Jon Paul Morosi of FOX Sports covers some of the major headlines that we'll be seeing over the next four days during baseball's Winter Meetings. Here's a late night look at the highlights:
- Albert Pujols and Prince Fielder are still the headliners, and Morosi thinks that Pujols will sign first (although not necessarily this week). Once Pujols signs — Morosi predicts he'll remain in St. Louis — it's possible that his the increased number of suitors for Fielder will land him more money than Pujols. Fielder, of course, is also four years younger than Pujols.
- Fielder prefers teams east of the Mississippi River and teams that can win the World Series in the near future. The list of known interested parties includes the Brewers, Mariners, Cubs, Rangers, Blue Jays, and Nationals. Seattle's rebuilding status and geographic location may remove them from the mix, while the uncertainty around how much Chicago's new front office is willing to spend may remove them as well.
- Morosi doesn't think Angels GM Jerry Dipoto would've moved Tyler Chatwood without knowing the acquisition of another starting pitcher was close at hand.
- The Twins remain interested in Edwin Jackson, according to Morosi's sources, but the Scott Boras client isn't likely to sign before fellow free agents C.J. Wilson and Mark Buehrle.
- The availability of Andrew Bailey, Huston Street, and Brandon League slows down the market for free agent closers, and Morosi speculates that a few wise teams in search of closers will be able to wait out veteran bargains as potential closing gigs dwindle.
- The Yankees, Tigers, Marlins, and Nationals have been the most active in scouting Yoenis Cespedes. While he's not a free agent yet, his market will be dictated by whether or not teams like Miami and Washington land their other targets at the Winter Meetings and in the coming weeks. Detroit would be most interested if they decide that Cespedes can bat leadoff for them right away.
- Robert Whiting, an expert on Japanese baseball, told Morosi over the weekend that there's still no word on whether or not Yu Darvish will be posted.
- Whiting told Morosi that Darvish became disillusioned with the posting process, partly because of the failure of Hisashi Iwakuma and the A's to work out a deal last year. He is also wary of the struggles and ridicule that other NPB stars have incurred in their transition to MLB, Whiting told Morosi.
Darvish is full of it.
The posting system is his best option if he wants to get paid. He’s just trying to drive up his asking price.
It’s a tough decision your talking about a guy who has lived in another country his whole life and is their version of Elvis
The posting fee is paid to his team and he does not see one cent of it-how is this driving up his price? It is designed to compensate the team for the loss of the player. Baseball is different in Japan and players become associated with teams and the loss of a player like Darvish or Matsui hurts them economically and the posting system is designed to compensate the team.
If Dipoto thinks that Brad Mills is a big league starting pitcher than I feel sorry for you Angel fans.
No one here thinks he is a major leaguer. Mathis just had to go. Once you see him bat in a few games you will see why
Toronto didn’t get him for his bat. Everyone knows he can’t hit a beach ball to save his life. But the Blue Jays needed a solid defensive backup catcher that can mentor Arencibia and understands pitchers. And seeing that Mills was going to end up on waivers anyways, it turns out to be a solid acquisition. Btw, how’s Wells doing for you guys 😉
Not great…how’s it feel to not see the post season in nearly two decades?
LAA would be in the same boat if they and Toronto were able to swap divisions.. give your head a shake
How do you figure? We’re the only team to have a winning record against the Yankees since 2000 (which only helps since head-to-head games would increase from 6/yr to 18/yr). If anything, we’d be in the thick of the race throughout the mid-late 00’s.
Pretty sure Morosi wasn’t referring to Mills.
On Fielder- aren’t the Rangers west of the Mississippi??
the list he put is Teams that are interested, not the teams on Fielder’s list
If, if the Red Sox made Ellsbury available during the Winter Meetings what kind of return could they expect?
Granted he’s two seasons away from FA but would you think:
Detroit—Jackson and Fister or Pauley?
Whichever team loses Prince or Albert may need production replacement and a name?
The Mets a player and a pitcher?
Or a boatload of prospects? some names?
did i read this right? Are you saying Boston would consider moving Ellsbury for Austin jackson and Doug Fister??
Please tell me i am misreading this
Yes “GM wannabe” I am willing to be taken advantage of if you respond early enough at the meetings. I’m not after Verlander, I’m not after anyone—maybe with the exception of adding David Pauley to make it a threesome. I mean this would practically give you the Central to go with a middle of the lineup featuring Ells, Young, Cabrerra and VMart.
Ellsbury is one of the best players in baseball, he is very young and plays for a very wealthy team. Look at the Redsox other outfielders and explain why they would consider trading one of the best players in baseball, in his prime, when they can afford to resign him when he is a free agent.
When did the Redsox go into a rebuilding mode to where they would trade their best young player for unproven prospects. If you think Jackson and Fister is an adequate return you are really not seeing reality. Just what pitcher would the Mets have. In your world are the Tigers and Giants shopping Verlander and Lincecum for bullpen and bench help?
Brandon League might be a closer candidate for the Red Sox having pitched in the AL East or as a set-up guy for Bard, Aceves or Jenks. With only one year left til FA he may be a good buy.
Take the Jays off of the list of teams interested in Fielder. Apparently they’ve been “making it known” they’re not interested (source: drunk jays fans). Seemed totally against what AA said he wanted to do anyway.
Rumors and Reports from apparent experts and bloggers are BS. AA is a sneaky SOB and will always surprise everyone with trades or FA signing.
Not gonna happen. Not sure why anybody thinks the Jays are going to sign a huge free agent this winter, or would put up the kind of years and dollars Fielder would demand. They’ve repeatedly ruled out that sort of thing. Somebody is just pumping up the market for Fielder by taking advantage of the Jays’ no-comment policy and rich corporate owner.
Jackson is a proven innings eater, has proven he can pitch in both leagues, has won double digit games the past four years and is only 28. It will be a cold day in you know where the day the Twins and there teenie weenie, itty bitty pocket book sign him. The last time the Twins signed a major free agent was in the early 1990’s when they signed Jack Morris and resigned Puckett. This supposed rumor is nothing more than Twin fans saying something so their team is actually discussed in the Winter while real major league teams make moves.
Prince Fielder should come to Toronto. He’ll absolutely love our Poutines here!!
Darvish will look good in Blue Jays uniform. if he comes, we have a great bunch of Sushi restaurants for him in Toronto.
Its even worst LAA gave Napoli up for Vernon. Haha Napoli was technically not with the Jays…what 3 days??
Maybe this is just my f’d up opinion, but I say, Why not Prince for Toronto? I could really care less about the “overpay, too many years” BS that AA and Beeston are spewing. The new CBA has hurt Toronto’s gameplans of building a solid farm system in the same fashion they have over the last two years. AA MUST know that Bautista is in the prime of his career, and if they dont get a big bat to protect him in the lineup they are wasting his window. There is a solid nucleus there, but the pitching is weak at the ML level. Outside of Romero (and Morrow when he isnt getting destroyed), its thin. Alvarez may end up being decent, and McGowan would be awesome if he can get back to his old form, but Drabek is a mental case, Cecil is inconsistent and Litsch is just bad imho. You put Fielder behind Lawrie and Bautista and that team is going to rake. The Yankees had a mediocre rotation after CC, but managed to win the division with… OFFENCE. They had Bartolo Colon in there for crying out loud. I can understand and appreciate the need for pitching, but if the Jays feel they are that deep in minor league talent with their arms, why not get the impact bat while you can? Adam Lind is NOT going to come close to providing the kind of protection in the lineup that Prince would. Deal him and Drabek/Snider for a #2 starter like Garza, and get your big bat.
Thats my thoughts.
Criticize Away.
Prince Fielder’s, and subsequently, Albert Pujols’ dont hit the open market very often. ESPECIALLY without the Yankees/Red Sox driving up the price tag. If you’re going to get your stud, get him now.
Maybe we’ll just sit and wait on Votto like everyone wants us to, but I dont think it will ever happen.
You make good points but nobody is getting a stud-those days are behind them. If Fielder gets 5 years those five years will not live up to the previous 5 which got him the contract. The same is true with Pujols- both will likely be very productive but will not produce on the same level as they age and as they did in the past. Fielder’s weight will be a problem- it was with his father. However as you said if the Yankees and Redsox dont drive the price up now may be the precise time to take the risk.
You make good points but nobody is getting a stud-those days are behind them. If Fielder gets 5 years those five years will not live up to the previous 5 which got him the contract. The same is true with Pujols- both will likely be very productive but will not produce on the same level as they age and as they did in the past. Fielder’s weight will be a problem- it was with his father. However as you said if the Yankees and Redsox dont drive the price up now may be the precise time to take the risk.