The Blue Jays have shut down their Spring Training facility in Dunedin, Fla. after a player displayed symptoms of COVID-19, Jeff Passan of reports (Twitter thread). There’s no positive test yet, but Passan notes that the player in question is on Toronto’s 40-man roster and had recently spent time with players in the Phillies’ system. The Jays’ Dunedin complex is just six miles from the Phillies’ spring facility in Clearwater, where eight people — five players and three staffers — have tested positive for the coronavirus over the past three days. Another 32 tests of Phillies players and personnel are still pending results.
Scott Mitchell of TSN tweets that about 20 players have been working out at the Jays’ spring facility, including about 10 players who are on the 40-man roster. Passan adds, however, that multiple players have yet to even be tested at all — despite GM Ross Atkins telling him the team has been “overly precautious with testing.” Should reopening the Dunedin facilities untenable, that’d create problems for the Jays even if a 2020 season can come together. As Sportsnet’s Ben Nicholson-Smith points out, Dunedin has been a fallback option in the event that government regulations prevent the Jays from hosting games at Toronto’s Rogers Centre.
The Blue Jays’ Dunedin closure adds to a growing list of concerns as professional sports teams have sought to begin play after months of shutdowns. Beyond the positive tests in Clearwater and the symptoms in Dunedin, it’s also important to note that the NHL’s Tampa Bay Lightning have shut down their facilities after three players and a pair of staff members tested positive for COVID-19. The NFL’s 49ers also had a player test positive in Nashville, Tenn. earlier today, per NFL Network’s Mike Garafolo. A member of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers’ coaching staff has also tested positive.
Taken together, it’s all a sobering reminder that the largest roadblock to return to regular-season play in any sport is not (and has not been) finances or length of season but the ongoing pandemic. Even if the players in question make full recoveries — which obviously is not a given — they still have families to consider, more at-risk members of the coaching and training staffs surrounding them, umpires, team personnel, etc. Scott Lauber of the Philadelphia Inquirer reported this morning that positive infections have already spread to multiple members of the infected members of the Phillies organization. Similar instances of spreading are likely to occur — particularly with positive cases on the rise not only in Florida but also in Arizona, Texas and California, among other states.
What part of social distancing do they not understand?
Oh, the parts where they’re invincible and it couldn’t possibly happen to them.
The part where people in Florida don’t think it can happen to them.
Florida has a pretty good example of balance.
They have to open up and since their population is older, they have to be careful protecting the most vulnerable. Which is why in spite of their population demographics, they have half the deaths of Pennsylvania or Michigan.
But balance is not something people on the far left or far right understand. It has to be “either or”
Maybe using Florida vs PA and MI isn’t the wisest, given Florida had 3822 NEW cases just yesterday, compared to 501 and 299 for PA and MI, respectively. Florida is absolutely getting hit hard now because of their reckless reopening and balance is not something their plan has really been about.
@Halo, or it’s entirely likely their right wing gov, has ordered his people to’cook the books’, when reporting statistics.
Please report back when you actually have something meaningful to contribute.
It means acting aloof and mysterious, right?
It is impossible to play baseball with “social distancing”.. Absolutely impossible. If they play, get ready for multiple teams shut down at a time. That doesn’t just affect the shutdown team but also all their opponents. This season ain’t happening.
So what are we suppose to do live in a bubble for the next year????? It comes a time and point that everyone can’t just sit at home. People have families to support and a lot of people can’t stay home and make money to help provide for their families. So, the people that tested positive can look at it this way. Well we already got the virus we will isolate for the next week or so till all symptoms are gone and then we can get on with doing what we need to do. I understand their are people that have a higher risk of facing death if they get the virus and they are very aware of what they need to do to protect themselves, but their are many many Americans that will get the virus then be perfectly fine in a matter of no time. There has been so much exposure in America I am sure the real number is well into the millions
Why is it one or the other? The hyperbole on both sides is beyond belief to me.
There are thousands and thousand of Americans who have this virus, and don’t know they have this virus.. Would you agree?
Logic can only conclude one of those people might be you. Right?
So when you go out in public, wear a mask. But many people think that is too much of inconvenience even though they acknowledge they might have it.
It’s not a matter of shutting everything down or opening everything up. It’s about everyone doing their part.
There is not a lot of balance on either side.
Let everyone make an individual choice. Stay in if you want, go out if you want.
That’s not how public health works.
They can also look at it this way, we were incredibly stupid and contracted the virus and then spread it to family members. Some of which may have spread to others that will die from this disease.
The minimum you are contagious is two weeks, many for as much as 3 months. We simply don’t know for sure.
If you are willing to kill others then that is on you.
Social distancing isn’t an exact thing. You could very well get it even taking precautions . I’m not one of these idiots saying not to take precautions but it is silly imo to shame someone who got it. Who knows what happened
The problem is that people view it like a switch. One way or the other. Behaviors merely manage the probabilities of outcomes, they don’t mean you will or won’t become infected. If there are a series of behaviors that aren’t very hard to follow and that together lower the probability substantially, why wouldn’t you do them? Because people are stubborn, don’t want to be told what do and generally think they know more than they do know. As far as the players go, I don’t know that it’s a big priority to develop procedures so we can be entertained by sports. I can’t imagine the WHO or the CDC or the all-knowing MLBTR poster has the time nor resources to devote to figuring out how we can be entertained by sports. So they wing it. Try to do things the right way but sports has never dealt with this before. The few times there has been a flu or stomach bug or some other communicable affliction, teams have been ravaged. Why would this be any different?
I guess we’ll have to wait until 2021
C’mon, QAnon-MLBTR junkies, we need you in here to help us understand this! MLB teams losing millions and millions of dollars over a virus that doesn’t exist, you guys need to talk some sense into them!
Saying it doesnt exist just is straight up not true
BillSmith’s reference to QAnon makes it obvious that he’s mocking the ignorant perspective of the virus not existing or it magically disappearing.
Hey now, the increase in cases is just because we‘re testing more.
Yeah. 4000 new cases in one day. Did they perform 150,000 tests yesterday?
350,000 tests reported so far today across the country.
I meant in Florida. That’s how many they would have had to administer for 4,000 new cases in one day to be not horribly concerning. The US is the only wealthy country in the world who has screwed this Covid Crisis up, rather badly. I wonder why?
look at Sweden, Britain, etc. its not just a US issue.
Look at Italy and Spain and Belgium. They have everyone beat.
@pt, yes, that is one metric. More tests mean more positives. However, another metric is hospitalizations and deaths. Hospitalizations in AZ, FL, Alabama, Texas, and a few others are really bad right now. With the Phillies outbreak, 30-40 people could be adversely affected (family members, etc) and the consequences may be most unfortunate.
No one believes there’s not a virus; just suspect of how the virus is being handled.
When a person uses extremes and insults to prove their point- they do that as a defensive mechanism. They can’t defend what they believe so they insult and belittle others in hopes to silence them.
OR it’s sarcasm borne out of the ridiculousness of people using conjecture to replace scientific fact.
If it was fact- you wouldn’t be in the minority view boss. You live in a reality brought to you by the Disney channel; a citizen of the magic kingdom.
“If it was fact- you wouldn’t be in the minority view boss.”
Ever heard of a guy called Galileo?
You know he hasn’t LOL
That was amazing. So public opinion is always right? That’s funny.
He might believe the Universe revolves around the Earth.
So let’s not joke about his conviction.
Of course I know Galileo; he figured out we aren’t hurling through space at 68,000 miles per hour. Do you know what CGI is ?
It’s easier to fool people than to convince them they been fooled -Mark Twain
So now you are trying to insult people? Guess you were talking about yourself when you said “can’t defend what they believe so they insult and belittle others in hopes to silence them.”
I love Mark Twain.
Oh come on, tell the last part of the story. It’s my favorite part.
People definitely believe there is not a virus. Some believe it is a hoax and health care workers have been targeted and attacked for perpetuating the “hoax”
6200 of them showed up in Tulsa yesterday…
then its being said wrong, because saying “the virus is a hoax” tends to mean that you dont believe in the virus and that it has any effect. if that’s not what people mean then they should chose better words to describe their thoughts.
QAnon is just Scientology for people who aren’t millionaires
JFK Jr is dead, you guys. lol
I’m sure Nick Cordero had his leg amputated for no reason.
Imagine actually thinking this….smh
Who cares if they got it? They might have flu symptoms for like 2 weeks, big freaking whoop. Most likely with guys this young and strong they won’t even feel it.
So long as they’re getting tested and know as soon as it happens, then they can stay away from truly vulnerable people like the elderly.
Otherwise this virus is a giant nothing burger and people are way too scared of it.
Yeah and all of the young people without underlying conditions who have died from it are just faking. Must have eaten too many nothing burgers and exploded their stomaches
Great someone must have been speaking moistly
Final. Nail. Coffin.
Yup. It’s over.
The coronavirus isn’t going to prevent the season from starting up, it’s the owners and players unwilling to compromise with each other that will end the season.
Exactly, wait until bodies are actually being put into coffins before calling the time on when the season died.
Canada will not allow games to start yet. No Blue Jays games. California is not open yet and a baseball game requires more than 100 people not including the stadium personnel. All that have to travel by air or bus to that stadium.
If we do play baseball, you can bet there will be three leagues and you can bet there will not be interstate travel.
Play ball!
Only groups of players allowed to be working out at the Phillies complex are either the D.R. or Venezuelans.. All others are officially told the complex is closed… Unofficially some of the Philly vets have popped in for b.p.
R.I.P 2020 MLB season. Such a shame.
Stupid decisions by the players. Regardless, this may be the final nail. 99.99% certain the season is over.
I agree, unfortunately. The NBA shut down as soon as a player tested positive. how can they have games where everyone is in close proximity in the dugout. I think MLB season and NBA seasons are caput 🙁
Plus we might find out these players were in-contact with players from other teams. Restrictions were lifted in Florida but people were still supposed to be responsible and take precautions. This is unfortunate.
That’s what happens when you let greedy business oriented people run your state and place finances over people’s lives. The outbreak down there is as out of control as ever. Everybody saw this coming. Probably the end of most if not all of the attempted sports comebacks.
Greedy business oriented people? I hope you realize there are plenty of working people who are anxious to get back to work and make money.
At what cost? Make money and get back to work when you are ready to, not months before. You are going to have to completely shut it down again. In Canada, there are less than 400 cases a day in the entire country, and Europe is in an even better situation. just now, we are CAUTIOUSLY re-opening. You guys blew it big time.
I don’t know who you mean by “you” guys, but some people are adversely impacted by this forced unemployment. You are about to see a massive foreclosure and eviction rate. In addition, some people weren’t able to go to the doctor to address issues they are having.
My neighbor, a 45 year old male (non-white) couldn’t go to the doctor during the lockdown when he was having some vision issues. Two weeks later he has a stroke and is in a wheel chair. Also, as a car salesman he was not working at the tie because of the shutdown. Now, he won’t be able to work for a while and has to sell his home before he is foreclosed.
So, there are issues on both sides. Don’t make it seem as if it’s not.
You do understand America has a Constitution.
They virtually shut down Italy. No one has the power to shut down the United States.
A few baseball players got a flu, big whoop. It’s nothing to get so scared about,
Darth Nihilus
Right, because there is only one side to this. If you take a common sense approach, you are typically blasted by both side.
You have to open up the country, yet you can’t pretend it’s business as usual.
NWSL is starting in a week,
Yes, trying to allow people to provide for their family and survive financially is “greedy. Oh brother. Nice oversimplification of something complicated.
Hey, it’s amazing that if you just pretend there’s no pandemic, the pandemic doesn’t just go away!
said every public health expert since February…
5 players tested positive, 5 players didn’t have a clue they have it…. My partner at work had it and recovered without notice, which is most likely the same situation with myself since we share the same tools in a tiny shop and all share the same bathroom, yet not a single employee has noticed or complained about any type of symptoms. Just imagine how many “undocumented” recoveries there has been. CDC statistics and percentages would look like a joke if so…
Those 100,000 people didn’t die did they? It is just a massive left wing conspiracy. You people are dangerous.
2/3 reds of the deaths have been in nursing homes.
Wait, don’t all lives matter? That’s what I keep hearing from the same people who say “it’s just old people…”
Cleatus, where in the article did it say that the players “didn’t have a clue they [had] it?” Maybe they all started to have symptoms??? Assumptions don’t help the conversation.
Then why are you assuming that I quoted something from the article?
I made a comment on my own personal experience with the virus at my workplace. None of us are athletes or health geeks, yet none of us even considered needing medical attention.
Players are itching to get out there and play…
All of a sudden there’s a blizzard….
I’ll bet anyone $100 not a single athlete will be effected by this to the point of hospitalization.. let alone take their life… unless of course bartolo inks a deal
And yet, many of them have families… There’s a fair chance that the elderly parents or two year old child doesn’t have the same physical conditioning and resilience that a professional athlete generally has.
Who has time to see their family when they will be playing 60+ games in less than 70 days? Quarantine for 2 weeks afterwards if it makes you feel like a hero….
To anyone correcting every last typo they see on here, get a life! I’ll be missspelling words on every post from here on out so you have something to do with your tyme… now correct this and rewrite it in proper format for me, thnx
Wow, you are a certified loser. Have fun sucking at life.
2 year old children aren’t dying from this. Flu is more deadly to a 2 year old.
Yeah, none are dying. BTW Google is your friend.
They got tested a ton so they knew immediately and now they can take precautions.
The elderly should be quarantined, not anyone else. It’s a damned flu. Stop being so scared.
460,000 dead in 3 months with the age range of the dead being between 13 days old to 100 years old…
Means zero athletes.
Mental gymnast gold medal winner over here….
And who are the most likely to die? The elderly and those with compromised immune systems.
It makes no sense to quarantine anyone else.
Stop being so scared of a flu.
Here’s a 2 day old
Not really sure why “hospitalization” is the defining line considering many hospitals wouldn’t bother seeing you if you attributed multiple symptoms telling you to self-quarantine in fear of infecting more in the process of getting a confirmation.
Most of these athletes have enough money and/or access to private medical care whether it be through their team, league or privately, that they shouldn’t take up a hospital bed when they could do the same at home with possibly better care and more attention. Take a look at the list of retired/former athletes who don’t have the access to the funds and/or health care providers that the current athletes do that have been hospitalized.
CC has to be in the high risk category himself
Good thing he’s no longer a player then. Nice try though.
CC is proof baseball players aren’t real athletes.
Rich Garces is on Line 1
CleatusAnkletaker, I think you are probably right, but regarding baseball, you are missing the point.
1) Every player will be tested at least once a week, likely more.
2) If any player gets this, regardless how he feels, he’s going to miss a month of the season.
3) If he spreads it to his team, that team is done.
4) If it spreads beyond that, then baseball is in jeopardy.
I see where you’re coming from Halo.
But I disagree with testing people without symptoms. Study’s have shown that asymptomatic carriers have a very low contagion rate, even then, it’s usually an asymptomatic transmission. Thus somewhat pointless to quarantine an individual who does not show or spread serious symptoms.
Basically, the more people who build immunity towards it the quicker we will get through this. Hiding in fear from something that over 99% of humanity recovers from is dispicable, IMO of course.
Knowledge check. It’s “affected’ not ‘effected’. Yep, I corrected you. Let’s bet that same $100 that you can’t handle it. We will see from your response.
Your statement shows you don’t fully understand the problem. The problem is not one person’s reaction, it is the reaction of everyone they come in contact with that is the problem. That’s why the need for contact tracing. Sure, a MLB player may not be hospitalized, but what about the other people down the line that they come in contact with? Contract the virus, spread it to someone else who does need to be hospitalized. How does that make you feel? It should make you feel bad, if you care, simply because there were very easy things you could have done to help avoid spreading it.
Everything you said is a scientific theory you believe to be true.
I acknowledge that it was theoretical that you would care if you spread the virus knowing there were easy steps to help avoid spreading it.
Nothing easy on my end friend. I have a 1 year old and my wife’s pregnant and I sell insurance in peoples homes. I’m not going to put my babies or clients at risk and I’m not putting my babies or clients at risk. And I do not partake in your mask wearing rituals.
You don’t wear a mask? So you think so little about others that you wont take that little precaution?
I wouldn’t buy insurance from you. Nor should anyone.
Had a record week….
Wearing a mask to prevent the spread of covid because you are A symptomatic is a theory.
why is anyone still opposed to mask wearing? ill admit i had some qualms about it being mandated at first, but you cant deny that they keep contagions from leaving and entering to at least some extent
Easy answer- heard immunity. My wife’s midwife told her not to wear a mask and said inhaling your own carbon dioxide is not healthy.
More complicated answer- Seen eyes wide shut movie ? Where all the occultist dress up in masks to meet ? It’s part of their ritual. When you wear a mask- you become someone you are not truly or someone who is hiding who they truly are. Go look at these photos on front page of news and tv of politicians and protestors wearing masks. When u see an iconic shot, which is daily and I barely watch any news, it’s bc the pic was a stage in the first place. That picture conditions the mind to believe their narrative is true. That’s why so many believe theory is fact – their mind has been conditioned to accept a specific message as reality bc it was programmed into them through…….a television program.
I have no issue with people not wearing mask if they have a good reasons. I certainly understand why someone who goes power walking or jogging wouldn’t wear a mask. I understand why someone who has a strenuous job wouldn’t wear a mask.
But people had reasons not to wear seat belts too. Sometimes a seat belt will cause a death and not prevent it.
If you have a medical reason not to wear a mask, go for it. But that’s a lot more uncommon than common.
More often than not it’s an excuse an not a reason.
* Herd immunity
I’m usually not Grammar Guy, but for heaven’s sake, why should we listen to your ideas about it when you can’t even spell it?
Also, you’re making your decision based on one midwife’s opinion and, incredibly, the story from a Kubrick film, rather than the consensus of experts that wearing a mask can reduce the spread of COVID-19.
I feel badly for the people whom you might put in danger with your irresponsible behavior.
Truthfully? I was wearing a mask everywhere. Then when the protests broke out I saw that nobody in the media gave a crap about the masks. I felt like a fool for 100% buying in. Although I still wear one sometimes. What can I say. The mixed messages are confusing. I’m confused.
There is no consensus on wearing masks. You just made that up or you believe it bc you read an article that said it or your boob tube convinced you.
I can quote dozens of sources, show reports of liberal Ivy League scientists and doctors who have never been able to prove that viruses spread from person to person. People that have more doctrine degrees than your whole family tree. You don’t see them on tv because that’s not the narrative you are being programmed to believe yet if they are right – the whole thing is a jape and we all are the butt of their joke.
I’m not saying I believe one theory or the other but what I do understand is whatever you do believe – is only a theory
daboss, as far as baseball is concerned (not humanitarian), I think you are wrong.
What matters is how much time players miss because they have this.
You have to figure it’s 30 days per player. And if it’s spreads… then what? How do you have a team? How do you have a league?
The judgmental spelling police people are annoying. Who cares? Debate the point. Spelling better doesn’t mean an opinion is better. I wanted to purposely spell every word wrong in this post but I was too lazy.
I’m w ya ! Let’s disband the spelling police lolz
Anyone who is truly at risk – ie the elderly and those with compromised immune systems – should be avoiding others.
No one else needs to. It will destroy the economy to keep the fear up at this level of a flu.
2020 is the new 1994, yawn, see yall in November.
You’re taking four months off? Hallelujah. Enjoy your time off.
Got em !
Keep pushing that liberal agenda Trade Rumors so we don’t have any baseball at all. They could name a different flu every year to scare the world if they wanted to. It was all done to wreck Trumps economy. Plain and simple.
Need to loosen your tinfoil hat.
They are on the left, that’s pretty hard to miss. They do push a more liberal agenda.
But I’m missing how this link is on the left. It’s a fact.
The pandemic is hurdle number one.
Facts are hard to ingest sometimes especially when that don’t support what/who you believe in.
Gunna need to you to stop politicizing a single-cell non-sentient virus like, RIGHT now.
Lolz. Strike 4, everything you say is political. 460k people died of pre existing conditions past 3 months which is the normal death rate.
You are free to believe they all died of covid if u like.
You can also say your non sense as much as you like too. I’m a grown man and can handle it.
Die for Trumps economy and the stock market (which isn’t as good as Barry’s or Slick Willie’s, by the way).
The economy is everyone’s. Either you have a comfortable job where you can stay at home and still get paid (like me) or you’re in high school and you’ve never had a job.
still not a flu…
Congratulations! You just won the award for the most patheticly ignorant comment of the day!
You forgot to include the part where the actors from Sandy Hook were hired to play all the dead people.
Oh, and the part about how they got every other country on Earth to also go along with it and wreck their own economies in the process.
The country doesn’t have the virus under control in general. But two of the states showing spikes are Arizona and Florida – states that are prominently used for spring training and have the necessary complexes. Arizona leads the US in cases per 1000. Florida has the most new cases this week.
Even if they could get fanless games going elsewhere, they need some place for minor leaguers to work out/play/practice. The thought was this would be the spring complexes, but if they’re already looking at a second wave, I’m not seeing a safe way to keep minor leaguers ready for a call up.
Positive tests are going to happen if we play a season. So there has to be a plan in place regarding how to handle such results. If that plan is good, a season could be played. If the plan is not good, it could wreck a season.
Tiger, I disagree. The plan is to avoid the spread. The plan has to be what to do before a player gets this.
If a player gets this, they miss a month, if a team gets this, their season is over, if a league gets this, the season is over.
It’s all about stopping the spread, and the only way you can do that is isolation and lots of testing.
All great and fun if the virus wasn’t completely out of control. It wasn’t a month ago when precautions were being taken. This jeopardizes the entire season.
Well… at least we have the simulation of the 2020 season. So far the Dodgers and Indians are the best teams in each league.
Otherwise, why not just add up teams’ projected WAR and give that team the World Series trophy? That’s how awards are given for individuals now.
I have said this before, but it’s worth repeating. If you want a season, players have to be isolated.
No interstate travel, three leagues, ten teams in each league, forty five games, games, nine five game series, no one plays on Monday’s and Thursdays. test constantly, and if players are kept in isolation, the spread might be kept in control.
If a player catches this, they are going to be to miss a month. You can’t have a season if this spread.
Players are going to have to give up three months of their lives.
Or we could just have the whole country go into marshall law for 14 days, it would die on the surfaces. Anyone who had it would be limited to their home, so in addition to the military, doctors could also go outside during these 14 days. Which would mean doctors go into peoples houses wearing hazmats or just videocall in. Also means less hospital beds used/stress on hospital staff dealing with who’s already there. We could also have cleaning people in hazmats walking around cleaning up everything, even make it volunteer “for your country” type thing.
14 days is absolutely nothing, and we would be able to go back to 100% normal life within a month. Why don’t we do this? Because capitalism refuses to take one day off and half this country are paranoid and delusional or otherwise have mental illness or PTSD about the many new ways of instant death, culture of fear and general terrorism the govt has been unleashing on the people over the last 4 decades.
We’ve almost been under martial law in Michigan for these past three months, and where did it get us? Second highest unemployment rate in the country and sixth highest death rate despite our governor’s draconian orders.
Yeah, Michigan could have that without the ‘martial law’! At least it would be more fun?
This is unworkable is so many ways. First, you don’t have enough doctors and military/law enforcement to make this a reality. Second, what about all of the homeless, roaming drug addicts? What do we do with them? Third, now that law enforcement is the enemy to some people, how can you use them to enforce Marshall law if they can’t/won’t/unwilling to stop protesters form ripping down statues and property damage? Finally, it would probably take a few years to do what you suggest. No way you can check an entire population in 14 days.
Right, strike4, because balance and common sense don’t exist in your little world. It has to be one or the other.
The hysterical media reports infections. Should the outbreaks continue, I really
Can’t see how MLB (or NFL) expect to ‘Play Ball’.
Don;t worry about the virus, it is only 2.2 Million have or had it and will just go away out of nowhere. Why would the great Orange One lie?
Really, do you have to go this route?
Just joking around, relax.
just taking a small jab on somebody who downplayed this very hard to citizens a few months ago and now seeing we are in this mess. (Not blaming him, but just a crappy situation)
I hate my father, I get it. However, in my opinion I would avoid all mentions of politics. I think if more of us do this perhaps we can get some of vitriol out of people.
Too often, the “air is full of sinister currents.” One of the best lines from a movie.
I got to agree with that. Well said!
political and insensitive. great combo.
insensitive how?
but right, if there is no season we can only blame money
In ca, people are becoming more brazen.. no social distancing, no mask.. people aren’t taking it seriously.. some think it’s a govt conspiracy.. it’s absolutely stupid people don’t take it seriously and now we are seeing another spike..
As a physician, you are limited in your diagnosis with virtual visits. Physical exam is a very key component to diagnosing. I don’t see physicians making house calls in hazmat suits either so neither of those are good ideas.
Were you trying to reply to someone or is this just random thinking out loud?
If you’re talking about testing players, the teams can certainly afford having doctors at their facilities to conduct constant testing.
You can’t make this work without constant testing.
If they react, it’s over, there will be no season. They have to be proactive.
Go Blue Jays!
Replying to Strike Four’s comment above.
And….we jump down that rabbit hole again. I see the “hoax and no big deal” crowd is out in full force. No one under the age of 93 has ever had a problem.
You take a risk every day doing something. I hope they just close down for good. Way too out of balance with real life.
to suggest a global pandemic is a normal thing?
Do any of them have symptoms or are they asymptomatic?
Phiilies and Jays- yikes. Better test Mitch Williams and Joe Carter
On the brightside, if the Jays cant go and have to forfeit, this means the Os get out of the basement
what a proud day for O’s baseball that would be …
but are you sure they could manage to get more wins than a team that forfeits the season?
Th-Th-Th-That’s all, folks!”
Why doesn’t MLB play in Canada?
It is off the charts safer than anywhere in the US.
There are tonnes of minor league stadiums in every Province because it’s a haven for minor league and Indy ball.
They are going to play in empty parks anyways who cares where they are..
Canada has about 37.6 million people. So far….
– over 100,00 cases
– almost 33,000 cases in Ontario (over 2,550 dead)
– over 54,000 cases in Quebec (over 5,300 dead)
– nearly 2.3 million people tested
– 8,300 deaths as of now
Majority of the cases happening in the two Provinces where major league baseball has played. Toronto and Montreal were impacted quite a bit. Don’t see the solution being Canada.
well, for one, they need a second team to play against, and the international borders are closed for non-essential travel