Here’s the latest trade buzz about Phillies lefty Cole Hamels…
- “The Cubs have continued to touch base with the Phillies” about Hamels, sources tell Gordon Wittenmyer of the Chicago Sun-Times. The likes of Kris Bryant or Addison Russell are “unquestionably off the table,” yet Chicago has enough prospect depth to get the Phillies’ attention. Whether it’s Hamels or another notable arm, Wittenmyer expects the Cubs to target starting pitching at the trade deadline.
- The Red Sox have long been connected to Hamels in trade talks, and while those rumors have primarily swirled around Mookie Betts and Blake Swihart, Nick Cafardo of the Boston Globe notes that the Phillies also “like” Sox youngsters Jackie Bradley, Deven Marrero, Eduardo Rodriguez, Brian Johnson and possibly others. The Phillies have been insisting on Swihart or Betts in any Hamels deal and the Sox have been firm that neither player is being traded. Also from Cafardo’s mailbag piece, he feels Boston should add an ace but thinks the team will give Rodriguez or Johnson a shot in the rotation before they make a major trade to upgrade their pitching.
- Of course, there is no evidence that the Phillies will trade Hamels (or Jonathan Papelbon) any time soon, if at all. GM Ruben Amaro said as much to’s Todd Zolecki, noting that “I have no mandate to trade players. These are not financial deals. These are baseball deals. That’s the beauty of the flexibility our ownership group is giving us. This is really about doing baseball deals. We don’t have to move money.”
Doesn’t look like too many teams are into playing the arms race against other teams to outbid for a guy a GM is more desperate to sell to save face, than the teams are to get a guy who should be good but you never can really tell.
Hamels is good, but are his over-30 years going to outweigh the value of a kid’s under 30 years?
The biggest mistake, the Red Sox ever made was trading for 36-year-old Curt Schilling. I mean, he did nothing for them.
were any of those prospects even elite? Was Schilling even making more than an average contract?
Use some context.
Jorge De La Rosa was considered semi-elite, somewhat. But, yeah, the prospects the Red Sox gave up weren’t all that good.
Fossum and Lyon were both bigger prospects than de la Rosa. Obviously de la Rosa worked out much better, but he was basically just a throw-in in the Schilling deal.
ah, I figured it was something like that, thanks
Casey Fossum and Brandon Lyon were both considered elite prospects when the trade happened. Just because they didn’t work doesn’t affect the mindset when the trade occurred. Schilling was also making $12 million a year. Nowadays that is an average contract, but 10 years ago that was a very expensive contract for a starter.
You mean Brandon Lyon pitched up off Jays scrap heap was elite ….who knew
I got Lyon mixed up with someone else, but Fossum was a big time prospect.
None of Fossum, Lyon, or De La Rosa was ever considered an “elite” prospect, at the time of the trade or before, and certainly nowhere close to the level of a Betts or Swihart. Not comparable whatsoever.
I was wrong about Lyon. I got him mixed up with someone else. But Fossum was the Red Sox top pitching prospect. I agree that it was a light package for an ace, but that doesn’t mean Boston can get Hamels for that price as well.
According to his BR page, Lyon wasn’t even a top 100 prospect. Neither was Fossum.
Fossum was the Red Sox top pitching prospect. He might not have been a top 100 guy, but he was talked about quite a bit. Lyon I screwed up on. I got him mixed up with Brandon Webb. But to err is human.
Fossum and Lyon were never elite prospects. Sox got Schilling for peanuts that year.
Arizona was in salary dump mode… Curt Schilling was making $12,000,000 per year, when the average salary was roughly $2,000,000 per year… The Phillies are not in salary dump mode and Cole’s contract is below average for TOL starters… use some context
They aren’t in Salary dump mode, but they have very little system depth and under 25 talent. The direction the league is going is through young talent development, not free agency signees.
And most any team that goes prospects only will be rebuilding for a decade. 70% of all prospects fail to impact the MLB. Yes you need prospects but it’s not the only road.
“I can cherry pick a trade for an aging player that ended up working out, therefore overall trends and statistics mean nothing!”
No different than the constant saying…he’s 31….he WILL decline by 34 and we will be stuck with his contract.. EVERY pitcher does no follow the same route. His pitch velocity on every pitch is almost identical to 2010 except his world class change has ticked up slightly.. He is not a flame thrower, he is a pitcher….speed, deception, location.
Schilling did nothing huh? I guess pitching in the ALCS and help them win a WS with a really bad ankle doesn’t count? Smh…..
Another one that doesn’t understand sarcasm. Read the other comments first….sigh.
A 40 yr old Hamels , is Still better than a these younger Chumps
E-Rod is untouchable
I’m starting to think that Red Sox fans simply want to be handed Hamels. How do you plan on getting him without giving up a top five prospect in the system?
where do you get the generalization? this one comment? the Sox system is strong enough that a 5-10 prospect could easily be a top 5 prospect in around half the other teams. Let’s be real, $110 million for Hamels’ age 31-35 seasons, while valuable, is not worth giving up high prospects for, especially for Sox fans who know that his inside FB’s can be turned easily be turned into home runs in Fenway.
While Margot and Cecchini are nice parts I don’t think they land Hamels with out a top 5 guy from that system. Margot and Cecchini are both blocked prospects. Maybe if Amaro sees enough value in Jackie Bradley Jr. I don’t know, he actually is hitting in the minors albeit limited still a good sign for him.
I think if the red sox want hamels and they are saying that betts and swihart are untouchable, It might have to take E-Rod or Owens for the top prospect to get it done, but I think the dodgers make a trade for hamels.
True , Dodgers have seen Cole in action and know he’s a star.However Boston needs him more Starting rotation is Sub-Par for contender.
Margot is a top 5 guy in the Red Sox system who was the number 35 prospect in all of MLB in Fangraphs top 200. He is a consensus top 100 prospect who is dominating the minors to the tune of a single strikeout through 65 at bats.
Margot is rated much, much higher than is JBJ and as far as top 5 prospects? For 90% of the teams in the league, without very deep systems, he’d be top 3 with ease.
I don’t believe JBJ is a prospect any longer. I could be wrong though. I don’t know how Margot could be rated higher than a guy who is just as good defensively and has played at a higher level just my opinion though. JBJ came close to winning a gold glove.
Boston fans, how many prospects actually pan out , very few.
If they where has good as you think , why is the stars of team two free agents. Remember Middlebrooks.
If the Sox hadn’t extended Porcello for 4 years and $82.5 M then maybe you would have a point but they did and you don’t.
This is exactly the problem. If the Phillies get no top-5 prospects, then they are much better off by keeping Hamels. Which is why he hasn’t been traded despite these rumors floating around the last 2 years
Don’t generalize a fan base on 1 comment.
A lot of Sox fans don’t care if they sign Hamels at all.
With that rotation you guys better care, quick.
Oh, I care about pitching, just not sure Hamels is the answer.
Who is then? I mean I think an Owens, Margot+ package might get you a half year of Cueto, but I don’t see anyone out there at Hamel’s caliber with a contract that team friendly and ace caliber stuff.
Getting an “ace” is not going to fix the other 4 guys in the rotation. Why give up the future for a pitcher over 30 yrs of age. Next years FA class is what they should be looking at. As it stands the Red Sox are a long way from going to the WS even if they pick up Hamels.
When your farm is deep, you can trade prospects without giving up the future. At some point, every team wanting a WS, has to play for TODAY. Losing teams play for the future.
Me neither. This might not be the year to deal.
LOL! Are you a Phillies fan? I should hope not, because if you want to talk about a team that’s going nowhere, it’s the Phillies. No matter what team they’re trying to make a deal with for Hamels, the Phillies are most certainly not in the driver’s seat. Everyone knows they need to move Hamels more than anyone else needs to add him.
They don’t need to move him unless they get a good package back. Otherwise they are content to hold onto him because his salary is reasonable and so are the years left on his deal.
Owens is the top one I’d see going, in reality.
I’m not high on Owens at all. From what I saw in spring training the guy looks like a future LOGGY.
He had a 10.4 K/9 in AAA last year and is a consensus top 50 prospect.
I’m going off of what I saw in spring training. Minor league numbers don’t really give you a gauge of what someone is going to do in the majors. Hell Phil Hughes destroyed the minors.
It takes a few seasons for most SP prospects to put it all together. Guys like Halladay, Wainwright, et al need time to mature. I’m sure if you saw those guys in their first couple STs you’d say they sucked, doesn’t mean they weren’t prospects with some trade value.
Cole Hamels isn’t even worth his contract. Why should the Red Sox or any other team throw in multiple top prospects for a guy that they probably shouldn’t even sign as a free agent for the type of money they’d have to pay him? Ruben Amaro has had his head in some really dark places thinking he was going to get 3 or 4 top prospects for Cole Hamels, and now, incidentally, it looks like he knows that he’s been howling at the moon for nothing because all of a sudden he’s saying he might pick up some of that salary. He’d better pick up a LOT of that salary if he wants more than one great prospects in return!
I’ll tell you who isn’t worth his contract — every starter in the Red Sox’s rotation, by any measure. The Sox, whether they add by trade or free agency, have a waste disposal problem with over-valued starters. That’s what you should pay attention to when you talk about who is or isn’t worth his contract. It’s one thing to add salary, another to be dumping. But what was all the money spent for in Boston if not to compete now?
A guy picked up for two months of a relief pitcher that were losing anyway is now an “untouchable” guy? If that is the case then maybe Boston’s farm system is not as strong as we think.
The player’s value has absolutely nothing to do with how he was acquired.
Sure it does. If you purchase something and then find the exact same thing on the street, you are going to value the purchased one more highly. It’s human nature.
That’s your perceived value. Not his actual value. In reality both would be worth the same.
Perceived value IS actual value when it comes to trading. If you perceive something to be worth $20, unless you are desperate, you are not going to trade it for something you perceive to be worth $5 even if everyone else agrees they are equal in value.
That proves that it was an awesome trade, not that Rodriguez is not a good prospect.
No that proves that the OP doesn’t understand what the word “untouchable” means. Nothing more.
He’s rated as the #59 prospect by Baseball America. Not sure who was traded for him diminishes anything. I don’t think that makes him “untouchable” but I don’t think he’s a bad player.
E-Rod was highly rated, then struggled mightily, and Orioles sold low. E-Rod literally “flipped a switch” after the trade and whatever issues he was having in Baltimore did make the trip with him to Boston. It was a ballsy trade by the O’s but this guy can dominate and yeah at this point I think he should be right behind Swihart as very barely touchable. Mookie Betts went from barely on the radar to untouchable in a short time as well great players will do that
He literally did that? Where was this switch? On a wall in Pawtucket?
I agree that it was a good trade. I was talking more about the OP’s definition of untouchable rather than Rodriguez’s ability.
He shouldn’t be untouchable but at this point I’d prefer to trade Owens. Owens, Margot, Cechinni/Coyle, and Craig for Hamels.
I wouldn’t do that deal. Sounds like Quantity more than quality. I’d want an elite prospect and then a couple of good ones.
Owens is a top 20 prospect and Margot is a top 100 who is rising fast. Cechinni is seen as a pretty goof one himself.
“Untouchable” is a strong word, but I would much rather give up Owens and/or Margot and any of the others sans Swihart.
Who isn’t untouchable? (that has value)
IMO; Owens, Johnson, Margot, Marrero, Cecchini, Brentz, Coyle, Shaw
I think they have value, just not “Ace starter signed to a reasonable 4 year contract” value.
Eventually one of Baez or Castro will need to be shipped out. Baez’ stock is a bit low, but if he can be the center of a Hamels trade, then the Cubs should pull that trigger. Regardless, something is going to have to give in that infield.
I think the phillies would ask for schwarber in the deal if the cubs wanted hamels
Baez is basically the next Mark Reynolds (with more power and more Ks). He’s overrated if you ask me. The Cubs would get a steal if he is the main piece in a Hamels trade.
Castro isn’t going anywhere. 25 years old, team friendly contract, 3 time all star, 800+ hits, etc.
If Baez regains his value, then he’s traded in a package for a starter. If not, he will just be the next Wily Mo Pena. All power, no hit tool.
What could a potential deal look like? Baez, Almora, Vogelbach on the table?
I think Black,Jimenez and Edwards would be more appealing to Amaro.
I would imagine it would! I don’t see Jimenez or Edwards going anywhere either though. Or Almora, for that matter.
I would be alright with trading Black, Jimenez, and Edwards as long as the Phils thrown in some money as well.
the phillies would ask for schwarber I think
Cubs are going to land Hamels. I want to say as soon as 6 weeks.
I think the dodgers
Cubs have the prospect advantage there, and frankly the bigger need. The Dodgers are a worthy opponent THO!
If the cubs want him, Bryant and Russell are off the table, so that could leave baez , schwarber , almora and others, the dodgers having pederson , urias and seager . and the phillies would ask for one of those three, but the dodgers do have others.
Pretty sure pederson and seager are off the table too.
All 3 are off the table for Hamels as far as I can tell. There are other good pitchers that will be available for less in the coming months (like Cueto)
To be fair though, Hamels will cost less than any of the big name F/A pitchers in the off season. Although, Hamels will come at a prospects cost.
Dodgers are the least likely IMO. They have too many other options for the rotation and they are highly unlikely to trade Pederson/Seager/Urias at this point.
How does Ruben Amaro Jr still have a job? He has run a successful franchise into the ground and seemingly refuses to acquiesce to move the parts he needs to move to kick the rebuild into high gear. I would blame him, but the phillies ownership needs to step up and smell the bacon. Jeff Franceour was batting cleanup last night for gods sakes!
It’s still April…
The market it shaping up very nicely. RAJ may have some desperate, rich teams competing over Hamels.
Cueto, Samardzija, Latos, Price, Zimmermann are all FA’s this winter. Some of them will be available at the deadline for much less than Hamels.
Hamels is the only non-rental ace available.
They may cost close to what Hamels will.
Are you a Philly’s fan? What would you accept for Hamels? I know I have not been impressed by the Red Sox fans offers.
I think the Padres have made the most serious bid for Hamels.
That’s hard to believe.. Who do they have that Philly would want?
If the report was true they offered Hedges, Renfroe and Wisler, this was before Wisler was traded for Kimbrel.
I find it hard to believe the Phillies see JBJ as anything more then a third maybe even 4th piece.
Margot, one of Owens/E-Rod/Johnson, one of Cechinni/Coyle, Craig, and a lower level upside arm seems like a fair deal for both sides. However, PHI doesn’t have to trade Hamels and could easily hold out for more.
Yeah I highly doubt the Phillies view JBJ as a centerpiece to a trade else Hamels would be in a Red Sox uniform by now. He’s no more then an add-in at this point or until he can show that he can translate his minor league offense to the majors.
Personally I want the Red Sox to keep JBJ. Move Hanley to 1B for a year then DH when Ortiz retires. Have an OF of Betts, JBJ, Castillo will be great on defense.
I think it would be a bad idea for them to trade low with JBJ, he’s hitting .325 in Pawtucket so he deserves another chance especially considering Fenway is hitter friendly, he can rebuild his value. Only problem is he’s blocked. The easiest way to remedy this is to see if Victorino could be sent in the Hamels deal but that would be unlikely to happen since Philly is rebuilding. They’d acceept him if Boston took Howard and Paps but there’s no space for Howard unless they got a third team involved. But there’s no rush to get JBJ back up.
If JBJ hits can just hit .260 in the majors and play defense like everyone knows he can, he needs to be a starter. Would love to see him patrolling that Fenway outfield alongside Betts and Castillo for years to come.
If he hits like Peter Bourjos, he will get the playing time of Bourjos. Peter is not a starter.
Sure! Lots of teams not getting top prospects or an ace pitcher would love to get involved, so they could land Howard and his contract. NOT!
Hamels IS in a Phillies uniform. 🙂
I’d honestly rather keep two starting pitching prospects. Having only one legitimate kid going forward wouldn’t be good IMO. I’d much rather switch Johnson out for a guy like Barnes, JBJ, or somebody else.
Yeah that should read one of Owens/E-Rod/Johnson. Definitly would only trade one of the three.
With the creativity (and financial muscle flexing) that the Dodgers’ new front office has shown this year- have there been any grumblings of the Dodgers going after Hamels by taking on Ryan Howard’s contract? I’m sure that the idea has come up, just not sure how plausible that is.
They’d have no place to play Ryan Howard
That’s the thing- they could take on the salary and then release him. Like the Ryan Webb deal on steroids.
The reason they did the Webb deal was to acquire the draft pick. LAD values their prospects, and Friedman is building the farm, in spite of their monetary might.
From everything the Phillies have done the last 6 months, I highly doubt they would use their best trade chip (in terms of prospect return) to unload a guy they seem resigned to paying at least $50 M over the next 2 years.
It makes no sense for a rebuild.
The Phillies have no need to package Howard with Hamels and destroy the latter’s trade value. They are an extremely rich franchise. They need prospects, not salary relief.
That team is flat out awful with one of the worst farm systems in baseball. Idc how rich they are, unless they start drafting way better and become big international free agent spenders they’re going to be the next Houston Astros. If Hamels can net you an elite prospect plus a couple of good ones you have to pull the trigger on that deal.
Hey, if you’ve seen what the Houston Astros have in terms of assets and how that’s paying off… I’m not so sure being the Astros is all that awful.
The Astros are decent now no doubt, but it took nearly a decade to get there. The difference between these teams though is that the Astros have ownership in place that know how to scout and they made smart trades to get younger talent.
Yes, you want to be there 2015 Astros.
Do you really want to be the 2009 Astros?
That is exactly correct. They just won’t get that deal if they package Howard and Hamels together.
Pretty much every team in the AL east not named the Rays needs Cole Hamels and can afford him.
Good point but O’s/Jays seem unwilling to open up the pocketbooks and Yankee farm system is just starting to become good again and a Hamels trade could set them back.
Would love to see the Pirates get Hamels for a higher prospect cost but with PHI eating 8 million a year.
The Phillies baffle me. That farm system and that major league team is awful. They need to trade Hamels right now in his elite form.
Cubs as buyers? I like that idea
Wouldn’t Philly be better off waiting until closer to the trade deadline to move Hamels?
The A’s traded Russell for a year and a half of Jeff Samardzija. The Giants traded Zack Wheeler for 3 months of Carlos Beltran. That’s just two of many examples.
In my opinion, Hamels is a better option than both those scenarios.
Well the more time that goes by the more pitchers get hurt but Hamels could also be one of those pitchers that goes down in that time frame, its a gamble to wait.
Obviously. But then again, we also know that Amaro is desperate to move him. It’s low risk, high reward at this point.
If Hamels is injured in a phillies uniform Amaro would be fired on the spot most likely that is high risk to Amaro at least. Assuming the offer from the Padres was real, I don’t think Amaro could keep his job after that.
If he trades him for a poor return, he won’t keep his job either.
The thing is, you can’t know if the return is good or poor until years from now.
That is true, but It will be the initial perception that will determine his fate. Don’t think they will give him that many years if they think he may have blown it.
What you don’t get is that Amaro is the profile of a management group, not an individual thinker. Hamels getting injured, as was the case with Cliff Lee, has no impact on Amaro’s longevity. A bad trade, however, could speak to the need of a complete upheaval. Management knows what they want in trade and so far they haven’t seen it. Hamels is expensive until you start considering the alternatives. At close to $21 M a year, Porcello will be getting paid like a true ace. That tells me Cherington is not infallible.
Desperate? What has he done that indicates he is desperate?
I think I meant ISN’T desperate. I don’t recall the exact thought I had when I wrote this.
I think I’d rather see the Red Sox give Johnson, ERod and even Owens (in a few months), a chance in the rotation before they go after a trade solution. They have to be able to make use of some of their less expensive options before they try to take on more salary. Otherwise they’ll find themselves in another 2012 situation without anyone to bail them out.
Any chance Ogando gets a chance to start again or do they need him in the pen? He fared pretty well on the Rangers in a hitter friendly park.
I think Ogando’s starting days are over. He can’t seem to stay healthy as a starter.
Unfortunately, if they try them, and they are not successful, it will lower their value in a trade. (see JBJ)
Possibly, but Betts is hitting .230 and Philly to the best of my knowledge would still jump on him if he was offered.
Yes, but he is not as shiny as last year.
Really hope that the Cubs don’t give up Schwarber to get him. That bat looks special, almost Kris Bryant like.
Kyle Crick, Andrew Susac, and Clayton Blackburn for Hamels.
It’ll never happen, but, hey, a guy can dream, can’t he?
3 world series in the past 5 years don’t get greedy now. 🙂
Hamels + $20 million to Pirates: Taillon, Kingham, Bell, and Elias Diaz
Hamels + $20 million to Astros: Feliz, Santana, Phillips, and Kyle Smith
Hamels + $20 million to Red Sox: Margot, Devers, Owens, and Sean Coyle
Hamels, Revere + $20 million to Cubs: Schwarber, Almora, Edwards, and Jake Stinnett
Hamels +$20 million to Mariners: Diaz, Austin Wilson, Victor Sanchez, and Brayan Hernandez
Way too much for the Cubs. Why would they want Revere?
I cant even begin to tell you how fast the Pirates hang up…
Victor Sanchez is dead
Holy smokes, I had no idea. Must have just happened?
March 28th.
How about Blue Jays?
Hamels/Papelbon + $20MM for Sanchez, Castro, Urena, Estrada?
Hamels/Papelbon + $20MM for Sanchez, Osuna, Pentacost, Estrada?
Thinking one of Sanchez/Norris, one of Castro/Osuna, one of Pentacost/Urena, and Estrada, a major league arm that could recoup some value. However, ideally not the combination of Norris-Osuna-Urena.
Totally, I was going to put the Jays in there too, but one thing is certain, it’s gonna cost Noris/Pompey, that’ll hurt and I’m not sure that $20 millin will be enough for Toronto to cover for both Hamels and Paps. I’d say $20 million for Hamels and they’ll need about $8 million thrown at them with Paps….that’s gonna cost them. Norris, Osuna, Urena, Pentacost, and Reid-Foley…maybe even another b-level.
Not sure Sanchez is gonna be a viable centerpiece for the Phils…
Agree on nearly all fronts. Not sure Sanchez is the starting piece considering what some other teams have to offer. I feel Norris is on par or better than the starter for your other proposed offers, and am optimistic that the secondary pieces they can offer will make up for any disparity with Sanchez. Phils would probably need to add more dollars with Papelbon, like you say, especially with the Jays allegedly at their spending limit already. $28MM feels appropriate, equaling the entirety of Papelbon’s 2016 vesting ($13MM), and $5MM off of Hamels’ final three guaranteed years from 2016-18. However, I’d be very uncomfortable seeing each of Norris, Osuna and Urena leaving in one deal, or at all, really.
Still, it feels a natural fit. Jays need SP and RP, specifically a closer and a #1 (who doesn’t.. ha). AA is all-in.. the Dickey deal, Donaldson deal, kids are all up. And of course the Phils are eager to unload those contracts. We’ll see..
All of these trades are for Hamels and $20-25MM in exchange for
the following
Cubs: Center Piece – Kyle Schwarber, Secondary Piece– C.J. Edwards/Albert Almora, Tertiary Piece – Dan Vogelbach/Pierce Johnson (No interest in
Baez as he lacks an major league approach at the plate)
Redsox: Center Piece – Manuel Margot,Secondary Piece– Rafael Devers, Tertiary Piece – Matt Barnes/Brian Johnson
Dodgers: CenterPiece – Corey Seager/Julio Urias, Secondary Piece– Alex Guerrero
Pirates: CenterPiece – Tyler Glasnow/Josh Bell/James Taillon, Secondary Piece– Austin Meadows,Tertiary Piece – Nick Kingham (3rd piece needed only if Glasnow isnot the Center Piece)
Cardinals: IMO
not enough high ceiling talent available without giving pieces of the major
league roster up which I don’t believe benefits either team.
I kind of have a similar post on here, but my hang up is $20 million sent to trade partner is some major dough, especially with prospects in return. It just ups the ante in my opinion where there is gonna be another piece that should come back to the Phils…..
Yea sorry did not see your similar post. This is my first time posting and I was having trouble with getting my comment posted…I have no problem sending the $20 million because to me its about getting back as much quality as possible. I undertand that $20 million is a lot of cash but the Phillies are going to spend upwards of $4 Million on Jhailyn Ortiz (the 16 year old July 2nd 1B they are linked to) who is many years away with a high ceiling/risk , why should the Phillies be afraid to buy similar ceiling but much less risky upper level prospects? As you probably already know, the money isn’t the problem with the Phillies but the lack of positional or ace type talent is the issue.
yah, no worries, we’re kind of on the same wavelength with who to acquire and yah, Ortiz is a gamble. I’m hoping the international pool this year gives the fans hope for the future….
Dodgers bid seems way higher than the others, MLB ready player and choice of top 10 prospect.
I agree that the Dodgers would be giving up the a lot of safe talent but the problem for me is that the Dodgers due not have anyone else besides Grant Holmes and the above mentioned that would satisfy me if I’m the Phillies. The Dodger system if very top heavy. Huge drop off after Holmes.
And makes zero sense. It would be a one year rental of Guerrero.
Just looked up what you are talking about that is crazy with Guerrero did not know that.
I knew about Guerrero not being able to get sent down with out becoming a free agent but didn’t realize if he was traded the same would happen. Guess that takes the Dodgers out of the equation unless Guerrero would sign an extension. O well. Sorry for the oversight.
I don’t see the Cubs moving Schwarber. Almora and Vogelbach, maybe. The Cubs have enough minor league depth that they shouldn’t have to give up their top prospects. They may even be a little afraid to bring on a high priced pitcher as their last two: Edwin Jackson and Jon Lester have not lived up to their contracts yet.
The Cubs don’t have minor league depth because the cream of their minor league crop have graduated within the past year. If Schwarber is not included in the trade, if I’m the Phillies I’m instisting on a Starlin Castro and C.J. Edwards deal. No other players necessary. Castro is still young with a nice contract. No Schwarber or Castro as the centerpiece no deal. (Bryant/Soler/Russell all off the table in this scenario)
You do know that the Cubs have the highest ranked minor league system right? Castro isn’t going anywhere. They have built this team around Castro and Rizzo. I would guess that if they were interested in Hamels they would lead with Vogelback and Welington Castillo and then the rest would depend on the money that the Phillies are giving to get better talent. They might be even willing to include Kyle Hendricks in the deal.
Before the season the Cubs HAD the top ranked MILB System but once Bryant and Russell extinguish their prospect eligibility the Cubs will no longer have a top 5 or possibly even top 8 minor league system. So I disagree with your assertion that the cubs currently have the best farm system. They have Schwarber, Almora, Edwards who are all nice players and definitely top players that Philly should want but they all have their warts and are not can’t miss prospects. That trio wiht the talent in the low minors keeps the cubs in the top ten rankings for me with high ceiling talents such as Duane Underwood and Eloy Jimenez but they are too far away to lead a top 5 system for me. This again is just my opinion so I have no probelms with you disagreeing with me.
Yes, Cubs have the highest ranked minor league system…with Bryant, Russell, and Soler in it. Take those 3 out (which everyone has said they aren’t on the table) and the system is suddenly headlined by CJ Edwards (who the Cubs are using as a reliever in the minors), Kyle Schwarber, and Albert Almora. That’s no longer the top system – I’d be surprised if it was a top 5 system.
Perfectly fair to demand either one of those players, but that doesn’t mean a deal would happen. Personally I have no interest in trading Castro, and I would be torn on trading Schwarber.
Next offseason has a nice crop of free agents to pick from. Honestly, I think the Cubs’ trades this year are for the bullpen and they go back to free agency after the season.
If I’m the Cubs I’m not going for it this year. I am going for it next year. Other teams such as the Redsox, Dodgers, Cardinals, and Pirates I think should be going for it this year. Especially the Pirates. Central can be had now that Waino is down for the year.
I agree, which is why I would be hesitant to deal Schwarber right now. The bullpen could use some help though, so if they can get a reliever with another year of control after 2015 checked off their list at a reasonable price I think they do that. Then wade into the deep end of free agency or possibly the trade market for that next big starter for 2016.
too much for the Pirates IMO
Cubs make sense.
Why are you guys not mentioning the Yankees. I would take a package of:
L. Servino, A. Judge, E. Jagelio and maybe G. Sanchez over any of those other teams except maybe the Cubs. Boston has no prospects with any power. Remember how we won the WS. We had bombers. You get a top piching prospect, a C. Stanton type outfielder, e good hitting 3B and a solid catching prospect. I would try to swing Hamels and Paps to the Yankees. Get one more guy and let them go plus some money if the Yanks want it.
Steve, I would take the Yankees deal and be happy with it all day but I don’t honestly think they would be willing to deal both Sevrino and Judge in the same trade. If the Yankees are willing to trade both Sevrino and Judge I’m not sure I need much else if they eat the entire contract….I don’t think the Yankees would have interest in Paps because of Miller/Betances but you never really know.
This is getting ridiculous. Just report when hes traded. Hilarious seeing this everyday about hamels.
I think Amaro blew this trade for the Phillies. Hammels is not off to a good start and he could have received the highest value this winter for him but he asked for a King’s ransom. If Hammels was still in his 20’s I would see his King’s ransom perspective but I seriously doubt he is going to get near as much for Hammels especially if he doesn’t go on a hot streak here pretty soon!!
Hes off to a good start actually. 31 innings pitched and a 3.19 era. Not bad at all.
He always starts slow…March/April ERA lifetime 3.94….by August 2.70. This is one of his better starts. Last year it went 6.75,3.21,1.23, 1.94, 2.73, 1.96.
1. Tigers get Hamels. (After they decide that Price is un-signable).
2. Yankees get Price.
3. Phillies get 1-2 Prospects from Yankees and 1-2 from Tigers.
Seems easy to me.
Why would the yankees want one year of price over 4 controlled of hamels?
1-2 prospects, instead of 3-4 with at least one being elite. That is why.
Why would the Yankees give up what they are trying to finally get back on tract, for 3/4 of a season of Price instead of just going for Hamels who will be under contract for 4 years?
Because Hamels would cost them around double the cost of Price (in prospects) and they have a shot THIS YEAR in the weak AL EAST with Price heading their rotation.
No it wouldn’t. Price leaves at the end of the season with no compensation since he was traded during season, meanwhile the Phillies could eat some money, and tthe Yankees keep Hamels for less years(considering Price will want at least 6-7 years). That trade makes zero sense for them.
“in prospects”, not in contract dollars.
1-2 from Yankees, and 1-2 from tigers? The Yanks can easily match the other 1-2 from a depleted tigers system. If they trade for Hamels they know they have to give up what little they got, they dont need the Tigers.
Still don’t get the “Depleted” refrain re: the Tigers. They were “depleted” in the eyes of experts when they got Scherzer… and Fister… and Anibal… and Price… and Greene.
After a certain point, I finally see that the “experts” don’t know how to evaluate talent in the Tigers system.
Scherzer cost the Tigers ML talent(Granderson), Greene is nothing special, and in 2012 when they traded Turner they weren’t as bad as now in terms of talent.
Yankees have no prospects.
You don’t like L. Servino, A. Judge, . Jagleio, G. Sanchez, I. Clarkin???
Cubs fans: Wittenmyer report; proceed with extreme caution.
If Lester continues to struggle I’d rather just call the season a wash and wait til next year to sign a pitcher. Gives the young rookies and prospects some time to adjust as well.
I disagree, Cubs need to get Hamels, the rookies will do fine, Castro and Rizzo can carry the offense along with Bryant.
Cubs package would be Baez, Edwards, Almora, and either Olt or Alcantara.
As a Phillies fan I would be too afraid to deal for Baez as he has no plate discipline. Huge Power too many K’s. Like a Mark Reynolds who can play the infield. Some value but not enough to headlilne a deal if I’m the Phillies. Olt has even less value to Phillies as Franco will be up by June at the latest.
I think Schwarber is the headliner in a Hamels trade. He’s a year or two from the majors so it wouldn’t be hurting the current team. However, I think the Cubs should just stay patient and not gamble to win this year. They have young players who will be on this team for at least five more years and will slowly get better.
No thanks to Schwarber. He’s a DH
Untouchable prospects in a Hamels trade: Russell and Bryant.
What would u guys say about Baez, Olt, Edwards, low lvl starter, and either wood or Jackson (Cubs eat salary)
That trade would give them high upside prospects and some help for their current roster.
Hammels was the ace of a World Series Championship team..
Any team looking for a #1 to put them in play for a deep playoff run
has to consider Hammels..
Pappelbon also has a World Series ring
and looks good enought to nail down another WS ring
with the right team…
I would be surprised if both Hammels and Pappelbon
were still in Phillie after this years trade deadline.
If Hamel’s and Papelbon are still in Philly after the deadline, then Amaro isn’t doing his job right. Right now is probably the best time to deal Hamels while they have constrained market. I’m guessing we see Hamel’s moved before Memorial Day
I will be surprised if any of these rumored teams actually pulls off a deal. It seems that rarely do the rumored teams come through and frequently an out-of-nowhere team swoops in to catch the big fish.
As top pitchers go down Hammels is becoming more attractive but unless your a must win this year I wouldn’t trade the farm for him. Wait until next year throw money at price, cueto, zimmerman, shark, fister(I know some may resign with current clubs) and keep your home grown talent. Sounds odd from a cub fan who has waited entire life to see them in a World Series but I can wait another year if it means several appearances instead of one. 1984 if cubs would have kept mel hall and joe carter and stayed young who knows but the went for it in 1984. Closer to deadline maybe someone gets nervous and fans from Boston, Dodgers, Cards know your prospects better than me, as a Cub fan Baez Almora Vogelbach and if have to take his entire salary. Bryant, Russell Schwarber no way.
They should write about about Cole Hamels rumors. The title could be “Cole Hamels: The most interesting LHP in the world”
What about a 3 way trade between Phillie, LA and PIT?
LA has tried buying prospects already, so why not something like this.
PHI gets: Meadows, Kingham, Diaz, Verdugo, extra SP prospect from LAD
PIT gets: Hamels & $50mil ($25m from LAD & PHI)
LAD gets: Papelbon, Taillon, Harang
PIT gets an ace for $12mil a year, PHI gets rid of Pap and gets two headline prospects, LAD gets bullpen help and rotation depth as needed and buys a top prospect
I like Hammels and Pappelbon.
Hammels is a bargain and under club control for 4 more years @ 24 M each.
Scherzer and Kershaw money 28-30M+
per year
means the FA market is still going up.
Billy Beane GM of the A’s
or John Hart of the Braves
would have already moved
Howard, Utley, Hammels
and Pappelbon and others
and would still be competing ffor the Division
Braves are competing for the division right now?
Braves are rebuilding and better than expected after all the trades..
It WWF I’ll be a few years for them.
A’s are always there in July -August
despite all the trades…
DaK I’m not sure if that would happen either, but if they wanted Hamels that bad they would do something with at least 2-3 of those guys. Plus the Yanks are very familiar with Cole since they play all the time in spring training. The Yanks are rich but by the time July comes there is now only 31/2 yrs left on his contract. I think the Phils will add some money to the deal. They will have to get back one pitcher in the deal, so its either Servino or Caulkin. I would rather have a deal with the Yanks due to the power potential of Judge and Jagleio and Sanchez.