enough enough?
Please Melvin, do all of us Brewer fans a favor and trade him. Don’t do business with Boras. Don’t bother drafting his clients. Just wash the scum off of your hands.
Fatter, slower, better in the spring, more animal-friendly, easier to spell, more famous father, worse with the glove, less likely to age well.
There, Mr. Boras. I compared Fielder to Teixeira, too.
Fatter, slower, better in the spring, more animal-friendly, easier to spell, more famous father, worse with the glove, less likely to age well.
There, Mr. Boras. I compared Fielder to Teixeira, too.
But I thought Matt Holliday was comparable to Tex? haha
But I thought Matt Holliday was comparable to Tex? haha
Prince is going to eat his way to the Hall of Fame,one vegan hotdog at a time.
Prince is going to eat his way to the Hall of Fame,one vegan hotdog at a time.
So by comparing Fielder to Texiera, Fielder will get a lot of money to have a mid season long slump every first half of season he plays? what a waste of money.
Boras is also the same agent who goes out and compares every single client to some player obviously better than snother and of late has gotten most of them less money in the long run. Take Varitek for example. After the 2008 season he went out and was saying he should get 4/48 because he was as good as Posada, then ended up crawling back to Boston for that 1/5M deal with a 3M club option on the 2nd year and now some of his middle to lower tier clients are even dropping him since he spends his time lately grabbing headlines on guys like Holliday and Fielder types with mega deals.
Oh yeah, by the way from here on out Prince Fielder will now be known as Dr. Huge. I humbly request, though do not expect, Tim to replace all instances of Fielder’s name with such.
Prince Fielder will be a Baltimore Oriole beginning in 2012. Book it.
Just curious how many 1st baseman are better than Prince Fielder when you combine both offensively and Defensively, I thought of a few names and its kinda long…
Pujols, Gonzo, Cabrera, Morneau, Votto, Tex, Youk, Howard, maybe even Morales in a year or two(konerko this year)…While I was impressed with Fielders offensive numbers, many of his RBIs have come off HRs, look at this year 20 hrs 39 rbis some of that blame goes to the surrounding team but some goes to the guy unable to hit with risp
I’m not sure why people have been putting a “this year” qualifying statement on konerko. It’s not like he’s having some breakout year. Konerko has been stellar offensively and defensively for a while
Fielder could be compared with the airship Hindenburg that was hyped so much and crashed in 1937. Boras is hyping fielder as such. The Hindenburg was pumped full of methane gas, but Fielder is pumped full of fat, though both are doomed to crash and burn just the same. One crossed the Atlantic, the crashed and burned and the other will get his big payday from some moronic GM after falling for some Boras hype, then see this new Hindenburg remake crash and burn again..
Just another example of Boras being Boras. I can’t believe any GM believes a word that comes out of his mouth. Prince = Tex. Please. Not that Prince isn’t a good offensive player but Tex is better defensively and a much safer long term bet to maintain his production. Prince, unless he does something about his weight, will follow the same path as Cecil.
The whole Scott Boras thing is very ugly. As a Cardinal fan, I would say while Holliday is a very good player, he has this big ugly rock hanging around his neck (boras). I don’t think there is any way he could be good enough to justify all Boras’ manipulation. Some fans will resent him forever. Holliday not only has to be good, he has to be worth gazillions of dollars and the agony of dealing with this slime. We got our guy and the Cards will be paying forever. If we keep feeding the Boras animal, he will just keep asking for more.
Yes but if the team doesn’t “feed” Boras, then the fans will be asking for the owner’s head when the player signs with a competitor.
BOrASS also said that Fielder is worth more than Ryan Howard… ummm ok?? Let’s see, Howard ROY, MVP, WS MVP,….. back to back WS with Philadelphia AND has slimmed down…. Fielder… hits home runs, overweight, mediocre defense…. Borass has been visiting too many backpacks and smoking the hippie lettuce…
can’t hit lefties, strikes out too much, poor defender…. i think you forgot to add those about howard as well
Fielder is a horrible first basemen and “horrible” is being charitable. Fielder has serious fitness issues, and he becomes an FA the same year Pujols and Adrian Gonzalez do. There isn’t going to be much left in the kitty once those two men are paid.
He’s actually been decent the past 2 years at first.
But that girth…damn, it just won’t last.
A rare, rare commodity which will spoil about the time you pay for it.
Man, this topic is full of references I’m either too young, uninformed, or just plain ignorant for.
The Hindenburg, visiting backpacks, hippie lettuce, etc…
They are very similar….
Just add 40 pounds to tex
and subtract 40 UZR to prince
Fielders dad was awesome an fat pretty much the entire career….who knows maybe he can do the same…but he should try to slim down a bit…his dad was not as Big as he is now…..it’s so funny watching him leg out a double or try to score from 2nd…lol it almost looks like a guy who shouldn’t be out there but somehow slugged his way out there… No way is he in the same league as Gonzo or Tex… that’s nuts. They are both gold glovers.. he’s more of a 12 pack of Golden twinkies
My bad Cecil was normal size til mid Career….so Prince has the one up on his Pops in the Big Daddy Department
As a Brewers fan, I say good riddance if he leaves. Not good riddance to Fielder himself, but good riddance to all the rumors, the hype, the contract issues, the drama, etc.
That extra 5yr/100M (at the absolute minimum) would be better spent on getting another 1/1a pitcher, and perhaps another 4/5 guy who is better than Narveson and Davis, or a good young setup guy. Assuming Axford can remain reliable (we’ll see…), that’s a pretty good pitching setup. Also try to get something for Wolf, which isn’t going to be easy.
For a rotation of:
1 or 1a guy
Bush-like guy (or Wolf, absolute worst-case)
… I gladly will say goodbye to Prince. The hitting will still be there, and the HR loss from Fielder will be easily offset by not having Davis or Narveson in the rotation, plus whatever Gamel can potentially produce, if he ever fully develops. I also feel we should hang on to Hart, because even though he’s inconsistent, streaky, and incredibly frustrating at times, he’s still big-league quality and we don’t have an immediate answer to replace him.
I doubt he will get what Howard got, but you never know. There is always one team that comes and pays the price ask.
It’s pretty easy to see how this will shake out. 1. Brewers trade Prince to a contender next summer2. Contender offers arbitration, Boras/Prince refuse arbitration (must get big payday, despite Pujols and Gonzo being on the market at the same time)3. Team A (might be Contender from #2, maybe not, doesn’t matter really) offers Prince 5/120, option for the 6th year at $25MM with a $5MM buyout4. Boras turns down the offer, says wants more years5. Through his mouth piece, Jon Heyman, it is “leaked” that Prince has an offer for 7/150 with a $30MM option for the eighth year from Team B6. GM from Team A gets excited, afraid of losing Prince, offers 8/175, full no trade clause7. Prince signs with Team A8. It turns out there never was a Team B and no one offered more than Team A’s initial offer of 5/120. Rinse. Repeat with Strasburg in a few years.
I don’t see Boras having to work that hard for a big Strasburg contract. I can see Strasburg pitching to a record breaking contract for himself.
As a Brewer’s fan I wouldn’t mind tubby getting a lot of money, but giving him more than 5 years would really bother me. After age 30-32 the only thing he’ll have left is his power – he’ll be slow(er) and play even worse defense than he does now. The thought of guaranteeing Prince 20+ million six and seven years from now makes me cringe, just like Ryan Howard’s contract. Worth it now, but not down the road.
At least with Ryan Howard, he has put in the work to improve his defense.
The Mets would take on that contract….anyone that believes they don’t have money are idiots….look at their payroll….they wouldn’t sign Fielder cause they have Ike Davis…. who hits for a little less power, but plays much better defense and he may be slow but at least he doesn’t weigh 400 lbs….his weight will ruin his career
To say Prince is like Teixeira is nuts. At least when Teixeira’s bat is cold, you can rely on his defense. If Prince were to sign this huge contract and were to go into a long slump during a season, you won’t have his defense to fall back on and keep you in games.
Fielder may have the most misleading stats in the history of the game this year.He’s been an absolute mess with men on base this year.With RISP, he’s hitting .167/.375/.226. With 2 out and RISP he’s worse: .150/.346/.175He’s 293rd in the NL in percentage of baserunners that have scored with him batting. Only 19 runners have scored out of 267 men on when he batted. That 7% rate is worst by far among regulars with 300 or more plate appearances. Mind you this is a guy with 20 HR and power to drive in runners from 1st.
If he thinks he’s going to get anything near Howard money, unless he picks it up considerably between now and when he declares his FA, he and Boras are dreaming. They are going to look back at the deal they turned down from the Brewers this year and wish they took it.
Prince has already rejected two attempted contract extensions by the Brewers (one before the ’08 season, and then he whined about it, and one recently for over $100 million and then completely breaking off negotiations). I think the Brewers should do him a favor and trade him, since he obviously doesn’t want to remain in Milwaukee.
I’ve lost my ability to be outraged by Boras. I just enjoy it when he overreaches and his client loses (Damon, Varitek, Jeff Weaver, Andruw Jones). It wouldn’t surprise me if Prince finds inadequate demand for his 2012 services and ends up taking 2 years $36M like Andruw…and Andruw was coming off a terrible year. Then, two years later, he has to still be producing to be paid. In the end the Brewer offer not taken will prove to be his best option, but with Boras you paint yourself into a corner.
I think Fielder is more like Mo Vaughn. They both have a lot of hardware. A lot.
I think Fielder is more like Mo Vaughn. They both have a lot of hardware. A lot.