The latest on the Mets' search for starting pitching:
- Ben Sheets appears to be the team's top target, according to Ken Davidoff of Newsday.
- The Mets have been in touch with Sheets since watching him throw Tuesday, according to Anthony McCarron of the New York Daily News.
- Alan Nero, one of Chien-Ming Wang's representatives, tells McCarron that the Mets are one of 15 teams interested in the former Yankee.
- McCarron hears that the Mets have had discussions about Chad Tracy.
- Remember, Matt Cerrone of MetsBlog tweeted this morning that the Mets are close to making a deal.
close to making a deal like how they were close to making a deal to Molina?
I’m praying it’s Sheets but I’m not getting my hopes up at all. I fully expect to be underwhelmed by whatever the results of this mystery deal are.
Mets “to do” list:
1. Sign Sheets
2. Sign Wang
3. Add both directly to DL
Wang is a bum. Sheets is a risky stud.
Anyone but Wang. he’s soooooo done. Mets should sign one reliable starter – Garland and one project – Sheets. Also, please dump Castillo already. Take on Matthews, just make the Angels to eat the difference. Castillo is not helping us. If we do this we can turn the disappointment stove into the hot stove.
castillo is coming off a solid season. i think he has more trade value than that. atleast hes showing improvement
The thing about Gary Matthews is he’s fine with defense, but doesn’t really have much of a bat. However, it would be great to ship Castillo elsewhere if it would help us to nail the O-Dawg (I know…there’s an echo in here). We need production (and enthusiasm) wherever we can get it from. Why not get it from a box of firecrackers like Hudson? He’d be great for the team.
i just feel like hudson is heading down the same path as castillo in a year. someone on this blog said hed be willing to settle for around 3mil a yr. can anyone confirm this? if thats true, then do it in a heartbeat
Yeah, but 1) he’s not there yet, and 2) he’s got the ability to energize a team. That limping bucket of confusion & injuries called the Mets could use some of that, right about now (or sooner).
Felipe Lopez is a ton better than Hudson.
Not with the bat – and López doesn’t bring that energizing factor that the Mets so badly need, either. Still, I do wonder if the Mets have given him any kind of consideration.
I agree 100pct
What the hell is wrong with Disqus!!!!
If it’s crashing write to Tim. He’s looking into that right now.
Not bad, not great.
Yankees dumped Wang for a reason – he’s done. Stinks. Terrible. I hate one pitch pitchers who can’t K anyone. As a met fan, I’m worried that Pelfrey is turning into a Wang type – Big Man that relies on a 95+ sinker. Wang was serviceable only bc he played on a stud hitting team. Forget him
I didn’t realize that 3 straight years of a sub-4 FIP is only considered “serviceable”. Does that make Johan the Met’s only serviceable starter? Not saying Wang will ever pitch like that again though, he’s probably done.
The Yanees said they’ll match any offer Wang gets – they clearly haven’t “given up” on him.
MEts signing Wang? Would you rather have Wang or Sheets? I have a feeling they will take Sheets. Wang? I’d like to know those 15 teams. I doubt it is 15. BUmmer, as a Cubs fan I was wanting Sheets–comeback player of the year? But, cubs have brought in Tikatsu last year to keep Fukudome company, maybe Wang this year? Cubs will probably settle for whomever Mets don’t sign, but they have a history of taking chances on tired arms, I see Cubs doing it again.
Do not sign wang – bum
To seperAte races,languages,trAditions, etc
Wang is actually from Taiwan.
I would rather have Jon Garland. He’s an innings eater and you know what you’re gonna get. Wang is injured, Smoltz is washed up and Sheets is unreliable.
Gary Matthews Jr.!!!!!!!
All hail the outfielder who’s all glove and no bat!
I’d be down to sign all three–depending on price. We all know what Sheets can do if he’s remotely healthy, so no explanation there. As for Wang and Tracy–just solid depth. If Wang can find his sinker again, he’ll be a serviceable 4 starter. Tracy has some pop, and experience at both 1B and 3B. He would make a good lefty bat off the bench with more of a ceiling than Tatis (I know he’s a righty, but I’m just talking about talent).
Mets’ ownership just wants to brag that they have a 6-foot Wang.
it’s all about risk and reward. i have said for months they should sign sheets and wang. if one goes down then the mets still have 3 aces on their staff: santana, wang/sheets, and pelfry/ ollie perez can be very good. just remember both have had a year and a half to rest and wang was a 19 game winner in the AL.
Yea, good luck on that whole “Pelfrey/Ollie Perez can be good” thing. Mets need two starters, an innings eater (Harang-type) and a potential #2 starter (Sheets/Wang/Bedard).
you have to remember both wang and sheets are #1 starter material when healthy. lots of risk but even more reward, wang had a 19 win season in the AL. that’s pretty good. look at chris carpenter in the case of sheets. carpenter looked bad when he got hurt and he had a terrific year.
Except that Carpenter doesn’t have the track record of several successive seasons of being injured (or managing himself, and pulling himself out of games), like Sheets does. Carpenter may have been injured and had a few “hiccups” along the way, but once he recovered he was solid (and more), just as he was before his injury. They are two different kinds of animals.My “jury” is out on Wang, though. I don’t know what to make of him, and from what I see I have to wonder just how much of what ails him is in his head.