9:36pm: Marc Topkin of the St. Petersburg Times (via Twitter) thinks "it's unlikely anything happens" between Tampa Bay and Hudson, noting that the Rays are happy with Zobrist, Reid Brignac and Sean Rodriguez at second base. He does say, however, that the Rays "have interest in [a number] of free agents."
8:12pm: ESPN's Buster Olney reports (via Twitter) that Tampa Bay is "in on Orlando Hudson talks." The plan would be to install Hudson at second base while Ben Zobrist gets moved to right field. Olney says that the move "all depends on the price," which would presumably have to be significantly lower than Hudson's $9MM asking price.
The Nationals have been considered to be the leaders in the Hudson sweepstakes this winter, and MLB.com's Bill Ladson was told today by a source that the Nats "have a good chance" of signing the free-agent second baseman due to Hudson's close ties to Adam Dunn and Willie Harris.
Ladson also went straight to the horse's mouth and talked to Hudson himself, who told Ladson that "progress had been made." The interview also included this interesting passage from Hudson that cited two other teams in the hunt:
"I will sign soon enough. You can put it on the Internet and on TV. I'm going to sign. I can't say exactly when. It will not be long. I can't say if it's with the Nationals, San Diego or Cleveland. I can't say with whom. Something is getting done."
The Padres could be a longshot if, as MLB.com's Corey Brock tweeted earlier today, they've completed their winter shopping following the signing of Jon Garland. The Tribe also seem like unlikely suitors given Hudson's contract demands.
god i love the rays but i just can’t agree with this idea…let desmond jennings try things out in right field, he will eventually replace crawford when/if he leaves so might as well let him learn how to hit big league pitching while you still have some insurance.
Oh that would be awesome if he was on the Rays. Given the fact that the Rays have some of the best clubhouse guys in Baseball, The O-Dawg would be GREAT fit on the Rays!
I also think it would be a great fit for the Rays. However, don’t they want Desmond Jennings to play in the outfield this year. Does that make Upton or Crawford available? If so, the Yankees should get in. Either Crawford or Upton would make a great fit in the outfield: Crawford in LF OR B.J. Upton in CF with Granderson in LF.
How about Crawford for Chamberlain ?
LOL…..joba+romine sure
whoever gets CC will probz get an extension as well..if not then CC is still worth more than just joba
I know this is going to shock you DJ…but the Yankees don’t HAVE to get everyone. It would be cool to see the rest of us have a shot at decent players once in awhile as well.
O-Dawg would be a great addition to whatever team gets him. As a Padres fan, I hope he signs with us, but I think we may be done spending now that we got Garland. Possibly dealing Bell and Young would free up money to sign him, but I doubt we would do that. Overspend Hoyer it’s worth it!
I just don’t get this kind of love for Hudson. He’s a guy I’d like on the Twins on an affordable one-year deal, but realistically, he’s just not that good.
A .774 OPS last season, below-average defense (despite his comedic Gold Glove win), and his OBP has dropped in consecutive seasons. His ISO is down for the third straight year, his slugging plummeted last season… I just don’t see why people think of him as a top-caliber second baseman.
I agree that his slugging has gone down. But I find it hard to believe that he has below average defense no matter if his Gold Glove was undeserved or not. It surely is better than Eck’s and that is major plus to have solid d up the middle in a park like Petco. His D is average AT LEAST.
In terms of ISO and SLG, yes they have gone down, but the Padres need guys who get on base and run well, two capabilities Hudson has. Plus he has great veteran leadership and every team he has been on has loved him.
I wouldn’t consider him a “top-caliber” 2nd basemen, but how many of those are really out there in the NL? Utley and Uggla? Possibly Phillips? I would take him over Freddy Sanchez anyday.
They traded Kazmir for Sean Rodriguez and now they plan on signing O-Dog???
Well I think Hudson will give San Diego a discount. The Padres are his hometown team…….. wait nope he’s from SC, well they have a great hitters par………… nevermind they play in Petco, hmmmmmm I guess he wants to play for a contender………. but there only contending for the first pick in the draft. San Diego has great whether……….. YES! That’s why he’d play on a horrible team in an awful hitting park, those 81 games in great wheter had to sell him on it.
What are you talking about?
I was just being sarcastic about how there is no way Hudson would play for San Diego.
This makes no sense for the Rays in the context of the Iwamura deal. Why get rid of Iwamura if the plan’s not for Zobrist or Sean Rodriguez (eventually) to play second?
And where’s Matt Joyce in all this?
I agree they have internal options and good ones at that, but the Iwamura deal did bring them Soriano.
I imagine Joyce would get a shot before Jennings. Either way, the Rays basically have 1 spot to fill between Joyce, Rodriguez, Brignac, and Jennings. I don’t know why they’re even considering Hudson (if they are).
Iwamura was a better second baseman then Hudson they should have let him play out the last year of his contract. Hudson was one of the league leaders last year at the all star break in batting avg. and hits. The second half of the season he hit a brick wall. Why are the rays not giving Matt Joyce a shot at the right field job.He also is highly regarded and has 15 home runs in 274 big league at bats. He should at least be given a shot.
I wouldn’t discount Zobrist becoming the DH, trading Burrell, letting Joyce play RF and Rodriquez play 2nd. I would then sign Kennedy for a lot cheaper than Hudson.
Why would you place Zobrist on DH? his defense is very good.. regards
Hudson to the Padres? To Cleveland? Aren’t those teams out of the hunt for any FA at this point? Guess that leaves the Nationals as the best possibility of those three teams.
why subistiute a aging second baseman that can field good, and hit decent for Zobrist who possibly is devoloping into a power threat.
For those who don’t understand the Hudson love, when you’re the Padres and would otherwise need to count on David Eckstein as your 2B and #2 hitter, Orlando Hudson begins to look like the second coming of Robbie Alomar.
Hudson makes the most sense for the Padres, and probably them for him. He’d get a prominent lineup spot (#2, ahead of Gonzalez), the fans would absolutely love his hustle and personality, and moving Eckstein to the bench (where he belongs) makes them deeper. Hudson would immediately become the third most popular Padre behind Gonzalez and Bell. He’d probably need to come down to the $2M – $4M range to make it work.
I hope it happens, but I am not holding my breath.