You may have noticed that MLBTR now has a new commenting system. If you had commented at all in 2015 under the old system, you should have received an email with a link to register. If you did not receive an email, feel free to go into the comments section of a post and click the register button. It might take a little while for your first-ever comment to be published, but after that it should be instant.
We’re using Gravatar for avatars now. You can go here to sign in or sign up and upload an image for yourself.
I apologize for any short-term bugs or missing features in this new commenting system. In the long-term, an in-house commenting system is the right move for MLBTR, Hoops Rumors, Pro Football Rumors. With a third-party system, we had no control over any aspect. Now, we can integrate and customize as we wish. Development is underway to add comments to our Trade Rumors app, by the way.
We love the discussions you create in the comments section of each post. Please let me know about any bugs with the new system and/or features you’d like to see added. You can leave a comment on this post, send an email through our contact form, or tell me on Twitter @timdierkes. Thanks for your patience and happy commenting!