The elbow injury to Reds closer Ryan Madson will require Tommy John surgery, ending the right-hander's season, according to John Fay of the Cincinnati Enquirer (via Twitter). The Reds do not have insurance on Madson's one-year, $8.5MM contract, Fay tweets.
The market didn't go Madson's way this winter and the Scott Boras client wound up settling for considerably less than most anticipated. The injury will not only cost the closer his 2012 season, but likely major cash on his next contract. At one point, it seemed as though Madson and the Phillies were closing in on a four-year, $44MM pact, but that never came to fruition.
Aroldis Chapman and Sean Marshall are both candidates to close now, tweets Jon Heyman of
Well… that’s unfortunate. That 1 year contract sure looks awesome now…
Only by length. The money is unfortunate
yeah that money still hurts the Reds. 8.5 million down the drain. I don’t get why they didn’t get insurance on the guy. That hurts chances of signing Phillips or Votto. Ug!!
but the reds are all in….
Damn, that sucks. Reds fans won’t even get a chance to see him pitch.
Sucks for the reds
I thought people were nuts for being so high on him. Poor Reds though. Wonder if this effects Chapmans future.
Wow. I thought that he was the best move of the offseason. Now who closes for the Reds?
Sean Marshall.
Who’s the closer now?
Marshall most likely.
So much for the deal of the offseason.
Yikes, that’s not good for the Reds. So who’s up for the closer spot now, Chapman?
COME. ON. This is like a really bad dream
The Sox were really lucky not to sign him.
You have got to be kidding me. We finally get rid of Coco and this happens…
Jays give you CoCo back for Votto. 🙂
So many people who have done their fantasy drafts already must be pissed.
I drafted Carpenter, Soria, and Madson. Bangin’ on all cylinders.
Marshall will close, Chapman will probably move to the Pen, and The Reds will in total have wasted 39 million on those 2.
Reds’ country mourns.
Even with the loss of Madson which hurts a ton… sigh… I hope they keep Chapman on track to start be it the majors or minors to start the season. The Reds have a pretty decent bullpen still even without Madison. Before it was a great bullpen now its just pretty good.
Wow, that is really unfortunate for the Red’s. Might as well have just lit that money on fire.
Being happy someone is hurt is a little strange…
just like gomes last year celebrating wainos injury
That was pure specualtion and it never happened. Show me some legitiment proof that it happened and I’ll consider it, but until then..
“McCoy, however, is not retracting the fact that he heard Gomes singing
about the unfortunate Wainwright news. He heard it. Others in the
clubhouse heard it too, including John Fay of the Cincinnati Enquirer.”
there you go. 2 reporters who were in the clubhouse heard it.
and reporters would never fabricate or embellish a story in order to attract attention or anything
no, considering accusations such as those are grounds for a libel suit.
you really think guys that are on payroll have anything to gain by making up false stories like that? that these reporters are so insecure and starved for attention that they would do that?
yes yes and yes
part of me kind of hopes gomes hurts his back out dancing around like a 4 year old after knocking in a run in a blow out
Unless is Pujols. Then i don’t give 2 ___
Crap. There goes my best closer for my fantasy team.
pick up marshall
New Closer Joel Pineiro
$8.5 Mil to get arm surgery? I’ll take it…
It really is a shame that teams are stuck paying someone so much and he won’t even pitch in 1 regular season game for them. When he comes back..he should do the right thing and sign cheap for the Red’s.
He’s a Scott Boras client.
scott boras clients dont sign for cheap
Except for Ryan Madson. He signed pretty cheap.
In retrospect, did he? It seems pretty likely that the Reds didn’t do their due diligence, and signed damaged goods. Boras was smart to take whatever deal he could that would pay his client without giving him a thorough physical. $8.5mil looks like a pretty good deal to fund Madson’s rehab.
well, Ryan Madson will be a good deal cheaper next season then he was this season.
Curt Schilling signed with Boston for 8m in the winter of 2008, had to have surgery, missed the entire season and didn’t give Boston any discount to return and refused to play for any team the next year except Boston afterwards.. He also was not willing to take a discount to return in 2009 after the surgery and he actually had loyalty to the team, unlike the Boras client madson.
There is -0- way Madson gives cincy a discount.
and you know that Madson has no loyalty, because…?
I don’t have anything against Madson. Just think of Boras clients who gave home town discounts for anything and am being serious here? Loyalty to *match* a deal? Maybe, but a discount?
I can name 1.. Varitek, sure, there might be more, but madson just signed with this team and i can’t imagine loyalty for someone who never, ever pitched 1 IP for a team.
Well, coming off tommy John surgery, he wont be get a big contract, he will have to prove he is back. He wasn’t a big time proven closer anyway, that’s why he had to settle for a one year deal this year to boost his value. All I’m trying to say is, he should cut the red’s a break since he will be paid by them for nothing. He should sign a one year deal with the red’s for cheap when he is back to pay the red’s back.
I understand that and really not trying to give you a hard time here as understand where you are coming from and myself think players should do what you are suggesting, but a Boras client especially? I just don’t see it.
look at Mike “Shaky” gonzalez, another ex closer and client of boras who is still coming off of surgery to some extent and a not real solid 2011, he is looking for a decent contract we can assume still and probably that lies at Boras’s feet, or he would be in camp with some team by now.
He should not do “the right thing and sign cheap with the Reds.” He doesn’t owe them anything.
Besides, would the Reds have given him more money if he had the best year for a closer every? Highly doubtful.
With the Cards losing Carp at least a few months and Madson out for the season, the NL central is really looking like anyone’s race right now
Lol heard of marshall? We are fine
Marshall doesn’t put a band-aid on the whole situation. This domino just caused many others to fall, mostly not favorable ones.
What? Chapman to bullpen is not that bad either
while that’s workable, the rotation & team potentially suffers from that. even if chapman does well in the ‘pen, the reds would get about a third of the innings from chapman, which could equate about a third of value to the team and quantifiable in terms of WAR. I think that’s what he means by domino effect. The only way for the Reds to move on unaffected to the team as a whole would be to add a closer or reliever of similar value without having to reorganize the roster and switching roles from pen to rotation and vice-versa.
Chapman was going to most likely start in the AAA rotation. He was not in the plan for the starting rotation to start the season to begin with.
its wasn’t even guaranteed that chapman would do well as a starter….look at him in Louisville last year, plus he was probably gonna start the year in AAA anyway
you mean those 13 innings? not much of sample size, but yeah until they tried him as a starter of course it’s a mystery. it’d be unfortunate for them not to test it.
yeah i agree, small sample size
Team(s) that have several closers may be able to help and I DON’T mean the Orioles and Kevin Gregg either…
Boston currently has Andrew Bailey, Mark melencon and eventually..Alfredo Aceves at the back of the BP and *could* have Danial Bard later moved there once again. That is a LOT of late inning,proven people. i could see them moving 1 even with Bard in the rotation if the price is right, like melencon who Cincy is familiar with and he has closing experience, cost controlled even.
Maybe krod
I doubt Cincy’s looking to pick up another sizeable contract for a reliever after not having this one insured…If they were to add to the bullpen the trade market is about it. Maybe they matchup with KC for Broxton, or the Fish for Oviedo if they are still in contention near the deadline.
yes it hurts to lose a pitcher but i fail to see how marshall doesnt fix the bullpen
Marshall + Madson > Marshall
Great Bullpen becomes good Bullpen.
no were not fine we just blew 8.5 million on a guy to sit on the bench all year
Madson is a closer. You can replace his numbers.
It is still a 3 team race. Cards, Brewers, Reds. In that order.
Makes you wonder if he was already damaged when he signed.
Ruben Amaro Jr looks like a genius right now.
Doesn’t make up for the contract for Papelbon.
Bummer tho for Red fans, not as big a deal as Chris Carpenter missing some time, but big, Looking forward to seeing Chapman in that role, suspect his stuff plays better as a reliever.
Randy Johnson made a pretty decent career out of starting.
That sucks 🙁 He’s a good guy as well as player. Wish him the best coming back in ’13.
Nicely done Phillies. That sucks for Madson and the Reds though.
Paplebon is good but way overpaid
Yeah he is somewhat overpaid but you gotta do what you gotta do to get the best players. I’m glad they didn’t commit to that huge contract for Madson even more now. It sucks for him though, he did well here and is a good guy.
Not to pick on you, but I would love to see if you felt this way about the Yankees, say, 2005ish.
“somewhat overpaid”? paying a closer more than 10 million a year is a huge overpayment. He had his best year last year and was worth 3 wins. He’s 32 and will be 36 by the time its up. This deal will be a huge roadblock for the Phils who have an old and deteriorating team. Wouldn’t surprise me if this was their last year for contention, if they even compete this year.
Agreed, I dislike Papelbon.
yep, Sox dodged a bullet for sure! So did the Phils.
Now entering the game for the Cincinnati Reds #63 Kevin Gregg….
Seriously, though this is a shame and the thing of it is Madson has been healthy most of his career. So, now I wonder when he got hurt?
PS There’s got to be a better way of handling this contractually 8.5 million up in smoke doesn’t seem right. The other problem is the Reds imo have a lot of deferred contracts or they expected a lot of increased revenue in the 2012 budget and now they have a bad contract on their books.
We have marshall
and a thinner bullpen
Right when things are looking good for the Reds to finally make a good run. They still do have a good chance, but this hurts… a lot. I was looking forward to having Madson be the Closer. The only thing that hurts more is eating almost $9M for nothing.
It does hurt, i feel bad for the Reds right now!
Big blow for the Reds, could be worse than cards losing Carp for how ever long. They were putting Chapman in the rotation and now they have to move him into the set up role.
Not only did they lose out on Madson, but this basically just secured Chapman’s fate a as a full-time reliever for the rest of his tenure with the Reds. This was really the last year they could let him sit in AAA for a little bit to become a starter and it still being worth it, but now it’s basically useless. So that’s $9M lost on Madson, and Chapman will never live up to the $30M he’s getting paid in the Bullpen (but the Reds really don’t have another choice).
Hopefully the Reds get the same fire under them that the Cards got last year when Wainwright went out and players step up. At least Carp is only out for a few months (even though I fully understand that is a huge blow). Seems like the Brewers are sitting pretty while the NLC is getting injured.
Man, sucks for the Reds. Could have been a great deal if he was healthy.
That really sucks. Madson’s one-year deal looks like less of a steal now, although obviously there was no way to predict this. Terrible luck for the Reds.
Fantasy players can draft a roster full of players that will miss the season. What’s going on this spring training?
Something stinks here. This guy should have been in line for a fat payday and ends up signing a one-year deal for $8.5M? And the whole 4/44 mythical contract thing never seemed to go away, long after he signed w/Cincy – didn’t I just read a recent article about Madson believing the offer was made? Did Dr. Boras conduct his physical? He threw one bp session and now he needs TJ surgery? Methinks my Reds got swindeled on this one. Somebody new something was up with that elbow, but obviously, and unfortunately, it wasn’t the Reds.
I seriously doubt there was a conspiracy here. Madson didn’t get a massive deal because Boras misread the market for closers. That’s it, Occam’s Razor.
Right. Because all he did was throw one bullpen session.
Obviously pro athletes never go to the gym.
Wow, that sucks. Glad the Phils dodged that bullet, but it sucks for the Reds. And for Madson… I love that guy.
Dropping like flies they are
He’ll resign next year with the reds for incentives
I am glad I don’t own Madson in any of my roto leagues.
I hope the front office keeps Chapman as a starter. Francis has been good this spring training. I would much rather see him as the other lefty in the bullpen now.
I wonder if Mike Gonzalez will sign with them now. This really is bad.
Welp, Ruben Armaro just got saved and made the Papelbon signing less worse then what would have happened if they re-signed Madson.
That Marshall deal this offseason suddenly looks better. As a middle reliever, they only got market value, but if he’s successful as a closer this season, they would have had to pay alot more after the year is through.
Never like to see an injury. On the business side, Madson will not get a big money contract for 2013, because no one knows whether he’s going to be able to pitch or at what level. And he will be two years older the next time he has an opportunity to cash in. But the idea that Boras knew his elbow was about to go seems very farfetched. Boras is always about the money, so he would have urged taking a multi-year contract. Whatever went on behind the scenes is irrelevant now. Having surgery and losing a year isn’t a lot of fun.
Holy unfortunate.
Wishing the Maddog a fast and strong recovery. You pitched your heart out for the Phils. Hope you are back soon, better than ever!
My condolences to the Reds’ fans. This news really hurts.
Oh, and condolences to Madson. Hope he comes back healthy and strong.
To all the people saying this sucks for the Reds… yes they lost their closer during an All-In season, but they got him for below-market value on a 1 year deal. Sucks, but they’ll survive and still have a chance to win.
Meanwhile, Madson gambled on his success this season to try and get a nice payday and didn’t even have a chance to blow it or be successful. He’ll get a contract I’m sure, it’s not like no one has ever come back from Tommy John surgery before, but he lost out here, a lot more than the Reds did. He was the one taking all the risks, not them, and now the worst possible situation is playing out.
However, I can’t feel TOO sorry for someone making $8.5 mil a year…
couple things…
this hurts the reds. a lot. But, its relievers. Teams have relievers come out of nowhere every year and step up big, for example Fernando Salas for the cards last year.
This, on paper, isn’t as big of a loss as losing carpenter for 1-2 months but something to keep in mind, through the entire first half of the season last year, carpenter had 4 wins and 7 losses. For the first 2 months, he had 1 win and 5 losses. I know wins/losses don’t matter when evaluating talent but in this scenario, its a good gauge on how much value the cards were getting out of carpenter’s starts, and clearly it was nothing. Think Wainwright can do better than that? I would imagine so.
finally someone who doesnt overvalue someone who pitches the 9th inning
When you’ve only thrown 630 innings lifetime, have but 47 wins and 52 saves over eight years and your agent calls you and says he turned down 4 years @40+mil, you fire him and crawl back on your hands and knees.
Go Brewers.
Suddenly giving Papelbon that 4 year contract instead doesn’t seem so crazy anymore, eh? Did the Phillies know something about Madison that we didn’t? Thank goodness the Jays didn’t offer this guys a fat contract… at least we got a good season and a half out of BJ Ryan.
Yes. It does.