Dodgers GM Ned Colletti told Bill Shaikin of the LA Times that he has inquired about free agent pitchers, without specifying which ones. Jarrod Washburn is coaching T-ball these days, but said he would consider offers to pitch this season. Former Dodger Pedro Martinez has said he would pitch for a contender and Braden Looper is another free agent option.
Colletti expressed confidence in his offense and suggested it will take pitching to improve upon the team’s 38-33 record.
"Unless something drastic happens to an everyday player — or more than one — I think our focus will continue to be on our pitching staff," Colletti said.
It would take at least a few weeks for any unsigned pitcher to prepare for major league action, but free agents will only cost money. Cliff Lee, Roy Oswalt and Dan Haren may be more appealing, but they would cost the Dodgers prospects and salary.
If the Dodgers could land someone of Lee’s calliber and go out and sign say Pedro to a deal similar to the one he signed last year, they instantly become a much better team.
Ladies and gentlemen…John Madden!
I agree. If they can pull a deal to get Lee or even say Ben Sheets, they Will Become the National League west Winners
I agree. If they can pull a deal to get Lee or even say Ben Sheets, they Will Become the National League west Winners
I agree. If they can pull a deal to get Lee or even say Ben Sheets, they Will Become the National League west Winners
@dc21892: Nice analysis. In other ground-breaking posts, water is wet and fire is hot.
Seriously, how is Washburn relegated to coaching T-ball (considering he says he’d consider pitching again this year)? A 35-yr-old LHP coming off a 3.78 ERA in the AL (even w/ his ugly DET #s) should be employed!
1- He commanded way too much (He declined a 5 mil deal from Minnesota, and then later said he wouldn’t accept less than that to sign)
2- He hasn’t shown he can pitch well outside of pitchers’ parks
Comerica is a pitchers park and he got owned there. My opinion is he’s done, no “contender” is going to pay a dude 5mm+ who helped run a contender to the ground last year
I agree with jaydubdub.
Washburn is an immediate upgrade has a #4 or #5 starter for the Dodgers.
Considering Padilla, Haeger, Monsterios, and Ely have taken a bulk if not all those starts at the bottom of the rotation.
I would take every one of those guys over Washburn.. Are you serious right now?
MLB should create an Island of Broken Toys barnstorming type of team which would allow players like Washburn to play regularly, even though the competition might be mostly in the beer leagues.
MLB should create an Island of Broken Toys barnstorming type of team which would allow players like Washburn to play regularly, even though the competition might be mostly in the beer leagues.
At least if Pedro signs with LA it would be TOTALLY IMPOSSIBLE to trade him back to Montreal.
At least if Pedro signs with LA it would be TOTALLY IMPOSSIBLE to trade him back to Montreal.
all these guys are alright but WE NEED AN ACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOT SOME CHEEEPY!!
If it could be possible… Trade Manny (who is producing less than expected) with a prospect for Lee, since they are looking for a hitter in the deal. Maybe trade DeWitt (who has peaked in his career) along with a prospect for Dan Haren. And make an offer for Pedro Martinez. A combination of any two can really change the face of this Dodgers organization.
that would be an option but then we have a huge gap in left field
that would be an option but then we have a huge gap in left field
Typically when teams wave the white flag go to shed payroll, they do not pick up somebody else with 3 months left on their contract (and owed more money than Lee). In the second scenario, I hardly believe DeWitt has peaked, yet he certainly isn’t one to be called a centerpiece (“with a prospect”) in a trade for a Dan Haren either.
If it could be possible… Trade Manny (who is producing less than expected) with a prospect for Lee, since they are looking for a hitter in the deal. Maybe trade DeWitt (who has peaked in his career) along with a prospect for Dan Haren. And make an offer for Pedro Martinez. A combination of any two can really change the face of this Dodgers organization.
The Dodgers will never pay for a quality starter, it is trade season which means it is time to plant stories with the media about how the dodgers are in contention for a quality pickup to take the team to the next level. The battling McCourts would rather spend the money on legal fees in there endless battle of who is right and who is wrong.$110 million , no taxes paid, and no money for a quality arm. Next year they will raise the price of there hoof and rectum dodger dogs.