Top Cardinals prospect Alex Reyes has been given a 50-game suspension after testing positive for marijuana, according to a team release (h/t to’s Jesse Sanchez, via Twitter). Reyes, who had been pitching in the Arizona Fall League, expressed regret at his own “inappropriate behavior.”
Reyes, a 6’3 righty, has streaked up prospect boards and now rates as a consensus top-20 youngster league-wide. His AFL stint is now over, but because he was a member of that league he’ll be able to accumulate some time served in the offseason.
From a developmental perspective, the suspension is not likely to cause much of an interruption. The 21-year-old had ascended to Double-A last year, but likely was set to spend more time in the minors both to finish his polishing and to build up innings on his arm (which, presumably, is why he was working in the AFL). And whatever one thinks about marijuana use, or the merits of the league testing/suspending players for its use, the drug is obviously less harmful and concerning than other banned substances.
Still, the suspension is obviously not preferable for Reyes or the St. Louis organization. He has shown enough pure stuff — with a big fastball and plus curve — that he could conceivably factor into the club’s plans this year (more likely at the end than the start). With a need to refine his third pitch (a changeup) and hone his command, per, the lost opportunity to play early in the season could have an impact on his timeline.
Suspensions of minor leaguers relating to marijuana are not a new phenomenon, but Reyes’s profile — along with the increasingly widespread legalization of the drug — could bring more attention to the issue. As Nathaniel Grow of Fangraphs has explained in breaking down the league’s treatment of the substance, only minor league players are subject to year-round random drug testing and harsh enforcement of the prohibition against marijuana use. (Reyes is not yet on the Cards’ 40-man roster.) According to that account, Reyes would only have been hit with this ban if it were his second positive test, as a first-time offender is only required to participate in a treatment program.
What a joke
Literally was going to type the same thing
Regardless of one’s view on the matter, Reyes broke the rules. You break the rules, you get punished.
Just that it’s a rule in general. I completely understand he broke the rules, but I’m not going to get into a whole debate about it.
There is nothing forcing MLB to keep this draconian rule in place.
Agreed…unless it was laced with HGH
You may be right.
However, it’s still a rule. To call the suspension a joke is to assume that it’s not.
How about the fact that it’s illegal?
so then under that line of logic should he also get suspended 50 games if he runs a stop sign or does 55 in a 45? And if he smoked in Colorado it wasn’t illegal.
Thats a joke too
Women voting was illegal at one time, too. I think the basic point we’re all making is, yes, he broke a rule, but come on. It’s a silly rule. The War on Drugs was dumb, man. Let’s get over our nationalist selves and move on. It’s 2015 for crying out loud.
I’m not speaking on whether I think it should be a law or not. I’m speaking on WHY it’s the rule: because by law, it’s illegal.
Women not being able to vote was oppressive.
Someone not being able to light up a doobie without being punished is anything but.
Please don’t pretend like they are anything remotely similar.
Not a rule if he was part of the MLBPA just saying. These kids really have no rights. What are they supposed to band together as a union and get black balled by their franchises?
It’s just weed. 50 games? Wow smh
No union. MLB players don’t get suspended and are only tested if there is probably cause
This is pathetic. MLB has no respect for civil liberties.
I didn’t realize that civil liberties included things that were actually against the law?
I think people should learn why it was ever outlawed in the first place…
One, it’s illegal. Two, you do not have a right to play in the MLB, it is a privilege. And as long as they do not impede upon your rights as a citizen or person, they can do whatever they want, including not letting you play.
Its minor leagues, not MLB, and he makes less than someone working at McDonalds, much less in fact
Alex Reyes got a $950,000 signing bonus a couple years ago. What McDonald’s is near you where employees are making that in 3 years… I’d like to apply.
I don’t see how it being minor leagues changes his point whatsoever. It’s still a privilege, not a right.
It’s not a privilege like playing JV baseball in 9th grade. It’s a job. Granted his employer can have stupid rules, but this is exactly why low level employees need union protection; because they have zero power individually.
It’s not illegal where I live.
So you slap him with 50 games now…
Next time the poor kid wants to relax, he’ll think real hard before lighting up, enjoying the revitalizing effects of CANNABIS, getting a good night’s rest and come out the next day throwing fire.
More likely, now that he can’t harmlessly consume CANNABIS…
Next time poor kid wants to relax, he’ll think real hard before lighting up, head to the bar with the boys, feel the effects of the first one, have 2-3+ more, head home (if he makes it there, not to the club, or jail), pass out, come out the next day, sore, dehydrated, mentally unkeen, throwing cupcakes to all of the midrange talent he’s supposed to be toying with.
But hey, at least he didn’t break any laws and the backward American socio-economic machine rolls on!!!
…leaving the Cards out of a prospect.
It’s sad we have to use a circumstance as abstract as this to highlight a dynamic that plays itself out 100 times a day in every low income neighborhood in the US with far, far, more serious consequences then a suspension.
Just being honest and while I think the rule is dumb but it is the rule. It says something about a player when they do something like this when they know the rules. Anywhere you work you have rules and things you cannot do and even though you think they’re stupid rules…follow them or get fired. Got to be smarter than this.
I totally agree with you.
What a difference between NFL and MLB discipline.
So the suspension for marijuana is exactly the same as the initial suspension for PED’s. Sounds legit. As long as they can explain the performance enhancing benefits of using weed, and how it’s giving him a leg up on his competitors. This is just absurd. If you want to do something send him to counseling. All this shows is a lack of judgement on his part.
Didn’t the Player’s Association have to sign off on the JDA? If so, it’s clear that both parties agreed to the scope of the rule.
Sure they agreed to it. It doesn’t mean it makes any sense.
Reyes is not a member if the MLBPA. He gets paid less than you and us subject to rules even the MLBPA won’t agree to.
MLBPA only applies to players on the 40 man. Minor leaguers have no union and no protection, which is why they make 5K per year
Well, since he is being punished and we know about it, it means it is the second time. The first time it is kept private from the public and they go to counseling. This is the kid not learning a lesson. Also? this ruling has no bearing on performance, as there are separate areas in the drug policy – one for “performance enhancing drugs”, and the other for “drugs of abuse”. This one is for the latter.
Suspend players for drunk driving or steroids not smoking a little weed in the comfort of your own home. Wow
So hitting a J gets you the same suspension as someone using roids?? Wow
Chewing tobacco is way worse than smoking pot and they can do that on the field while they play, but can’t smoke a little pit in the offseason? Wow, that’s messed up. (Btw im not saying they shouldn’t be allowed to chew during games)
Not in the minor leagues they can’t
^ if chaw or dip causes oral cancer, and is used so often in the MLB, then players who use it have no punishment but players who use a drug that can maybe kill a few brain cells at the worst get a third of their season taken away? Jeez.
While that’s a fair point, it still doesn’t change the fact that it’s against the rule.
I drive on a road that has a speed limit of 35 mph… there’s no logical reason (that I’m aware of) for it to be that slow (it’s actually a county highway)… I don’t get to break that rule just because I believe it’s a dumb rule.
Fight for a change… until then, follow the rules.
Fair, but someone should fight dor that change. That being said they need to legalize it in the NFL far far more.
If the guy was driving drunk he stood the chance of killing someone and would have probably gotten what, 5-10 games suspension and barely an acknowledgement for his bad behavior.
Seems like there’s some balancing needed here.
weed is the best way to watch a game highly recommend it to everyone but it’s terrible thing to do before the game if ur playing alcohol is much more harmful
The fact that marijuana is treated like a harsh drug is rediculous, gave him no advantage or diadvantage… 50 games, what a joke
This was his his 2nd offense. The 1st was no suspension, per Cards website…and yes, it’s still a big joke IMO.
as far as baseball drug policies there’s a difference between performance enhancing drugs and drugs of abuse. for drugs of abuse, it doesn’t matter how it affects play. it is about health and following the law. they have all the federal DEA Schedule I and Schedule II drugs on the list for drugs of abuse. …and long ago since the “reefer madness” reactionary hysteria days marijuana has been a Schedule I drug for the Feds right along with heroin.
Boston released a kid with a mid 90’s plus fastball who got caught using marijuana 2x, name of Matthew price spring of 2014. They had given the kid a half million bonus to sign in 2010 also. Release wasn’t because he didn’t produce, because he had, was he didn’t follow some rules about marijuana, which he advocated for.
Shame, cause the kid had really good stuff and might have made a good power arm by now for a pen that dearly needs them..
They released him because he wasn’t good enough at not getting caught? Many MLB players use Marijuana.
Guess you still haven’t learned to read my posts, just blindly march on with your dribble…
Try reading it this time huh? Then post, or do as I requested months ago and CEASE replying to mine, like I ignore yours dolt.
Forgot to make it easy for the blind:
“was he didn’t follow some rules about marijuana, which he advocated for.”
If Price really was any good, he would be playing somewhere.
Tom Wilhelmsen of the Mariners refused to play MLB for years because he liked weed too much.
I play way worse on reefer, I don’t even smoke the day before, drags me down too much but booze does the same thing so I don’t drink either. Is it just a blanket drug policy why he got the same punishment as using performance enhancing drug?
Could you imagine the task it would take for baseball to try and determine the suspension for each individual banned substance? It would be a nightmare to figure that out.
You’re joking right? I just asked if it was a blanket policy, why would it be a nightmare? Its really not that complicated, some drugs clearly offer a potential to cheat and some dont…
For what it’s worth, I was actually wrong. It’s not a blanket policy.
The JDA does, in fact, list different suspensions for different categories of substances.
Put him on the 40 man and let the kid be. What is this the NFL now?
If it were the NFL it would be overturned on technicality and he would be reinstated
Trick question: NFL players are too busy being angry and beating their female significant others to smoke pot.
Hey, not a problem out here in the enlightened state of Colorado! If the Cards don’t want him anymore, we’ll take him!
Know ur playing, but for the record I don’t think the cards could possibly care too much
Just so everyone understands the drug policy:
First offense
“A Player on a Treatment Program for the use or
possession of Marijuana, Hashish or Synthetic THC shall not be subject
to suspension.”
Second and Later offenses
“A Player on a Treatment Program for Marijuana,
Hashish or Synthetic THC who is determined by the Treatment Board
to not have complied with his Treatment Program shall be subject to
fines, which shall be progressive and which shall not exceed $35,000
for any particular violation. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if the
Treatment Board concludes that a Player has demonstrated flagrant
disregard for his Treatment Program, either by refusing to submit to an
Initial Evaluation or by failing to comply with a Treatment Program, or
if the Commissioner determines that the Player’s use of Marijuana,
Hashish or Synthetic THC represents a threat to the safety of other
Players, the Player shall be subjected to discipline for just cause by the
Commissioner without regard to the limitations on discipline contained
in this Section 7.D.”
It’s not the same as PED’s, which is an automatic suspension. And while I personally think it should be legalized, there is the policy and clearly he is a multiple time offender and shows complete disregard for the rule in order to get a 50 game suspension.
That is the policy that applies to players on the 40-man roster (assuming you are quoting it from the right source), not what applies to guys who aren’t on the MLB roster. It was an auto suspension for a 2nd test for Reyes.
What happens if he gets a DUI does he get a 50 game suspension for that? If not really shows how out of whack their priorities are.
Ignorant policy, at least this time next year he’ll be on the 40 man and can blaze all he wants.
So that costs him about 3K given what minor league salaries are. He can make more than that at McDonalds. The punishment is mostly on the team. Why don’t they just fine instead of suspend, or have the fine pending until he can afford to pay it if and when he makes it to MLB
He got a $950,000 signing bonus in 2013 when St. Louis signed him… if that’s what a Mickey D’s employee makes, I’m quitting my job.
I’m fine with this, after all Miguel Cabrera got a 100 game suspension for his DUI where he put his and other totally innocent peoples lives at risk, so MLB is really on point with substance abuse suspensions. Weed has just taken so many, many lives. Just the other day I saw a man light up a joint and die because of it.
Oh wait…
The sarcasm here is prime
Well that’s just Ducky! Our #1 prospect is a doper. Reality Check—-The core of the Cards have reached their mid 30’s and prone to injury. They gathered so much low hanging fruit over the last couple of years, there is none left for any other teams. Mo says the Cards can stand pat and be ok for 2016. We hear that every year durning the winter months and again before the trading deadline. I don’t put much faith in Mo landing Heyward, let alone picking up a power hitter, a top
Tier starter, or a solid First baseman. I’ve been a die hard Cardinal fan for 55 years. I’m just frustrated by the same ole song and dance every time there’s a chance to upgrade the team. Got Money? Yep. Got trading material? Yep. Need aggressive contact hitters. Yep. But……Mo’s M.O. Is consistent year after year. I hope I’m wrong! And…. I sure hope he and the owners change their attitude about signing impact free agents as a chance to upgrade
I get the impression me and Alex Reyes are the only two people on this thread that get drug tested at work.
Dude need to pass instead of puff puff first. This is not the “Cardinal” way. What a loser.
Smoke weed=50game suspension
Drink 30 beers on team airplane=legend
rules are rules, boys!