The latest on the Yankees…
- The Yankees are flying into Arkansas personally today to meet with Cliff Lee, MLBTR has learned. Brian Cashman will in attendance, adds Joel Sherman of the New York Post, while Mark Feinsand and Bill Madden of the New York Daily News note that the GM is flying solo for the meet-and-greet.
- Cashman informed Jorge Posada he'll serve as the team's designated hitter next year, report Sherman and his colleague George A. King III. Posada was told to prepare to catch, but the team hopes to find backstops out of Jesus Montero, Francisco Cervelli, and Austin Romine. Posada, who is having knee surgery to repair a meniscus tear in his knee today, is said to be fine with the plan.
- The Post writers add that the Yankees have reached out to the representatives for Derek Jeter and Mariano Rivera, in addition to Lee. Add Carl Crawford to that list, based on this tweet from SI's Jon Heyman.
- Sherman polled more than a dozen executives, and the majority expect the Yankees to offer arbitration to Jeter on November 23rd. That'd hurt Jeter's market value if he declines, since he'd then cost a new team a draft pick. On the other hand, Sherman believes that if Jeter accepts arbitration his agent Casey Close would argue for a ridiculous 2011 salary based on special accomplishments.
- Among the organization's 20 minor league free agents on Matt Eddy's list: Jason Hirsh, John Van Benschoten, Robby Hammock, Eric Bruntlett, and Reid Gorecki.
I don’t understand why Jeter needs to be so greedy, has he been making minimum all this time?
Say what? Greedy? Who said anything about being greedy. No money is even on the table yet. Who knows he may hit the Yanks first bid of 3 for $45mm, so until we some dollar figures, I don’t want to hear anything more about what or what not the most influential player of the last two decades deserves.
Are you kidding, anybody playing for the yankee$ is in it for the money.
Yeah, because playing for the Angels or Met’s is about playing for free concessions and stuff of that nature. Dur dude, money is pouring throughout the sport not just the Yanks.
Yeah and I take my “like” back. I hit that in error.
You cant take back your like, it was a gift
I hate the Yankees, and I hate the way they spend money, but this is just foolish…i never blame the players for taking the most money offered to them. i would.
i do blame the players that expect more than they are worth, however. an offer from the team is different than a request from a player.
I can totally understand why you would hate they way they spend money, I would much rather see the already rich owners get richer than giving the money to the guys that actually go out and play the game. Horrible..just horrible what they do.
actually i’d rather have them lose all of the corporate sponsorships and overpriced seating that it takes to make up for all the money spent on salary.
i don’t want to know the “BMW road to victory” or some crap…
Yeah and the fact they are a World Series contender every year has nothing to do with it right LOL!
Or the rings.
Or the rings.
Trying to maximize your pay =/= greedy. It would be greed if he hoarded all his money. Him wanting to make as much money as possible is intelligent on his part.
No he is coming off a 10 yrs 189 million contract. Pretty good if you ask me.
No he is coming off a 10 yrs 189 million contract. Pretty good if you ask me.
Please accept arbitration Jeter. Please please please.
Don’t get your hopes too high. That’s just the Yankees crossing their T”s and dotting the i’s.They will offer an overpayment at arbitration just the same as if he did indeed declare FA. If Jeter makes an outrageous bid, he loses. He won’t accept arbitration and the Yankess will settle with him without the process at big money.Gold Glove or not.
Interesting scenario… do you think the Yankees would offer Jeter a contract next year if he went to arbitration this year and got a big settlement?
Maybe John Henry and Theo should pay Lee a visit, which would result in the Yanks signing Lee quicker…You know that magical touch they have..:)
How the Yankees Lost Cliff Lee
** The Yankee crew at an early morning breakfast meeting with Cliff Lee:
Cashman (to waitress): What are these “grits” here on the menu?
Waitress: Waaalll, grits is… grits!
Cashman: All right. I’ll try one.
Cliff Lee: Walks out.
Cliff Lee: Walks out.
Only to be approached by Theo Epstein and the pink hat crew.
Cliff Lee: walks back in..
Cashman: Cliff what’s up?
Cliff Lee: No self respecting hillbilly would be caught dead wearing a pink hat…where do I sign.
“No self respecting hillbilly would be caught dead wearing a pink hat…where do I sign.”
Would make sense. I think the Yankees can and will sign him.
They can’t beat him so have to pay players so they won’t lose. They did it with Burnett, Randy Johnson and Sabathia.
I guess when you don’t have enough pride as a team to win on your own, why not just take out anyone who beats you.
Actually comparatively they did pretty well against RJ than most teams….Unless you mean 1995 and 2001 in the playoffs….Either way you sound jealous and bitter. And Sabathia, really? You think because of his 5 innings and 3 run performance in a Game 1 blowout a year earlier, the Yankees were so enamored they decided they had to have him? Why didn’t they sign Derek Lowe, Curt Schilling, Pedro Martinez, Brad Penny, John Lackey, Ervin Santana, or Kenny Rogers a second time?
You are assuming they didn’t try……..aren’t you?
Oh and I didn’t even include Carl Pavano.
Yanks like 1 of 2 types of players. Those that have proven they can compete and win in the AL East and players that have prven they can perform under the bright lights of post-season play. That’s the bottom line. CC was little different. He was a young horse that they needed after a long time of not having one.
Would make sense. I think the Yankees can and will sign him.
They can’t beat him so have to pay players so they won’t lose. They did it with Burnett, Randy Johnson and Sabathia.
I guess when you don’t have enough pride as a team to win on your own, why not just take out anyone who beats you.
Cliff Lee: Hold on Brian, that’s my wife Nancy on the phone….( answers phone)
Yes Dear
Nancy Lee: Cliff, we just landed in NY…remember when u said I should take that trip to NY with the kids to see if I could handle the big city ?
Cliff Lee: Yes dear…how do u like NY so far ?
Brian Cashman: ( sweating profusely )
Nancy Lee: Ok, I just got spit on again for asking for directions…then when i went on the train, this man playing mariachi music on the train asked me for some money so i gave him a 100 dollar bill, but it was really to shut him the fkuc up cuz he sucked…he spit on me and said i was a greedy bitkh….
Cliff Lee: Why are u asking for directions…baby I told u they is animals over there..and i gave u 5,000 dollars to give away to homeless people…why are u being a greedy bitkh
Nancy Lee: Animals don’t spit at me in Arkansas…they just bark and bite…these is what we call white trash……..I’m headed back on the first plane back…if u sign that contract…I’m gonna leave u for Billy Bob Thornton..
Cliff Lee: ( ponders decision )…Brian, can I get back to you next week…me and my wife are going to sit down and discuss this a little further…
Brian: Fine Cliff, just remember we will not wait forever for you to make a decision. We are the Yankees…we don’t wait for anyone..27 rings…u remember that…27 rings
we do have options…
Cliff: o really ? name one with an ERA under 5 ?
Brian: ( pause ) ….we can trade half our farm system for Zach Greinke…
Cliff: o u mean that nutcase who said he hated the smell of NY. u have a better chance of getting my wife to move to the Roosevelt projects in Spanish Harlem….I’ll see u later Brian…i got some phone calls to make
i hope you went to all that effort and get no likes.
i hope u dont judge urself by how many likes u get on mlbtraderumors…if u do, i suggest u get a new hobby..hopefully one that involves getting some ass-ets
i most certainly do not, but i also don’t try to be things i’m not. and you sir, are not funny.
Not amusing at all. If you’re going to attempt to write any kind of fiction with real life characters, try getting the names right. Mrs. Lee’s first name is Kristen, Dummy
sorry i got the name wrong…
i did no research ok..and who pee-ed in ur cheerios this morning?
WOw…I hope Cliff’s other wife Kristen has a better experience in NY than “Kathy” does. Whew……that first home game in the family room is going to be quite awkward.
CLiff Lee did spend much of his career in citys with outdoor plumbing, hwys and buildings bigger than 2 floors. Also, you would be surprised at how $140 mil can help you “tune” out those pesky city slickers. I’m sure the Yanks will throw perks at him as well if needed.
Extra parking spaces for the double wide.
Catering by Outback Steakhouse.
Clubhouse access for his pet pig “Baco”
Ppl need to stop acting as if Cliff Lee and family won’t be able to adapt. They’re not moving to Booklyn or the Bronx. They will live in an ultra exclusive suburb and when they do travel to the city it will be in a limo w/ VIP access. No one will be spitting or harrassing family members of the home team. She won’t be riding the #4 train or going thru the front gate.
hmmm…i dont know …NY’s public school system has been known to become a
factor in the past.
See?!!… when you take time to do homework you get better results. Good one.
( waving my fists in the air in triumph )
Yeah cause Cliff Lee’s kids will be going to Public School…Unless I’m missing a joke here…But judging by your Kathy Lee convo, I don’t think it was funny anyway:)
Mike Hampton
HA! Actually, I lied, I do think that’s funny. Hampton doesn’t get enough love ever since the Zito and Pavano deals.
I don’t see PS whatever in the future of any of Cliff Lee’s kids unless he simply wants to keep it “real” for them and expose them to “common folk”. My guess is wherever they go will involve a plush campus, uniforms and lots of horseback riding and chello recitals.
I would think if Lee is playing for the home team, his wife won’t be spit on by anyone regardless of how she travels…
Cliff Lee: Hold on Brian, that’s my wife Nancy on the phone….( answers phone)
Yes Dear
Nancy Lee: Cliff, we just landed in NY…remember when u said I should take that trip to NY with the kids to see if I could handle the big city ?
Cliff Lee: Yes dear…how do u like NY so far ?
Brian Cashman: ( sweating profusely )
Nancy Lee: Ok, I just got spit on again for asking for directions…then when i went on the train, this man playing mariachi music on the train asked me for some money so i gave him a 100 dollar bill, but it was really to shut him the fkuc up cuz he sucked…he spit on me and said i was a greedy bitkh….
Cliff Lee: Why are u asking for directions…baby I told u they is animals over there..and i gave u 5,000 dollars to give away to homeless people…why are u being a greedy bitkh
Nancy Lee: Animals don’t spit at me in Arkansas…they just bark and bite…these is what we call white trash……..I’m headed back on the first plane back…if u sign that contract…I’m gonna leave u for Billy Bob Thornton..
Cliff Lee: ( ponders decision )…Brian, can I get back to you next week…me and my wife are going to sit down and discuss this a little further…
Brian: Fine Cliff, just remember we will not wait forever for you to make a decision. We are the Yankees…we don’t wait for anyone..27 rings…u remember that…27 rings
we do have options…
Cliff: o really ? name one with an ERA under 5 ?
Brian: ( pause ) ….we can trade half our farm system for Zach Greinke…
Cliff: o u mean that nutcase who said he hated the smell of NY. u have a better chance of getting my wife to move to the Roosevelt projects in Spanish Harlem….I’ll see u later Brian…i got some phone calls to make
Hahahahaha….. I grew up around Little Rock. I would l.o.v.e. to be there to see Cashman & Co. show up. Talk about cultural disconnect!
Cashman grew up in Kentucky. He can probably fake a Southern accent. He’s signed guys like Burnett, Clemens, Pettite, and Swisher. I don’t think he’s afraid of Southerners.
he signed Swisher ???
Haha……ppl are acting as if the Yanks roster is comprisde of ppl born and raised in NY. In addition to those mentioned, Ron Guidry (Lafayette, LA), Willie Randolph and Brett Gardner (Holly Hill, SC), Catfish Hunter (Hertford, NC), Don Mattingly (Evansville, IN) and Mickey Mantle (Spavinaw, OK) are examples of country hicks that have adapted to the big city. I think today’s players are a lot more well repared than when we were literally plucking them off the farm.
Can you imagine Cashman trading in the Burbury hat, the D&G jean, the Prada shoes and the Clive Christian Cologne for a Stetson, Levi’s, a pair of Lucky Brand’s and English Leather cologne combo? Add in some “chewin’ tobaccy” to cement his hickness. Classic.
Next year Cliff Lee will be making at least 20 million per year from somebody. You won’t be seeing him at the corner drug store. With that type of income he can have his own jet to fly him home after each game weather he is in New York or not.
Special accomplishments meaning stuff he’s done in the past or stuff like 3,000 hits that he’ll get in the future?
BTW to answer your question, I think they mean stuff like 3,000 hits.
Jeter deserves house min. 15m 3yrs – Mo same but for 2yrs. – Lee just playing games will sign with Texas – Crawford to Angels. Yanks need to work on bullpen first. Could see Matt Garza or Edwin Jackson in Yanks rotation. three way trades
As a Red Sox fan, I would love to see Edwin Jackson in the Yankees rotation.
As a Jays fan, I am not going to miss watching Posada walk out to the mound every two batters. A game with him and Jose Molina catching felt like a slow marathon. I never really understood why he (more than most any other catcher I’ve watched) went out there so often. Maybe it was to give the impression that the ball he couldn’t cleanly glove was the result of a cross-up….?
Tough to catch with wearing 5 rings under your glove
easy to have 5 rings under your glove when you’re surrounded by superstars for your whole career.
haters gonna hate
Well nice to see Jorge Posada being told what the deal is, he needed a reality check.
Jorge is a 40 year old catcher next season, he can’t even catch consistently any longer, constantly getting injured the past couple of seasons and he seems unable to accept reality. He just can’t physically do it over the 162 game season.
You don’t have a guy like Montero not getting his chance when the kid has been an all star at A, AA and AAA
In 4 minor league seasons he has put together a .314 AVG, .371 OBP, .511 SLG, 58 HR and 251 RBI’s.
Its time Jorge get with the program and realize a talent like that is going to get the chance to play.
Basically, I am looking at Posada’s salary next season as one big interest payment for 15 years of work. Simple as that. He is a perfect back up catcher/DH and bench player. End o story and no big deal imo.
Basically, I am looking at Posada’s salary next season as one big interest payment for 15 years of work. Simple as that. He is a perfect back up catcher/DH and bench player. End o story and no big deal imo.
Pretty much sums it up.
Hey Bernie Williams left one day, that is the nature of aging.
What I find amazing is Posada seems to think he can still catch when all the evidence points to the fact that he can’t physically hold up any longer.
There is a reason why baseball history isn’t littered with 40 year old starting catchers.
I for one look forward to seeing Montero next season.
It is my sincere hope that this team can be formulated around a younger core of
Granderson (he played much better in the 2nd half and especially down the stretch, he could be one of those guys that has a better 2nd season than 1st, you see it quite often in baseball)
It is clear that guys like Jeter, Arod, Posada are on the other side of their careers to differing degrees.
Rivera is the only one to still seem to be at that peak level of his game.
I agree, Posada does still believe he can catch, but that’s the attitude you get from a winner. Yeah Rivera may have two more solid seasons left in him, but I must admit, in the unlikely event he is injured (upper body), you may see him hang it up sooner than later. I’d like to see him get to 600 saves, which is an entirely possible with 2 more seasons.
I agree, Posada does still believe he can catch, but that’s the attitude you get from a winner. Yeah Rivera may have two more solid seasons left in him, but I must admit, in the unlikely event he is injured (upper body), you may see him hang it up sooner than later. I’d like to see him get to 600 saves, which is an entirely possible with 2 more seasons.
betances? Swisher? Joba? you don’t consider then a young core?
ur joking right ?
well he listed Hughes and Granderson. . so seems like the players listed should have been on the list as well.
Hughes Yes….
Granderson…youth movement ??
i guess by yankee standards, 30 is a spring chicken..
its not my list, whine to him not me.
u included joba and swisher…hence the reason i asked if u were joking…
swisher is a 30 year old under contract for 1 more year, ( with a team option )
joba is damaged goods…and only has 2 more years before he hits free-agency himself….that would not be a part of anyone’s YOUTH movement or YOUNG CORE…
Compared to Johnny Damon, the player he essentially replaced? Throw in Brett Gardner? In 2008 the Yankees had three old outfielders, now they have three in their prime. That’s a youth movement.
…ummm…trading jose tabata for xavier nady…+ trading austin jackson for curtis granderson = youth movement ? only in yankee land.
Actually, Tabata was for Nady and Marte, and it was at the deadline when many thought the trade put them over the top in the East…They also doubted Tabata’s attitude and off-the-field issues with his girlfriend (or was it wife?). I’m still not convinced he would have done well in NY, but good luck to him in Pittsburgh.
Jackson for Granderson was a deal I wasn’t necessarily in support of, but either way putting Granderson and Gardner in the outfield compared to Damon and Jackson is still a youth movement in my book.
It adds stability and a known quantity in the outfield until at least the end of next season and then we see what the system looks like, the payroll looks like, and trades look like.
You can’t whine about the Yankees being old with three outfielders in their prime, New York will never have all 23 year olds, their goal at a maximum is to have as many guys in their prime at the same time. That’s what wins championships, having extremely young guys like Jackson is what rebuilding teams do, the Yankees can’t afford that luxury.
Anyway, point is go look at their team even two years ago. They’re older at third, short and closer but those are iconic players.
Cano is in his prime, Tex is in his prime, the entire outfield is in its prime, and the rotation, minus Pettitte if he returns, is in its prime.
The future big three (Lee, Sabathia, and Burnett) are on the wrong side of 30, but this won’t be like 2005ish when they had two 40 year olds, these guys are off the books before they turn 38.
And, of course, the bullpen has always been young of late minus Mo.
New York has a frightening amount of potential arms coming through the system and now starting to reach the upper levels…It will be interesting who they trade and who they hold on to, but as far as future “core”, I don’t think it’s something to worry about.
The Yankees are going to miss Austin Jackson almost as much as the Red Sox miss Hanley Ramirez.
betances? Swisher? Joba? you don’t consider then a young core?
Pretty much sums it up.
Hey Bernie Williams left one day, that is the nature of aging.
What I find amazing is Posada seems to think he can still catch when all the evidence points to the fact that he can’t physically hold up any longer.
There is a reason why baseball history isn’t littered with 40 year old starting catchers.
I for one look forward to seeing Montero next season.
It is my sincere hope that this team can be formulated around a younger core of
Granderson (he played much better in the 2nd half and especially down the stretch, he could be one of those guys that has a better 2nd season than 1st, you see it quite often in baseball)
It is clear that guys like Jeter, Arod, Posada are on the other side of their careers to differing degrees.
Rivera is the only one to still seem to be at that peak level of his game.
Correct me if I’m wrong but wern’t the Yankees seeing Montero as more of a 1B in the future due to poor defense?
I guess we’ll have to wait and see what happens…
I guess we’ll have to wait and see what happens…
That was before the drastic improvement this past year in his defense.
That was before the drastic improvement this past year in his defense.
Not until they try him out at catching first and foremost.
Guys like Mike Piazza and Victor Martinez aren’t known for their defensive skills but they more than make up for it with their bat
If this kid can hit the way he is predicted to hit, with raw power to all fields along with the fact that he hits breaking pitches as well, the Yankees will take their chances behind the plate, unless he is just atrocious on defense.
After all Posada was never Johnny Bench or Pudge when it came to defense.
Not until they try him out at catching first and foremost.
Guys like Mike Piazza and Victor Martinez aren’t known for their defensive skills but they more than make up for it with their bat
If this kid can hit the way he is predicted to hit, with raw power to all fields along with the fact that he hits breaking pitches as well, the Yankees will take their chances behind the plate, unless he is just atrocious on defense.
After all Posada was never Johnny Bench or Pudge when it came to defense.
Agree with just about all the above posts concerning Posada, except that he will catch more games than he did this past year. While he has never been a good defensive catcher and this year he was really atrocious, Montero will have to beat him for the job. Keep in mind that Posada still has a lot of juice in terms of respect from the organization, and a tremendous amount of pride, he’ll come in good condition with something to prove and with a chip on his shoulder. This year Posada took a large physical toll on the body, a torn calf muscle, the torn knee ligament , slightly broken toe, and servere concussed symptoms all added to his already deteriorating skills. That’s not an excuse, just a simple fact that contributed to the cliff dropping performance he displayed this year. The fact that he was informed that he will be primarily a DH will light a fire under him to go out on top.
He’s replacing posada.. the defensive bar won’t be out of reach.
He’s replacing posada.. the defensive bar won’t be out of reach.
Not that Montero will be any better on D but Yanks better bring him up and have a look at his bat. If he can’t do it, Cervy can play.
I laughed last week when I read on MLBTR that the Yankees wouldnt be interested in Crawford because their outfield for 2011 was set and they were happy with it. All of the Yankees attention would be on Lee the article said. Now, as expected, we are starting to hear otherwise.
The Yankees are like those pathetic people on the TV show Hoarders. They really dont need all the crap they buy but they just cant stop themselves from picking up another new trinket even though they already have a dozen of the same thing at home
Dude the Yankees are not signing Crawford, they are inquiring just like other teams will do that we will likely never hear of, but because its the Yankees it gets mentioned.
The Yankees have Gardner, Granderson and Swisher and Posada is DH’ing so unless they are trading one of those guys, Crawford is a non starter.
Truth be told the Yankees have bigger fish to fry than Carl Crawford.
Like resign Jeter and Rivera, starting pitching, bullpen and bench.
Crawford is likely going to the Angels or something like that.
Of course, it would have been a different story had Gardner hit like in 2008. But he improved drastically. He’s looking like a borderline all star hitting north of.280 and taking that many pitches. On top of the lineup, he could steal 80 bases as well.
He saved his job last year and the Yankees are very happy about it. He’s looking at a bright future.
Dude the Yankees are not signing Crawford, they are inquiring just like other teams will do that we will likely never hear of, but because its the Yankees it gets mentioned.
The Yankees have Gardner, Granderson and Swisher and Posada is DH’ing so unless they are trading one of those guys, Crawford is a non starter.
Truth be told the Yankees have bigger fish to fry than Carl Crawford.
Like resign Jeter and Rivera, starting pitching, bullpen and bench.
Crawford is likely going to the Angels or something like that.
Crawford will be an Angel
Crawford will be an Angel
Dude. I would venture to say that every GM will probably call about Crawford. I would take what Heyman, or any other reporter, might say w/ a grain of salt. I would expect the Red Sox to check in on Cliff Lee but it doesn’t mean they are in on him. Stop being so reactionary.
I know, signing Carlos Beltran when he was a FA, or Holliday last year, Or Lackey, or Cameron, or John Buck this year, or likely Crawford, OMG you’re the funniest!
Commenters like you are like Jay Leno, they tell jokes about two or three years out of date.
Wait Carl Crawford is crap?
I laughed last week when I read on MLBTR that the Yankees wouldnt be interested in Crawford because their outfield for 2011 was set and they were happy with it. All of the Yankees attention would be on Lee the article said. Now, as expected, we are starting to hear otherwise.
The Yankees are like those pathetic people on the TV show Hoarders. They really dont need all the crap they buy but they just cant stop themselves from picking up another new trinket even though they already have a dozen of the same thing at home
They dont even need Crawford but then again when did the Yankees ever consider “need” its what they “want” that matters.
Really? Give me a big name over the last 10 or so years that they have signed that they didn’t “need’. You can make a case for them throwing money around, but its always been for positions they NEED to fill.
oh you mean like when they brought in a star SS even though they had Derek Jeter?
Except the star SS was not brought in to play SS, he was brought in to fill a NEED…besides the fact that they TRADED for him, so in essence, you did not answer the question.
I was merely just making a joke… but regardless this is a stupid argument
every team tries to get better, every team NEEDS all stars.
Except the star SS was not brought in to play SS, he was brought in to fill a NEED…besides the fact that they TRADED for him, so in essence, you did not answer the question.
oh you mean like when they brought in a star SS even though they had Derek Jeter?
they didn’t “need” mark texiera when they had swisher to play 1b and Damon, Matsui, Cabrera, and Gardner to play in the outfield.
there are plenty of trades they’ve made that have increased their payroll and increased their talent that they didn’t “need”
that being said, that’s all subjective…any team “needs” the best player at each position. only a few select teams can actually afford that.
Swisher was hitting .219/.332/.410 when he was acquired. Yanks THOUGHT he would rebound but it was by no means a given. COnsidering that he wasn’t even our starting RF/LF in 2009 says a lot. He was the 4th OF’er losing his job to Nady, Gardner and Damon. Could the Yanks have gotten by w/o Tex? Probably? Should they have sought to improve a position where the incumbent hit .219/.322? Absolutely.
right – my point exactly. “need” is subjective. most teams are going to set a budget and get the best they can get at that budget. the yankees, thought “this isn’t good enough, let’s spend more money” and ended up with a better team (and a world series ring).
Damon and Matsui were in walk years and Melky was a mixed bag…Even if Swisher was the first baseman, the Yankees had 86 million coming off the books, an aging team and no outfielders in the system except Austin Jackson (since Tabata had just been traded), and even he “struck out” too much.
It would have been irresponsible for Cashman NOT to acquire Teixeira under a reasonable contract, which he did.
again – it’s all relative. this year Damon, Matsui, Cabrera, Jackson, and Nady all started for their teams…every other’s teams treasure is the yankee’s trash, i guess.
They dont even need Crawford but then again when did the Yankees ever consider “need” its what they “want” that matters.
Edwin Jackson in the Yankees rotation is TERRIBLE!!!
If no Lee, then go for De La Rosa and Kurdoa
If they go trade route, I’d love for them to look at Josh Johnson. It seems like he is the best pitcher nobody talks about. If not, a couple of other guys out there that I’d like to see in pinstripes could be Billingsly, Sanchez, or Lowe.
De La Rosa
Josh Johnson, to get him the Yankees would have to give a King’s ransom and Florida would have to be willing to deal him, neither of which is a likely case.
Realistically its Lee or some one of the other low level pitchers on the market, if they sign Lee and Andy to return we are looking at
if Andy doesn’t return its
I forgot about Nova, good call. I liked his stuff from the small sample size I saw. The only issue with him will probably be some sort of inning limit…
Nova pitched a combined 187 IP last year. he’s stretched out enough. In fact I think the Yanks overused him some last year. After pitching him 145 IP @ AAA I was a little shocked they pitched him as much as he did and I think his velocity and crispness of his pitched faded by the 4th or 5th IP because of a tired arm. I hope they didn’t damage him. His previous season highs were 139 IP in 2009 and 148 IP in 2008.
Mitre could come in the mix for 5th if Andy retires. He’s a few years away from Tommy John surgery and his arm was much better.
Mitre is terrible…
I can live with either of those scenario’s but I would slide AJ ahead of Hughes.
Yep, because the Dodgers have a bounty of SPs they could deal, right?
Yeah…just like they have a ton of money too….right?
Really Mike? The Dodgers are going to pay Ted Lilly $11 million a year, but doing so will cause them to have to deal a guy who will probably get a raise to about $6 million? I know the occasional Yankees fan feels he is entitled to other teams’ players to fill holes, but at least consider why the other team would not deal said player.
From everything I have heard, I was amazed the Dodgers even sign Lilly. They keep saying that this divorce with the McCourts is limiting the Dodgers offseason and they are cash strapped. The Dodgers are a mess and I am not entitled as a Yankee fan, just looking for a bargain. Plus a deal of Romie/Montero, Gardner, Brackman/Nova seems like they would not just be giving him away type thing.
Yep, because the Dodgers have a bounty of SPs they could deal, right?
De La Rosa is AJ 2.0 waiting to happen. I also find it funny that you put AJ/Kuroda as the #5 as if AJ will be anywhere other than a Yankee next year.
Edwin Jackson in the Yankees rotation is TERRIBLE!!!
If no Lee, then go for De La Rosa and Kurdoa
If they go trade route, I’d love for them to look at Josh Johnson. It seems like he is the best pitcher nobody talks about. If not, a couple of other guys out there that I’d like to see in pinstripes could be Billingsly, Sanchez, or Lowe.
De La Rosa
I would love to see Jeter back with the Yanks… Starting a light-hitting SS with no range and no arm would be amazing to play against
gold glove
+ 1
he didn’t even crack the top-20 in the SS fielding bible voting
Dude, seriously, you’re fighting a losing battle on this one..
The voting doesn’t differentiate the leagues. Each voter is required to rank 10 shortstops. This year, 20 shortstops received at least one point in the voting. Jeter wasn’t one of them
The voting doesn’t differentiate the leagues. Each voter is required to rank 10 shortstops. This year, 20 shortstops received at least one point in the voting. Jeter wasn’t one of them
he didn’t even crack the top-20 in the SS fielding bible voting
gold glove
How many AL teams are running something better out there? He was still 3rd among AL SS in WAR.
thats because he only has the range to get to a limited number of batted-balls, 6 AL SS’s had more total chances than Jeter. That means 6 SS’s simply have better range.
WAR is an offense+defense stat, not just defense. Also, using total chances to determine defensive abilities is a poor, poor choice. While I see your logic in more chances equals more range, but that would assume all things equal. If one team strikes out more hitters, that’s less opportunities. A SS cannot control how many balls he gets hit his way, so one could have more total chances yet have less range (a plethora of balls hit at one guy vs a scarce amount of balls hit in the hole).
Good call. Just one thing that gets overlooked with this imperfect voting process. The Voters are the managers and coaches of each league. I would think they would have a better clue as to what they see compared to just reviewing stats.
Good call. Just one thing that gets overlooked with this imperfect voting process. The Voters are the managers and coaches of each league. I would think they would have a better clue as to what they see compared to just reviewing stats.
Exactly, same for fly ball pitchers, ala Burnett, Vazquez, Hughes. All I’m sure had pretty bad GB/FB%
Yet Cano led all of baseball in TC, PO, Assists and DP but yet was called below avg according to UZR but a top 5 guy by Bill James. COnsidering how many FB pitchers the Yanks had Cano would either be a psychic or lucky to just be in the right place to field a ball.
That’s debatable. I wrote a piece on the use of UZR among IF and the glaring inconsististencys that I saw. TC and put out % adds a lot more context to fielding than UZR does. No way Tex should be a -2.9 and Adam Dunn a -3.1. Also, When you compare the top 5 SS in Innings (roughly….Pennington, Ramirez, Andrus, Jeter and ????) Jeter had considerably fewer TC (about 150-200) than the other two, although he had the fewest ER as well. Yet, Andrus who is widely considered to be a top SS in terms of range, only had a UZR of about (roughly) 0.1 I think. UZR is very flawed when it applies to IF’ers. Much better when used for OF’ers.
For tc to have any kind of context you have to assume that each player has a very similar amount of gb hit their way in a similar difficulty throughout the year. That’s a ridiculous leap of faith to take to form a solid opinion. For instance, Pennington was in the field for ~100 more PAs where a ball was put in play, keep this in mind because popups and lineouts also attribute to these numbers. 1808 of the batters that came to the plate with Pennington at SS hit groundballs, vs 1708 hitters who hit groundballs with Jeter at SS (A’s had more GBs and the Yankees had more strikeouts). Then there is the fact that since RHB are more likely to hit a groundball to SS, you have to look at the differences there. 3397 RHBs came up with Pennington at SS (62%) vs Jeter having 3086 RHB come to the plate with him at SS (56%). Just generically looking at those numbers without context skews things moreso than the reality.
thats because he only has the range to get to a limited number of batted-balls, 6 AL SS’s had more total chances than Jeter. That means 6 SS’s simply have better range.
How many AL teams are running something better out there? He was still 3rd among AL SS in WAR.
I would love to see Jeter back with the Yanks… Starting a light-hitting SS with no range and no arm would be amazing to play against
Would make sense. I think the Yankees can and will sign him.
They can’t beat him so have to pay players so they won’t lose. They did it with Burnett, Randy Johnson and Sabathia.
I guess when you don’t have enough pride as a team to win on your own, why not just take out anyone who beats you.
This is perhaps one of the most moronic statements I’ve heard from a yankee hater in quite sometime. Based off your logic, any team who signs a
Has nothing to do with “hating” the Yanks. What I said was fact.
Do they not go and get the players that beat them?
name another instance.
Maybe beating them implies that those players did extremely well against them and therefore the Yankees saw how good they can be and wanted that skill on their team?
No, it must be because they can’t “beat” them…
This is perhaps one of the most moronic statements I’ve heard from a yankee hater in quite sometime. Based off your logic, any team who signs a
This isn’t little league, its a business…what reality did you live in?
Would make sense. I think the Yankees can and will sign him.
They can’t beat him so have to pay players so they won’t lose. They did it with Burnett, Randy Johnson and Sabathia.
I guess when you don’t have enough pride as a team to win on your own, why not just take out anyone who beats you.
Anyone who really believes anywhere in their brain that Cliff Lee is not going to sign with the New York Yankees is either just kidding themselves or a fan of the Texas Rangers and really prays he stays in Texas. The fact is Texas will come with a 5yr 100 million offer and the Yankees will come back with 6yr 130 million and thats when you see on ESPN….BREAKING NEWS…..Cliff Lee and the New York Yankees have just agreed on a 6 yrs 130 million contract off. Cliff Lee is a New York Yankee.
I think one of the biggest keys, outside of course the MONEY obviously, is the fact that Sabathia is there and Lee is not even going to be needed to be the leading MAN
I would also have mentioned Burnett being from the South and pitching here, but he is such a headcase that he is not worth much as a recruiter.
In that case its the fact that Lee could possibly be surrounded by Sabathia and Pettitte in the rotation, if Andy returns for another season.
As we can tell Lee is a guy that likes to be comfortable and nothing is more comfortable than pitching between two pitchers of that quality.
What you see as a biggest key outside of money, I potentially see as a downfall,
I mean if I’m cliff, maybe I want to be the head hauncho. The guy clearly kicks it up a notch under pressure. I don’t know if he wants to come somewhere and be a #2, start game 2 of the playoffs etc ..
Now i think Lee is better then CC, but CC has been on the team now, won a world series, theres no chance he doesn’t start the first game of every play off series..
Maybe Cliff wants to be the leader of the pact, like he was in Texas. He seemed to fit in that role nicely, just ask CJ
I don’t buy that. He’s pals with CC, wants insane money and wants to win a ring.
he told you?
CC is his only friend in the world? and NY is the only place to win a ring?
Combine all factors with the probability that the Yanks will likely make the highest offer due to their desperation, it’s pretty much a shoe-in. Where else do you have a chance to win every year, get the most money and pitch with a bunch of highly liked and respected veterans including your pal?
All I’m saying is that if the Yankees weren’t a contender ( or as much as a guarantee) and if CC wasn’t on the team. Cliff Lee would still go to the yankees..
If texas offers him 7/150 to yankees 5/100, do you think he’s going to say oh well CC’s there, whats 50 million anyways. yaaa no.
He’s going to be a yankee, and he’s going to be a yankee for 1 reason and 1 reason only $$$$
Partly agree. Actually, I mainly agree. But there are exceptions. Teixeira would be a National of money was the only thing…
Agreed, but Tex isn’t Cliff. Doc signed for a bargain 3 year deal because he just wants a chance at a ring. Its been well documented that Lee doesn’t have that mentality.
I firmly believe that if the nationals or rangers get silly and start getting in to 7 or 8 year talks the yankees will walk away from the table.
I’d assume their ceiling is higher than Texas who will likely keep money for Hamilton and Wilson in the next few years. I can’t see anyone going over 7 years.
like i said, you never know a team might get silly
“As we can tell Lee is a guy that likes to be comfortable and nothing is more comfortable than pitching between two pitchers of that quality.”
As well as those six or eight runs the Yanks will score for him every game…
you never know.. The yankees have been pretty upfront about how badly they want Lee… If i’m Lee’s agent I’m going to try to fleece the Yankees first and foremost, desperation costs dollars.. So perhaps when the yankees come back with a 6/130 Cliff’s rep say, Texas just offered us 7/150… and maybe at a certain point the yankees say screw this.
you never know.. The yankees have been pretty upfront about how badly they want Lee… If i’m Lee’s agent I’m going to try to fleece the Yankees first and foremost, desperation costs dollars.. So perhaps when the yankees come back with a 6/130 Cliff’s rep say, Texas just offered us 7/150… and maybe at a certain point the yankees say screw this.
Anyone who really believes anywhere in their brain that Cliff Lee is not going to sign with the New York Yankees is either just kidding themselves or a fan of the Texas Rangers and really prays he stays in Texas. The fact is Texas will come with a 5yr 100 million offer and the Yankees will come back with 6yr 130 million and thats when you see on ESPN….BREAKING NEWS…..Cliff Lee and the New York Yankees have just agreed on a 6 yrs 130 million contract off. Cliff Lee is a New York Yankee.
Lee is just using the Yankees to get more money elsewhere.
Well either one of 2 things can happen he signs for the Yankees or he signs elsewhere, either way the games will go on.
Even as a Yankee fan I’m weary of another long term contract being given out.
But there isn’t anyone better on the market to fill the SP need the Yankees have.
The Yankees will make it known they want him in pinstripes, the rest is up to him
Lee….. $125M/5yrs…
Jeter… $ 80M/4yrs..
Mariano. $ 45M/3yrs
V-Mart.. $ 70M/4yrs.
total ……$ 320M/16yrs…. or,
$20,000,000 ave. per man..per year
Lets hope!
God i hope not….too many years and too many dollars for Jeter…Too many years for Rivera…i don’t think you predicted enough years for Lee…but i hope your right…and the Yanks are absolutely not going after another defensively challenged catcher…If you would have said John Buck i would have said ok…
TEE will sign V-mart so BoSox can’t have him…. all years guaranteed for all……
where did people get the impression that John Buck is a good defensive catcher?
V-Mart? Why? We’re trying to get Montero up, not keep him down for 4 more years! Evidently unless they use him as trade bait, but according to your plan, they wou’ldn’t have any holes to fill!
That is the plan… and to keep V-mart out of Boston
‘unless they use him as trade bait’
montero has been offered up like a stick of gum
V-Mart isn’t happening, they won’t block Montero for anything other than a short contract and defensive-minded. In other words, they won’t block Montero.
I could see Lee at least around that range, Jeter won’t be more than the 3/60 that was leaked….I really think 3/45 is realistic…Marianio is probably coming back on a two year deal, he said during his last contract two years would have gotten it done, no reason to go longer this time around..
Total: 200 million/10 years….Or,
50-55 million per year for two years…
Why wouldn’t the Yankees go out and get John Buck…Monetero’s defense is better than Posada’s no doubt but he still would rank in the bottom in terms of defense at this time…the Yanks should put him in triple-A for at least 2 1/2 months and let him work on his defense…then if he looks better then they can trade Buck…this could get them some pitching going into the allstart break…and Yes i do think the Yanks will get Cliff Lee but i hope he doesn’t get more than 23 mill a year and no matter what i hope he doesn’t get 7 years…because i believe the Rangers are going to go hard after Lee so the bidding could get rediculous…
Why wouldn’t the Yankees go out and get John Buck…Monetero’s defense is better than Posada’s no doubt but he still would rank in the bottom in terms of defense at this time…the Yanks should put him in triple-A for at least 2 1/2 months and let him work on his defense…then if he looks better then they can trade Buck…this could get them some pitching going into the allstart break…and Yes i do think the Yanks will get Cliff Lee but i hope he doesn’t get more than 23 mill a year and no matter what i hope he doesn’t get 7 years…because i believe the Rangers are going to go hard after Lee so the bidding could get rediculous…
I would love to see Lee work with a lot of our young pitchers, even work with Hughes and help him elevate to that next level as a pitcher. He has so much potential and I would say the same for Ivan Nova. He seems like the type of guy that the younger pitchers can really latch onto for knowledge and info. Pick up everyone’s pitching game. Sometimes you have to think about the effect this guy can have on your whole bullpen/rotation, not just what he can accomplish as a lone pitcher.
Why would Cliff have any more influence over the bullpen and rotation then CC and Andy would have already had. Its not like the yankee pitchers have been starved of the influence of smart veteran pitchers.
Where in my post did I state that they currently have no source for information or knowledge? From seeing how he helped CJ Wilson and how a lot of the young pitchers of Texas like him, I think he would be a good addition and help them mature as well. What too many veterans? Do you need find negativity in every response I make, are you that bored?
Because you make no sense. you are saying sometimes you have to think about the effect this guy can have on your whole bullpen/rotation. . but the yankees already have accomplished veterans there to lead the way, who better then Andy.
Where as before Lee went to texas who else was going to have an influence over CJ? So your comment makes perfect sense if you are talking about Texas, Nats, or other teams with out accomplished veterans already on staff. It makes Zero sense when he’s going to a team with Mariano Rivera, CC Sabathia and Andy Pettite.
Don’t get lippy with me just because you know you’re wrong.
I take it you don’t read what you write before you hit the “Post as” button. Really guy? First you want to argue with me about how I feel about a certain player which in and off itself is just a mentally challenged thing to do. Now you’re making a big deal about the fact I like Cliff Lee not only for his skills as a pitcher but also as a veteran who can help improve our younger pitchers. Sorry, must have missed the part in this article about Mo, CC, and Petite, didn’t realize we were talking about everyone on the Yankees pitching staff here. Get a clue guy, my comment is directly related to CLIFF LEE as a pitcher and what he can bring to the organization besides an increase in payroll and starting rotation stability. Stop trying to twist what I am posting as this huge deal that requires you to write 3 paragraphs of nothing. So I am wrong in assuming Cliff Lee will be a good influence for our younger pitchers? You must be very simple.
lol okay buddy, simmer down… you come on here post your opinions that make no sense, but then have a nervous break down when someone questions you on it and you’re forced to defend yourself.
Whatever helps you sleep at night, lol.
I wonder if the upfron approach to Posada regarding him being the DH is a subtle statement being made to other vets like Jeter and Arod that they will be moved soon as well if their defense begins to hurt the team. IF Montero can hold his own (being no worse than Posada and show gradual improvement) then maybe the next step is to move Jeter to 3B in 2012 and slide Arod to DH when Posada retires?
You’re reading too much in to it, preparations differ if you have to report to camp as a catcher (what he was previously told) or as a DH..
He is have surgery today, its just there way of saying hey don’t rush the process, you’re going to DH anyways.
I think it’s more than that. I think this will be his last year as a Yankee. He will probably catch some games next year but it won’t be more than 40 probably.
The Yanks would love for Jeter to accept arbitration, even if he gets a big reward. One more year = more evidence of declining skills, putting them in a better position to sign him next year.