Some quick hits about L.A.'s blue team…
- Dylan Hernandez of the Los Angeles Times reported that Manny Ramirez said he would play three more years in the majors and then two years in Japan. This came just a day after Ramirez hinted that 2010 would probably be his last year with the Dodgers and possibly his last year in baseball altogether. At this point, Ramirez could announce that he wants to play for Mr. Burns' softball team and nobody would bat an eye.
- Hernandez also reported that infielder Ronnie Belliard estimated his weight at "210 or 211 pounds" upon his arrival at the Dodgers' spring camp. If Belliard weighs in at 209 pounds or less at any point during the spring, the $825K contract he signed last month will become guaranteed.
-'s Ken Gurnick says that reliever Ronald Belisario hasn't arrived to spring training yet due to a visa problem in his native Venezuela. It shouldn't be a major issue (Hernandez tweeted earlier today that the pitcher is expected this week), but Gurnick noted that if Belisario is held up for too long past L.A.'s March 5 preseason opener, the Dodgers couldn't send him down to the minors without risking losing him to a waiver claim since Belisario is out of options.
- In a separate piece, Gurnick talks to Brian Giles, who is looking at his minor-league deal with the Dodgers as his "last shot" to see if he's healthy enough to continue playing.
Mr Burns softball team…nice
I don’t really think it makes sense for Manny to make these smart comments and jokes. I understand the comedy part of it but I just feel that if he isn’t in the spotlight, he has to attractive negative attention in some sort of way.
As for Belisario, He’s one of the best right handed middle relief pitchers in Baseball. The Dodgers need him to come to camp!!!
Belliard should have had Olive Garden Caesar Salads. Those are healthy and prevent weight gain!
What difference does it make what Manny says? He obviously knows that no other MLB team is going to sign him, and its really doubtful the Dodgers will, so all that leaves is Japan (or Mr Burns softball team). It doesn’t matter anyway. Without the juice, Manny is toast.
Considering Clemens on Canseco play for Burns’ team, he’ll fit right in replacing Strawberry.
You know it was basically an intended joke what Manny said, right?
I am still not sure why people got mad about his leaving LA comments..
Why get mad over something everyone knows is coming?
I know why people are mad. they are saying he is selfish or something.. but honestly, if you didnt know this, you arent a baseball fan. EVERYONE knew this would be his last year. Hell, had he not been suspended last year, he probably would have become a free agent after last year…
It’s basically something for people to get mad over because Manny said it. If anyone else said it, and were in a similar situation as Manny, everyone would be like ‘well, duh!’
he even said that he wasnt coming back next year, so he wants to enjoy it while he’s there.. you’d think that’d be a good comment? i’m right there with ya, dont get the media spin on it
He’s trying to be in the spotlight.
The media is making a big deal of it. Dodger fans not so much.
I really dont think so. It’s just Manny. He is a very direct person when asked a question about his future. He was the same way in Boston and Cleveland. He made it very obvious that he wasnt comfortable in Boston from the get-go.
And like I said before, he is saying something that everyone knew. Now, if Matt Kemp came out right now and said he was retiring after the season, then that would deserve the media attention. A 38 year old basically saying he doesnt like playing defense and he plans to go be a DH? Not so much…
If everyone knows it then there should be no reason to say it.
Because everyone knows it, there is no reason to flip about it.
It’s Manny Ramirez, he says stupid things. But this is one of those things that everyone knew and are flipping out so they have something to write about…
When someone knows something they are usually 95% sure. Also, everyone could also mean people who care to know the goings on of baseball.
I agree. Manny is as egotistical as they come.
Wow, an egotistical athlete. What a rare thing these days…
Gotta love the facetious comments.
So all the guy has to do is put a finger down his throat and he gets 825K? Sounds like a plan to me.
I don’t mind Manny’s jokes. I’m always for a comedian in any sport.
But why 209lbs? Just curious. Seems like such a random number.
He probably weighed something like 259 when he signed the contract.
the comedian tonight haha
And still no points… dull crowd I guess
That was the lowest weight he was when he was with the Dodgers last season.. they didnt want him putting on any more weight
So they don’t want him in the weight room?
More than likely just away from the buffet.
He’s 35… They know he isn’t going to work in the weight room in the offseason… They were worried on him working on the beer gut this offseason, except not the good way
good point. I didn’t know what his age was.
If he was still in his late 20s, there probably wouldnt have been any clause… but given the fact he has struggled with his weight in the past, is older, and had gotten to that weight with the Dodgers, they decided it was necessary..
Oh, alright that makes sense, thanks.
Manny ramierz is just joking and saids this things just to give people some attention but he is still staying with the dodgers and will signed 245 million for 2 year and a 3rd year as an option Ok so don’t worry about it so much Ok.
I think it’s funny Manny get’s flack for saying he probably won’t play for the Dodgers next year, when both Adrian Gonzalez and Lance Berkman say simlilar things and there is pretty much no media attention or flack at all.
Maybe because Manny thinks he still calls the shots, when those other players still do.
Berkman simply said, pick-up the option if you want.
A-Gon says, you traded my brother away, there’s no ties here. I have given you enough, now I want to win.
That one deserves a point.
Now see, that’s what I don’t understand, the perception. How does Manny come off as “calling the shots”. From the interview, it just sounds like the interviewer asked him what he thinks might happen at the end of the year, and Manny just told him frankly he doesn’t know what will happen, just in his head he won’t be playing with the Dodgers. Most to all people associated with the Dodgers already knew that, so why all the negativity? People are trying to make it like Manny is causing a distraction, when from the comments of his teammates, his so called Manny being Manny persona is either a non-factor, or a welcome media distraction, taking the pressure off of them.
brian giles, what a career, 900+ CAREER ops, …..definitely a different sort of guy…. but who doesn’t love him
His girl?
Belliard has to be lazier than Garfield if this is even an issue. Who amongst us would not go to the point of starvation if offered nearly a million dollars? What a fat, lazy, a-hole.
Last year, when it was reported that Manny’s daily off-season regimen included playing video games and watching cartoons as Boras tried to find somebody to leverage against the Dodgers, I got a pretty good idea of just how seriously Manny takes the business of baseball. And hey, he got an extra 50 days worth of cartoons and games during the season. What a bonus!
One need not have a strenuous off-season schedule to be an effective ball player.
fat guys and old guys can still be elite level ball players. like poker players. like dart players. like race car drivers……….
fat guys and old guys can still be elite level ball players. like poker players. like dart players. like race car drivers……….
I wonder what is happening in Manny’s head? I mean really. I bet it’s something like unicorns running around. A-Rod is actually a centaur instead of just a painting. They go on adventures together to stop Shredder from corrupting the youth with tainted peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Then when it’s all said and done. They go back over the rainbow with the unicorns and play Grand Theft Auto IV.
Is this person stupid? I read the exact interview in the Herald yesterday. It was CLEAR Manny was joking considering, in the interview it said in a joking fashion. Manny being Manny. wooooow
Maybe he was joking this time, but there is no doubt from things he wasn’t joking on that he is on cloud nine somewhere.
Welcome to our fanbase.
The other thing I got from his comments, joking or not, was that by “here,” he meant in the United States, since he immediately mentions going on to play two years in Japan. His comments about him not staying with the Dodgers after 2010 and these most recent comments are not, in my mind, mutually exclusive. Not that it particularly matters one way or the other.