SUNDAY, 11:50am: The Mariners have intensified their search for starting pitching, according to Jon Paul Morosi and Ken Rosenthal of FOX Sports. The duo names Nate Robertson, Brian Tallet, and Manny Parra as a few left-handers who may be available while the M's wait for their own lefties (Lee and Erik Bedard) to return from injuries. FOX's Tracy Ringolsby adds (via Twitter) that the team had a scout on hand to watch Tim Redding pitch yesterday.
SATURDAY, 4:16pm: Fanhouse's Ed Price tweets that the Mariners are now strongly considering adding a starting pitcher due to Lee's injury. Price suggests that the addition would be a free agent or someone who was released from another organization.
THURSDAY, 12:12pm: The Mariners are "now again seriously considering Jarrod Washburn," tweets SI's Jon Heyman, even though he says the team is hoping to have Cliff Lee back by the third week of the season.
On Sunday, Washburn told ESPN's Mike Salk there have been "no recent conversations" between the Mariners and his agent Scott Boras. The added wrinkle is that Salk feels Washburn would need about four weeks to be game-ready.
By May, they’ll be pining for Carlos Silva again! (That is a joke, by the way…)
If he signs cheaply go for it.
Tim, spelling error. Conversations, not converaations.
yeah it better be cheap if he comes back here…and he better do good to if he wants to see a nice contract in the future.
If they are going to sign him, they should have made that decision a long time ago. He won’t be ready for the beginning of the season if he signs now.
I hope he signs just so I can boo him in Detroit.
Got to wonder if lee misses more than the first couple of weeks if M’s will file a greivence with the phils, because hes had this type of injury before and it would be easy for the media to spin this negitively against the phils.
Any way i would hate to see anouther Bedard type situation, even as a red sox fan.
He had the same injury with Cleveland; he was not injured with the Phils. I believe it was the 2007 season. It pretty much ruined his whole season-he never got back on track. After that, he turned into Cy Young.
no he didn’t, he had 1.5 great seasons. i remember telling the idiots who thought the phils were crazy for “trading cliff lee + for roy halladay” (they were idiots). i bet they are all rejoicing in the streets now. doc is the most dependable pitcher in the game.
An offer was made a couple of days ago.
you’ll only need him for half a season until bedard is ready, i think it could work out.
The Pirates have a ton of decent pitching. Kartsens, Ohlendorf, Claggett, Moss, and Pearce for prospects Mike Carp, Petit, Ezequiel Carrera, and Evan Sharpley?
anthony varvaro
Would they be interested in either Maholm or Duke?
the pirates already said their not available but im sure they would be.
I bet that the Pirates would trade them, it would just take a lot to get one of them.
The Dodgers should trade them Stults.
Tallet, Overbay for Michael Saunders.
/Sunday dreaming
Jays should just keep Tallet for insurance innings when one of their younguns gets hurt.
I think it would be comical to see a rotation with Lee and Felix at the top and Snell and Parra at the back. They are each two extremes.
The best guy I can think of is Eric Stults. Flyball pitcher who is a consistent lefty(not a great pitcher, but always at least average). The Dodgers are going to lose him, so it should be easy to work out a deal..
tallet would do well in the AL West