TUESDAY, 7:06pm: Martinez has been linked to the Mariners, Twins, and Dodgers in recent days, according to Nick Cafardo of the Boston Globe. Cafardo notes that Martinez still harbors bad feelings towards the Dodgers organization.
MONDAY, 2:30pm: Pedro Martinez plans to pitch in 2010 and will start throwing this week, according to Michael Silverman of the Boston Herald. Pedro will work towards a midseason signing like the one the Phillies added him on last summer. He says he can be ready soon.
“I’m in good shape, real good – it doesn’t take me that long to get ready,’’ he said.
He would prefer to pitch for a contender, on or near the East coast in the National League. Right now, the Phillies sound like a fit, given their interest in pitching. A few days ago, I wrote that Pedro could help somebody in 2010. He pitched well last year, but it wasn't until a month after he signed that Pedro appeared in the majors.
I understand he wants to picth for a contender and on the east coast but i wonder if he’d take a sacrifice and pitch for Houston if Myers, PAulino, and/or Moehler play horribly.
I think he has a bit too much pride for that.
i Dont think pride would help make his decision.
I’d like to see him in the Red Sox bullpen.
Pedro back on the Sox would be OK, but there’s no way he comes back and goes into the pen. I’ll happily settle for a Philadelphia reunion.
it was great to see him throw out the first pitch last night, god i miss him and his antics
The Yankees should bring the drama and sign Pedro Martinez. It would be the most ironic move in baseball history.
However it could help. The Yanks could use a pitcher of Pedro’s caliber in the bullpen.
Maybe Boston’s in for him again?
Who knows?
Should be interesting…
Boston’s Bullpen would be a good destination.
Pedro is my all time favorite redsox. From 99 to 03 he was filty. I dont see him going back to boston. Who knows, with some injurys by midseason he could be an option. Though I think the bullpen is the best spot for him. I personally would love to see him latch on with the sox- for entertainment purposes if nothing else
His fastball is mph less with half as much movement as in the past
He is a 4th SP at best
Did anyone say he’s more than that?
He helped a contender make it to the WS last season, if he follows the partial-season plan again, he can probably do it again.
Uhm Cory Lidle pasted away shortly after the Bobby Abreu trade with the Phillies and Yankees ,he was flying a passenger plane and crashed into a apartment building in New York
I’m surprised he didn’t hurt his arm throwing out the 1st pitch last night.
“still harbors bad feelings towards the Dodgers”
Get over it.
Seriously… That was decades ago. And he became a HOF pitcher. I understand hebcould be angry they wouldn’t give him a shot but he did OK for himself even if the Dodgers didn’t think he’d succeed…
wow…your a d#$k.
Everybody saying Pedro should go in a bullpen, he should be a starter. He has a starter’s mentality and needs to be in rhythm, pitching that every 5th day. It won’t work for Pedro if he has to pitch 2 times in 4 days. He needs time to rest.
He can in no way help a “contender”! He can help a run of the mill NL team which just like that can become a contender in the B-league that it is. He knows better than to come back to the AL (never mind AL East) and destroy his legacy. He would get destroyed there just as John Smoltz had no business in the AL East, it just shows how weak the NL really is.
I’m not sure the entire NL is a B League, but the AL East is clearly a step above the rest of baseball in terms of talent depth. There aren’t many really soft spots in the 45 batting order slots across the five teams. It’s a crazy place to be a pitcher.
Why would the Twins be interested in him? They have a bunch of guys at AAA and AA that they already control, that would be about as effective (but less crafty) and wouldn’t be nearly as disruptive* in the clubhouse. Seriously, is this more closer talk? Why would Pedro and his 85 MPH cheese make a good closer? The Twins will go with what they have or go get someone real. Martinez is not going to be a part of the mix.
* That’s a loaded word. I’m not using it negatively here, just acknowledging that when you get Pedro there’s a bit of a circus that comes with him. It worked out well for PHI last year, but the Twins are very protective of their clubhouse mix, and I can see no scenario where they risk it on a guy with his history of needing to be in the spotlight who brings so little to the table in terms of pitching.