I’m not as into the All-Star Game as I was when I was a kid. But I do have some thoughts on it:
- I have always enjoyed having at least one representative from every team. You don’t want to have an entire team’s fanbase left out of the game. The game is for the fans and the kids, and we need to see at least one National. Unfortunately that turned out to be Dmitri Young this year. Now there’s an unlikely selection.
- To me, it’s all about what the player is doing this year. Yes, I know a well-timed couple of months can earn a scrub a spot over a Hall of Famer. But so what? Fans have short-term memories. If the All-Star game was a lifetime achievement award, they wouldn’t hold it every year.
How many pitchers will decline the all-star game in Denver? More than a few in both leagues? A lot in my opinion, who wants to get beat up in Denver.